Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 881

Manda returned to the seven star mountain with the big iron ring.

Tianping girl\'s divine power is exhausted and she can\'t support it. But Manda first handed the big iron ring to guatel and asked him to measure it first, and then copy it as soon as possible.

Guatel was not in a hurry to measure the size. He first judged the material of the iron ring.

With the seven step technique, he only needs one touch to judge the composition of the material.

"Five iron, three copper, one and a half silver, and half gold... That\'s so simple?" guatel pinched his waist. "The simple material proves that the size is definitely not simple."

He\'s right. The size is really not simple. It seems that it\'s just an iron ring. There are more than 1600 changes in thickness and diameter. Guatel took the ruler of the Milky way to record each change one by one, and returned the iron ring to Manda.

Manda took the iron ring to the bottom of the chest star mountain. The family members with nose rings gathered a large number of residents near the iron ring.

He poured nearly half of his divine power into the iron ring. The divine power condensed in the iron ring, just like a small train, with the iron ring as the track and kept rotating.

The stagnation was slowly eliminated, and the surrounding residents moved. The torture for several days made them fall to the ground. Looking at Manda\'s eyes, they were more or less sad.

Manda laughed and said, "do you hate me? Do you regret following me?"

The residents were silent. They fed each other water, food and helped each other walk hard.

Hate, yes.

But they don\'t regret it.

Manda and her family moved in another group of residents. Thousands of people gathered within a mile near the iron ring, and each person barely had a bed at most.

Manda can only do so much now. Beyond a mile, more than 10000 people are struggling to support under stagnation.

Two days later, guatel brought a surprise, and a huge iron ring was successfully made.

Guatel put the ring in the blacksmith\'s shop and brought a group of craftsmen with Kunta and the poet.

He injected divine power into the iron ring, but until the divine power was exhausted, the craftsmen still did not move.

The iron ring failed?

Failed again?

The angry guatel wanted to throw the iron ring into the furnace, and the poet stopped him.

"Your divine power may not be enough. After all, we are too far away from the owner." the poet also injected divine power into the iron ring. When his divine power was about to run out, the craftsmen\'s arms began to tremble slowly.

They moved and the iron ring worked.

"There is no problem with the iron ring. The problem lies in the divine power. We don\'t add up enough. We have to find the owner to help."

Manda came. After he injected magic power into the iron ring, all the craftsmen could move.

Guatel was ecstatic. Now there were hundreds of craftsmen for him to command. In less than half a day, he made two more iron rings, and a virtuous circle appeared.

The more iron rings, the more craftsmen to remove the stagnation.

The more craftsmen, the higher the efficiency of making iron rings.

Two days later, guater\'s craftsman team made a total of 20 iron rings, which were connected to form a broad safety area, so that all the residents of Qixing mountain were relieved of their stagnation. They didn\'t need to be crowded together and could still move within a certain range. The poet took them to build a wooden house, and life was getting back on track.

But there is only one link in the virtuous circle that has gone wrong, that is the injection of divine power.

The power of mortals is limited. Most of the responsibility of injecting divine power falls on Manda. Under the condition of swallowing a large number of pearls, Manda can inject divine power into up to ten iron rings every day.

The magic power can only last for three days. After injecting magic power into 20 iron rings, it\'s time to recharge the iron rings another day.

Manda is not a generator. Soon his body can\'t stand it. Moreover, Manda is not free every other day. He has to repair the barrier.

Someone has to help him.

Kalke needs to prepare a new witch painting. He can\'t consume too much divine power. There is only one person who can help Manda.

Manda first held Odysseus down, then inserted the funnel into his mouth and began to pour pearls into it.

"I\'m doing it for you. I won\'t give such precious things to others easily."

Odysseus waited for his bloodshot eyes and stared at Manda.

After a convulsion, Odysseus calmed down and charged the iron ring. Manda sighed: "this is fate."

Manda came to the barrier and repaired the loopholes of the barrier bit by bit according to the instructions of the celestial God. When repairing the edge of the right feather star mountain, a face suddenly stuck outside the barrier, which made Manda tremble.

Who? Hermes? Lord of divine punishment? Cronus?

No, it\'s a little black face. It\'s the God of celestial bodies.

At the time of separation, the God of celestial bodies once said that he hoped to meet again one day.

Does he have any misunderstanding about the concept of one day?

With the help of a small gap, the celestial God said to Manda, "remember? I said I would try my best to help you. Now I\'m here. I need your help."

Manda tilted her head and looked at the celestial God: "what logic is this?"

"You helped me, I repay you, and I will help you. This logic is very complete."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Can you let me in first?"

"When you come in?"

"I also want to take two people in."

"Which two?"

"One is my sister Rhea."

Rhea? Manda had seen him in the vacuum at the foot of the seven star mountain before. She thought he would return to the seven star mountain after the battle.

What is he doing here?

"What about another one?"

"Another one is Cronus."

Manda looked at cleus and whispered, "aren\'t you going to kill him?"

"He was seriously injured. Even if I killed him, I couldn\'t feel the joy of revenge."

Cronus was seriously injured?

There are not many people who can hurt Cronus in this world. Since the God of celestial bodies did not do it, it should be the backbone of God\'s punishment.

"Will you help me?" asked the celestial God.

"Of course not!" Manda sent the seven star mountain to the sky to avoid the war of the gods. Now how can Cronus be allowed to come to the mountain.

"I won\'t let you provide help free of charge. I will help you repair the barrier. I will help you remove the stagnation. I can help you do a lot of things."

It\'s not a good idea to refuse cleus completely. He can go in and out of the celestial body freely. Now there are many loopholes in the barrier. If he wants to break in, Manda can\'t stop him at all.

But some things must be made clear. First of all, we must confirm whether Cronus is really injured.

If Cronus had not been injured, Manda would never have been able to defeat him. Coupled with the God of celestial bodies, Manda could only be at his mercy.

But the celestial God quickly answered Manda\'s questions with action. He dragged Cronus over.

Cronus has lost the breath of the living, like a corpse suspended outside the barrier. There are wounds everywhere on his trunk. The blood has long dried up, and many broken bones are scattered near the wound.

Judging by perception, Cronus has fallen.

So the second question, what did the God of celestial bodies bring him here for?

"You hide countless celestial bodies in the air. You can avoid the Lord of God\'s punishment anywhere. Why come to me?"

"Celestial bodies are easy to find, but CAOS is hard to find," said the God of celestial bodies. "CAOS can save Cronus\'s life. This is the last hope."

He wants to find balance girl?

But Tianping may not be willing to save him. From the previous situation, she wants to kill him.

But it\'s not sure. The God of the celestial body also wanted to kill Cronus and is now trying to save him. Although Manda has become a God, it\'s not so easy to guess the mind of the God.

The God of the celestial body saw Manda\'s doubts and added: "whether kausken would save him or not, as long as you let him in, even if I owe you, I will repay you. If you don\'t trust me, Rhea and I can wait outside and let him in alone."

Let the celestial God wait outside.

This barrier full of loopholes is like a lock hung on the doorframe without a door. What does this lock mean to the God of celestial bodies?

It\'s better to let him in and be in your sight all the time.

Manda agreed with the three of them to enter the barrier and took them all to Tianping girl.

When the faint balance girl saw Kronos, she immediately stood up and said, "little guy, you finally brought him."

Manda nodded and said, "yes, it\'s up to you to kill or cut."

The balance girl looked at Rhea and the God of celestial bodies and asked, "is this your child?"

The celestial God was very dissatisfied: "don\'t you know me?"

"Why should I know you?" the balance girl put her hand into Cronus\'s chest and took out his heart.