Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 882

Libra took out Cronus\'s heart. Rhea wailed and went up to fight with Libra.

The God of the celestial body held Rhea down. He knew that Rhea was not the opponent of CAOS, even if it was only a part of the soul of CAOS. Moreover, Cronus had reached this point, and the physical injury was no longer important to him.

The balance girl smelled Cronus\'s heart and stuffed it back into her chest.

She pinched Cronus\' head, shook it left and right, looked at Rhea and said, "it\'s damaged."

"What\'s damaged?" Rhea asked.

"Are you his wife?"

Rhea nodded.

"Do you love him?"

Rhea knew she had to pay a price and even change her life for life, but she nodded firmly.

The balance girl asked, "would you like to stay with me and serve me?"

"How long will you serve?"


"But he and I just..."

"Will you?"

Rhea couldn\'t say she didn\'t want to, which was much better than the worst result she thought.

"I will."

The balance girl sneered: "you can think well. I\'m a man. You should know what it means to serve me."

Rhea bit her lip and said, "I will."

Manda reminded: "she used to be a god of chaos without gender. Now she\'s just a woman. You don\'t have to mind too much."

The balance girl looked at Manda and said, "once there was a gender, I was a man."

Manda stared and said, "do you have any evidence? Your memory is incomplete!"

The balance girl angrily said, "you are presumptuous!"

"Not convinced? Who let you lose the bet last night!"

The balance girl didn\'t speak any more. She grabbed Cronus\'s head and seemed to be making efforts in silence.

Manda quickly grasped the insight eye and opened the stripping eye to observe the direction of her divine power.

She is repairing Cronus\' soul. Just now she said it was damaged, which means Cronus\' soul was damaged.

This is a powerful skill. If she can learn it, Manda can achieve an important goal of Seven Star Mountain - to make his followers immortal.

It took half a day for the balance girl to mend the soul of Cronus. Manda recorded the whole process of skill exertion, but she felt that this process could not be copied.

The divine power was poured into Cronus in complete confusion. Manda didn\'t miss any details, but he couldn\'t see any rules when he wanted to break his head.

Is this the characteristic of the God of chaos?

No, there are rules, there must be rules, but I haven\'t found them yet.

Spend more time studying?

With her own research, Manda created the fifth level skills, which are all pervasive. Under the guidance of Cronus, Manda learned the sixth level skills, that is, stealing skills from the divine blood stone. This is not ordinary theft, but permanent theft. As long as Manda gets a divine blood stone, he can steal all the skills mastered by the master of the divine blood stone.

Theoretically, Manda can acquire the skills of all gods through the divine blood stone, but there are two limitations. The first limitation is that the stolen skills can not exceed the upper limit of the owner of the divine blood stone. For example, Manda stole the skills of a first-class believer with the divine blood stone. No matter how powerful this skill is, it just stays on the strength of the first-class believers. Even if Manda steals the divine blood stone of an eighth order believer, the strength of his skills can only stay at the standard of mortals.

Another limitation is that stealing skills will lose the original power. Although pearl is very rich now, the process of obtaining the original power is still very difficult. Girl Tianping can\'t be in the mood to serve Manda at any time. If it\'s not necessary, Manda won\'t easily steal other people\'s skills.

Through learning skills, there are successful cases in many gods. Can Manda learn the skills to repair the soul from girl Tianping?

Be careful! You\'d better not study by yourself.

Some things can wave, some things can\'t wave. In the face of CAOS, if the wave is a little bigger, it may get lost.

Try to get the skills out. It doesn\'t matter if she can\'t get them out. She will teach Kunta the skills one day. Manda can wait slowly.

Cronus is still in a coma. Manda allows him to rest in seven star mountain for a few days.

Rhea immediately fulfilled her promise and stayed next to Tianping as a maid. Tianping was not polite. First let Rhea boil water and wait on her to take a bath.

take a shower? I\'m not afraid to wash off the paint.

And boil water? And a hot bath? Did she forget that she was made of wood?

But according to Rhea\'s statement, the body of Tianping girl is no different from that of mortals, and she is also a mortal with extraordinary talent.

She evolved?

The God of celestial bodies did not break his promise: "I can help you repair the barrier and help you do a good job of the inner barrier, provided you believe me."

Manda really didn\'t want to believe in the celestial God, but he couldn\'t.

