Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 883

Kunta was just about to push the door in when he saw the door open by himself, but he saw that girl Tianping came out calmly with no inch on her.

Manda could not help sighing in the room that her actions were too childish. How could such a small matter threaten her? I underestimate the God of creation.

Kunta opened the last page of the scroll, this time with only one candle.

Manda said, "can you see a picture with a candle? It\'s too simple."

"Simplicity is simple, but you can\'t watch it for too long."

"What happens if you look too long?"

"Will be lost."

It\'s a little scary. Can you see the loss by looking at a picture?

Kunta measured the distance and put the candle between Manda and the scroll.

"Stare at the candle, don\'t look at the picture scroll, let the picture scroll become the background of the candle, that\'s it."

This painting is different from the simple painting style in the past. The lines of the picture are messy and dense, as if I had seen a three-dimensional painting in a previous life.

Manda stared at the candle for a while. The picture behind the candle began to move, and the messy picture began to be further distorted. All the lines were broken into small dots. Countless small dots moved randomly without need on the picture, that is, the snowflakes on the TV screen, which made people dizzy.

But after a while, the picture changed.

The speed of the dots slowed down. They seemed to lose power. With the inertia moving for a while, they began to stop gradually.

In the process of stillness, Manda saw a very strange scene, and the random moving dots stopped at random.

But after stopping, the dots formed a neat queue.

Horizontally and vertically, it can be seen from Manda\'s strong observation force that the distance between all small points is completely consistent.

How can such a neat arrangement be formed after disorderly and random movement?

Is this the natural law of the world, or the ideal and expectation of the author of this book?

Manda was distracted. Kunta quickly put out the candle, and the picture scroll returned to the original messy lines.

"You didn\'t stare at the candle just now. It\'s very dangerous for you to stare at the picture!"

Manda rubbed her sour eyes: "it\'s really hard to control. I\'m attracted by the picture."

In Manda\'s view, the author of the book of the wise must be Cronus. What about the author of the book of the giant?

It should also be Cronus.

Will there be an answer in him?

Late at night, Manda got into Cronus\'s bedroom. Cronus was lying quietly in bed with a hood on his head.

Not awake?

If she didn\'t wake up, Manda was trying to see his true face.

When he came to this world, the first God he knew was neither Hermes nor Typhon. It was this second-generation God King pretending to be a ghost.

At the end of huangquan Road, Manda always wanted to see his true face.

Her heart beat faster and her breath was short. Manda\'s face turned red.

He gently pinched Cronus\'s hood and was about to open it when Rhea suddenly came in.

Manda quickly took her hand back. Rhea opened her eyes and said, "what are you doing?"

Manda shook her head. "Do nothing."

Rhea\'s eyes widened and Manda\'s face reddened.

Does she have any misunderstanding? Manda really just wanted to see Cronus\'s face and didn\'t want to take off his clothes.

"I just came to see him. He has given me a lot of help."

With a basin of water, Rhea squatted beside Cronus and carefully wiped his wound: "he told me about you. Many times, your woman stole the slate. I know this, but he told me not to investigate. There is also the land of forgiveness, which he asked me to send to you."

Despite his purpose, Cronus is very kind to Manda.

Unfortunately, the purpose can\'t be thrown away. Manda really can\'t show any gratitude to Cronus.

From the wooden house next door came the cry of girl Tianping: "Rhea, come and wait on me to take a bath!"

Didn\'t she wash it? How many times a day?

Ruiya didn\'t dare to ask more. She got up to go, but she was worried to see Manda here.

Manda got up and said, "I should go, too. It\'s hard for you. I\'ll call some people to take care of him for you."

Rhea shook her head and said, "he is very wary. I don\'t want others to disturb him. I can take good care of him. When he recovers, he will leave. I don\'t have much time to take care of him."

Manda left the wooden house of Cronus and came to the border of zuoyuxing mountain, where cleus was still repairing the barrier.

His skills are really superb. In places with dense loopholes, Manda will stick up one barrier after another, like hanging a large soap bubble.

But cleus did not know what means he had used, and there was almost no trace on the barrier he had repaired.

Manda brought two cans of wine and two roast chickens, ate a chicken leg and took a big sip of wine. Cleus said, "if you want me to do anything, just say it."

"Help me fix the barrier. That\'s almost it."

"It\'s far away," cleus shook his head. "I\'ll help you make another barrier, and then let kaerke perform witchcraft between the two barriers, so it\'s difficult for others to find the seven star mountain."

Manda took a sip of wine and said, "what\'s the relationship between you and kalke?"

"She\'s a Cronus believer. I\'m Cronus\'s brother. That\'s all."

"With such a relationship, you created Aiyou island for her?"

