Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 884

The end of huangquan road is a fog that can never see the end.

Manda stood on the edge of the cliff, her eyes wide open, trying to see the ghost\'s face clearly.

The ghost was wearing a hood, hung his head, and said in a low voice that was almost indistinguishable: "you know the rules, eighty-two years, three wishes and one problem."

Manda was stunned. Why did she return to the day of reincarnation?

"Make your wish quickly. You don\'t have much time."

What happened?

The world of the gods, origino continent, Roma road country, seven star mountain, Claude Sai family... Have I left the original world?

The ghost hurried, "make your wish quickly and don\'t linger."

As soon as Manda smiled and howled, the surrounding fantasy disappeared in an instant.

There is no huangquan road. He is still on the Seven Star Mountain and he is still in the wooden house. The only real thing is Cronus standing in front of him at the moment.

Cronus woke up, perhaps already. He sneaked into the cabin while Manda was asleep and performed this illusion. Unfortunately, he didn\'t succeed.

Manda\'s perception is only slightly inferior to Hermes, and means such as magic can\'t calculate him at all.

They stood face to face. Manda was not afraid. He knew that Cronus\'s injury had not fully recovered. Manda was sure of his hard steel.

"Do you think the world is real now?" Cronus asked.

"It\'s very real," Manda replied simply and concisely.

"Even if it\'s extremely real, what does it have to do with you? You don\'t belong to the world at all."

"I don\'t think so," Manda shook her head and smiled. "I think I belong to this world. This world is more suitable for me than any world I\'ve been in."

"Suitable for you? Don\'t you miss your previous life? I can take you back. Your mission here has been completed. I won\'t treat you badly. You can take your divine power and divinity back to your world, continue to be an immortal God, and continue to enjoy the respect and belief of the world."

"It\'s not up to you. I said that the world is best for me. I just want to stay here."

The resolute attitude made Cronus speechless. He wanted to use strength, but he was not sure.

"You don\'t know what the meaning of your coming to this world is. Now I tell you the truth. Don\'t be sad, don\'t despair, don\'t hate me. Sometimes the truth is so cruel.

After I was born, you have heard some stories. My mother is persistent in creation and my father is persistent in destruction. There are constant struggles between them,

I grew up under the torture and devastation of my father. Every time I face my father, I have to worry about one thing. Will he kill me, just as he easily killed my other brothers and sisters. "

Manda tilted her head and said, "Uranus doesn\'t seem to have killed his children. All twelve titans are alive."

"Because we survived, including the giants born to him and his mother. Some of those who did not survive were killed, some fell to death, some were kneaded into meat by him, and some were eaten alive by him,

In the disordered world, Uranus has no concept of family affection and does not accept any constraints. He rules the world completely by instinct. Everything created by his mother is food and playthings in Uranus\'s eyes. He can destroy or destroy at will. Even if his mother resists, he will only be beaten by him,

So mother placed her hope of resistance on us, but we were very cowardly. What we were best at was shaking in front of our father, and the only one who had the courage to resist him was me,

But I didn\'t have the power to defeat Uranus, so my mother found his creator - CAOS. The soul of CAOS is still in the world. He gave my mother a gift, which is also his tool to destroy his body, an invincible sickle. "

Manda didn\'t understand: "why did CAOS destroy his body?"

"I don\'t know this. I can\'t understand most of Kaus\'s ideas, but I learned valuable wisdom from him. He taught me the way to defeat my father. After defeating my father, I became his believer."

"Can gods also become believers of gods?"

"At that time, there was no concept of gods and mortals, because there was no difference between mortals and beasts. The original rules were also formulated for mortals to distinguish mortals from beasts, because mortals were the most exquisite life created by their mother. I think they should have a different identity,

So I created the first set of order for them, the order of survival, and then copied this set of order to the gods and everything. I constantly transformed the wisdom learned from CAOS into new rules, but I didn\'t expect that it finally angered CAOS. CAOS wanted the world to return to disorder. However, my mother and my brother joined hands to restore him It\'s sealed. "

Part on Olympia and part on earth, Libra has found these memories and told Manda.

Cronus then said, "since then, no one has stopped me from creating order. My brother cleus and I began to transform the world according to order, but after a period of time, I found that all rules have loopholes. To fill the loopholes, we need to formulate new rules, new rules and new loopholes, which is a cycle without solution,

After leaving the guidance of CAOS, I found that I had run out of talent. I needed to learn, but I didn\'t know who to learn from. Later, my mother told me that I could learn from taltaltalos, who still retained part of CAOS\'s wisdom.

But it is not so easy to find taltaltalos. His world is surrounded by dense barriers. My brother cleus patiently studied these barriers until he mastered the use method of the barriers, but because of my impatience, I directly split the barriers with a sickle,

Later, I found that this barrier did not lead to the abyss of Tartarus, but to another world, that is, the world that really belongs to you,

There are gods, mortals and your own order in that world. The God King of that world is called Haotian God. He is the master of everything. I want to learn a new order from him. "

Manda answered, "so you became a promising ghost."

"Don\'t tell such silly jokes. How could a ghost get a chance to see Haotian God? I directly showed him my identity. He gave me due respect and courtesy, and was willing to learn from each other\'s world order."

Manda was surprised, "you said you were the God King of another world, and he believed it?"

Cronus said, "I didn\'t think so much at the beginning. Now I want to come. I\'m afraid Haotian God has seen many gods in other worlds. I\'m not the first or the last. Now the entrance to that world is still there. As long as you like, I can send you back at any time."

Manda said, "finish your story. Maybe I\'ll think about it. So far, I don\'t think your story has anything to do with me."

Cronus sighed, "I have gained a lot in your world, but I have also paid a price."

Manda said, "you offended Haotian God. He punished you to be a ghost?"

"That\'s not true."

"In order to let you study better, so let you go to hell to experience life, so let you be a ghost?"


"You think the rules of the underworld are very interesting, so you asked to be a ghost?"

"Why are you always obsessed with ghosts?"

"Because I don\'t understand why a generation of God King wants to be a ghost?"

"Because I cut off the sickle!" Cronus said, "I want to open a wider passage between the two worlds. I hope this passage will not only allow me to walk alone, but also allow me to bring back something that belongs to your world. But I didn\'t expect that the barrier between the two worlds is so strong. The sickle was cut off in your world. I have to find a way to bring it back to my world and repair it again."

Manda shrugged and said, "then bring it back. What does it have to do with me?"

"The broken sickle cannot return to this world, because it belongs to CAOS. Once CAOS\' sickle is no longer complete, it will fall into chaos and disappear completely."

Manda said, "then fix the sickle in another world and bring it back."

"It\'s not that easy. The sickle can only be repaired under the infiltration of mortal soul."

Manda said, "then find a mortal in that world to help you infiltrate the sickle."

"I tried. No, the sickle will never recover in your world. I must bring it back."

Manda looked down. "So I have golden fingers, right?"

Cronus said, "put the sickle on your soul and bring it to this world. It will be repaired slowly and will not disappear. This is the whole meaning of your coming to this world."