He and Cronus can come to the door, and the Lord of God\'s punishment can catch up at any time.

The fog of celestial bodies can not stop the Lord of divine punishment, and now the barrier is full of holes.

What should the Lord of divine punishment do if he enters the seven star mountain? Can Libra, the God of celestial bodies, and Manda stop him?

It is better to hope that the God of the heavenly body can mend the barrier than to hope that he can fight for himself.

Manda gave the fixed barrier bracelet to the celestial God. Manda was very nervous about the first action of the celestial God.

Cleus, who was two feet tall, held the bracelet like a child holding a beloved toy.

First he touched it, then rubbed it with his cheek, and then licked it with his tongue.

"I didn\'t say I would give you this bracelet," Manda reminded.

Cleus nodded. "I just miss it a little."

In terms of the efficiency of repairing the barrier, Manda and cleus are not at the same level at all.

There are tens of thousands of holes in the barrier on the seven star mountain. Manda is going to complete the repair in about a year, but clius completed one-third in only one day.

He also helps Manda charge the iron ring. Cleus\'s divine power is not much deeper than Manda\'s, but he uses it very economically. He uses less than 10% of Manda\'s divine power to maintain the normal operation of the iron ring.

What a fine God. His means of doing things are as fine as his skills.

Taking advantage of the Heavenly God\'s request, Mandado asked him a few questions: "you don\'t want to kill Cronus, do you?"

Cleus shook his head and said, "I hate him to the bone. How can I be reluctant to kill him? But when I see him, he has fallen into his deep sleep. In this case, even if I destroy his soul, he doesn\'t know who killed him or why I killed him. What\'s the meaning of revenge?"

Lie, lie to deceive himself.

Clius\'s eyes were more nervous than RIA\'s when the balance girl was treating.

Manda looked at the bracelet of the fixed barrier and said, "is this your artifact?"

Cleus shook his head. "No, it\'s an imitation made by Cronus. Another bracelet that can only make a moving barrier is my artifact."

"Such a powerful artifact can be imitated?" Manda was stunned. "Cronus is really omnipotent."

"No one is omnipotent, but he is a great creator. He learned disorder and chaos from CAOS, but created order and rules. Only he has such talent." during his speech, cleus\'s eyes lit up.

He also has a question to ask Manda: "your attitude towards talking to CAOS is very presumptuous. Why does CAOS indulge you so much?"

"Because she lost the bet. Although she hated the rules, she never violated the rule of willing to bet and admit defeat."

"Willing to gamble and admit defeat..." cleus sighed. "He hasn\'t changed at all."

What\'s the situation? Cleus seems to know CAOS very well.

Manda can\'t ask any more questions. He has a date with Tianping girl.

Late at night, two pairs of eyes looked at each other by candlelight.

Manda looked at the balance girl: "come, why are you still wearing so many clothes?"

The balance girl said, "because it\'s cold tonight."

"Is it useful to wear so many clothes? Don\'t you want to take them off at that time?"

"Don\'t be so arrogant. Luck won\'t always be on your side."

They looked at each other and sneered, and the balance girl began to shuffle.

She can wash the cards to absolute disorder, which is really fair.

"In an absolutely fair situation, you can\'t beat me!" the balance girl pushed down the mahjong in front of her, "I won the first game!"


Two hours later, the balance girl looked at Manda with cold eyes: "can you leave one?"

Manda shook her head and said, "no, I\'m willing to admit defeat."

"Well, I won\'t deny it!"

Tianping girl gave her last dress to Manda. At this time, there was a knock outside the door.

"Manda, are you in there? You promised to watch the painting with me tonight."

It\'s Kunta.

Manda shouted, "I\'m in there. Come in."

Libra shook her head at Manda. She didn\'t want believers to see her.

Manda shouted again, "wait a minute. Roma is here. Wait for her to put on her clothes."

Kunta promised, and Manda looked at the balance girl with concern: "what to do? He won\'t wait too long!"

The balance girl looked at the clothes in Manda\'s hand and whispered, "can you give me that?"

"It\'s not that I can\'t," Manda picked up the last dress. "I don\'t like threatening others, but this dress can\'t be given to you for nothing. In this way, you teach me the skill of repairing the soul, and I\'ll give it back to you."

"You dream!"

"Kunta! Come in and see the painting!"