"Kalke created a completely different power, a power between order and disorder. Witchcraft is another interpretation of the world. I should protect witchcraft and those who have witchcraft."

Manda smiled: "is this what Cronus said or what you said?"

"What\'s the difference? When we change the world together, we have the same aspirations."

"Can you tell me about the world before it was changed and what the disordered world was like?"

"Tell? I\'m afraid it will take days and nights. I\'m too lazy to tell you. I\'d better show you. These memories haven\'t been turned out for a long time, and I don\'t know how much is left."

With a wave of his hand, the God of celestial bodies showed a picture in the air.

Manda is no stranger to a scene. Athena\'s first-order technique is to present what she has experienced with such a picture.

A dense forest appears in the picture, and a burly giant comes out of the forest.

"Is this a mortal or a God?"

"Mortal, is a woman."

Manda really can\'t see that this is a woman. She\'s too tall.

"Were the mortals of that era so big? The woman was taller than the tree next to her."

"It\'s not a tree, it\'s just a wormwood. This woman is not tall, not as tall as you."

"How could..." Manda looked carefully. It was really a Artemisia, but why did even Artemisia look so tall?

Manda realized one thing. This is cleus\'s perspective. In his perspective, Artemisia is really not short.

The woman had no clothes and her dark skin was full of mud. She shook her disheveled hair, raised a piece of dust, walked to a man and bowed down slowly.

What is this?

A man dances hard in front of a woman, showing off his size from time to time.

The woman walked and crawled around the man, and seemed very satisfied with the man\'s dance.

In the following scene, Manda was familiar with the success of the courtship ceremony.

The two married and lived a shameless life.

Cleus said, "this is the mortal before the birth of order. You must be very surprised to see it."

It\'s not surprising that this is the normal way of life of primitive people. Manda is also a person with higher education, which is not surprising.

But the next scene was a little shocking.

The woman is pregnant and about to give birth. The man lies in the cave and does nothing.

It seems that the male primitive people of this period did not have the instinct to support their families.

The woman was about to have a baby, and the man fell asleep.

When the child was born, the woman held the child with a happy smile and stoned the man to death.

Then she began to eat men\'s meat.

Manda trembled violently, and clius smiled: "To survive and multiply, Gaia created mortals, but they are no different from other creatures, even more barbaric. It can\'t be said that they are wrong. If the woman doesn\'t eat her husband, she can\'t survive. Men stay in the cave, driven by instinct, and become food for women. For them, the meaning of food is higher than everything, and they are also different Food for the living. "

The picture changed again. The woman\'s child had become a seven or eight year old boy. The woman drove him out of the cave.

It seems that the boy must leave his mother\'s territory and live alone.

The boy left, and the woman was not sad. She lay down in the cave and continued to sleep.

A bipedal animal came in, with short forelimbs, long tail and pointed head.

Cleus said with a smile, "I haven\'t seen such creatures. This is the legendary dragon. They really existed and now exist. In the blood waterfall continent, there is still their world, but it\'s different from the dragon you understand."

The same, and Manda\'s understanding is the same.

This is a coelomosaur. Manda is very familiar with it. Because this guy is not much different from humans, he often becomes Manda\'s prey.

This coelomosaur is a bit strong. It should be an adult female dragon. It slowly approached the woman and bit off half of the woman\'s body in one bite.

"See, the disordered world is like this. Whether mortals exist or not has no impact on the world. They are just the most ordinary members of the world,

The gods are the same, because they can\'t get any faith. They don\'t think they are ordinary, but in the eyes of the living creatures, they are just powerful predators. "

Manda asked, "why do you use Athena\'s skills?"

"This is my original skill. I don\'t know who Athena learned it from later."

"You saw all this with your own eyes?"

"Yes, in fact, these things didn\'t happen to the same person, but I can piece together the stories I want to tell. After Cronus established the rules, he thought seeing is believing and can\'t tamper at will. Therefore, he stipulated that this skill can only present real pictures. I didn\'t bother to pay attention to his rules. Order is a good thing, but not all things are affected by order The bondage of. "

In the last picture, the boy came back. Manda didn\'t know why he came back. Cleus was also very strange: "it\'s reasonable that he shouldn\'t come back, but I should have seen it with my own eyes, but I can\'t remember clearly."

The boy returned to the cave and didn\'t see his mother, but he wasn\'t sad. He squatted in the cave in a quiet daze. That\'s the end of the picture.

Cleus took a drink, got up and said, "it\'s over. I should do my job."

He continued to mend the barrier, and Manda was lost in thought.

Why did a man live to 82 in Jurassic?

Who was this man born?

Is there really only one person in Jurassic?