Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 866

Bucken has been looking for Manda, and now Manda is here, right in front of him.

The Martha he saw just now is a part of Manda. Manda used the technique of confusing the fake with the real to make a fake Martha that even bucken can\'t distinguish.

Bucken didn\'t fight Manda. He kept his big eyes and moved quickly against the grass.

After being tempered again and again by the Lord of punishment, bucken firmly believes that he can easily defeat Manda, but he doesn\'t want to fight now. What happened today is too strange.

Manda was not in a hurry to catch up. He squatted on the ground, eating wild fruits and quietly watching bucken shuttle back and forth in the grass.

No matter where you go, the end is an invisible wall. Separation is just a bait. Manda has led bucken to the barrier.

This is a perfect fixed barrier. You can\'t see the inside from the outside and can\'t contact the outside from the inside.

After eating a fruit, bucken didn\'t run away. He realized he couldn\'t escape.

He turned into a human and came to Manda, ready to negotiate with Manda.

He still doesn\'t want to fight Manda. Once Manda is killed, he will never leave the barrier.

"Manda Claude Sai, I appreciate your blood. You have the courage to die with me."

Manda threw the stone and sucked her finger. "Why do you think so?"

"Even if you die, the barrier will not disappear and trap me here alive. Isn\'t this the result you want? I really can\'t understand. You\'re just doing this to protect the seven star mountain? You\'re about to become a false god. What else in the world is worth your life to protect?"

"You\'re very literary. I\'m almost moved by you," Manda praised. "But you look up to yourself too much. What capital do you have to tell me to die together?"

"If you\'re conceited, leave it for later. Although we haven\'t met much, we\'ve fought for so many years. You should know that I\'m a man of my word. You\'re a believer of Hermes. We\'ll make a deal today. If you let me go, I\'ll let go of the seven star mountain. We\'ll all live well and see who is the final winner."

Manda smiled: "you are too greedy. Living is a luxury for you. Do you still want to live well?"

Bucken\'s eyes showed a cold light: "I appreciate you very much. It\'s a pity for people like you to die in such a place."

"I like this place very much, but it\'s a pity for this place to leave your dirty body."

"Don\'t you think..."

"Bucken!" the smile on Manda\'s face disappeared, "You may not know what a disgusting experience it is to listen to you. You may not remember me when you first met, but I remember you. Your subordinates hurt their legs and were trapped in the wilderness. You begged us to give you a ride. We pity you and let you get on the carriage, but you want our lives when you turn your face. How dare you say you keep your word?"

Bucken shook his head and said, "I remember you. You were just a child. I won\'t hurt you..."

"I\'m really going to vomit! When did you learn to cherish children? How many women and children died in your hands? Ask your sword? Ask your minions? Ask your nephew who does all kinds of evil in Niujiao town? Ask the thousands of burning pillars you left in romlu country?"

"I am the servant of the Lord, and these are the will of the Lord."

"Bucken, you\'re dying. Can\'t you be honest before you die? I\'m a vicious man, but I\'m still human. You\'re a bloodthirsty beast, which has nothing to do with the Lord of divine punishment."

"Can\'t we relax?"

"Ease?" Manda looked at bucken with wide eyes. "You hurt six of my family. You killed a lot of people on the seven star mountain. When I cut you into six pieces and chop you into meat mud, we\'ll talk about ease."

Barken sighed, "it seems I shouldn\'t waste my breath with you."

Manda waved to bucken, "let me see you dying. I can\'t wait."

Bucken launched a holy light, which was just a feint. The real fatal thing was the inflammation after the holy light, which was a tactic he learned from madesa.

You can\'t give Manda Claude any breathing space.

But Manda suddenly disappeared. Bucken couldn\'t see him or smell him. He didn\'t seem to be in the barrier at all.

Did he leave the barrier and want to trap me here?

It\'s impossible. Just now, bucken walked back and forth on the grass. He didn\'t bump like a headless fly. He left hundreds of eyes in the barrier to monitor Manda\'s every move.

But I saw Manda suddenly disappear with a wave of his hands just now. Where has he gone? Is this a new skill given to him by Hermes?

While thinking, Manda suddenly appeared behind him, stretched out her right hand, five fingers entered bucken\'s body from her right shoulder, rowed all the way down and pierced out from the left side of her waist.

Bucken sensed Manda\'s attack, but he didn\'t respond. Manda\'s speed was too fast and it was unwise to dodge and parry.

He chose to give up this body. On his right, less than ten feet away, there are, there is grass, there is soil, and there is an eye. The eye can see, the soul can leave and enter the eye

Bucken\'s mind became so incoherent that he couldn\'t concentrate. It seemed that countless consciousness poured into his soul.

"My eyes are the eyes of the king, I am the king, or the archbishop, they are subordinates, they are my people!" bucken stood in situ muttering, and a large number of dead souls flew out of the cracks in his upper body, including birds, frogs and insects. These souls act as a shield for his own soul.

"Soul, if you leave the body, there will be a new body, Claude Sai, heretic, I will burn you..."

Bucken used his tenacious will to let his soul leave the body, but there was only one soul.

His soul was cut into six pieces by Manda\'s golden finger and scattered all over the ground with his broken body.

Incomplete, soul, can also

Some souls are still thinking. There are many ways to break the soul, and incomplete souls can still survive, just like TIPHON and Ares.

But it depends on Manda\'s mind. Today\'s golden fingers are not so gentle. Manda\'s ten fingers fly and cut bucken\'s soul into pieces, turning the former archbishop and today\'s wise angel into dust forever.

Manda walked out of the barrier and quietly returned to the seven star mountain. The frightened people were still shivering on the tail star mountain.

Manda stood in the middle of the crowd, silent for a moment, and suddenly burst into laughter. Bursts of laughter gradually dispelled everyone\'s fear.

The master of seven star mountain still guarded them, and everyone laughed with Manda.

Holna came up and punched Manda. "I knew you could make it!"

Manda kissed holna\'s lips. "I knew you could keep a secret!"

Eudora came forward and said, "where the hell have you been? Does only holna know?"

Manda kissed Eudora\'s forehead and said, "I\'ll tell you next time!"

Medusa took Manda\'s hand and said, "let\'s have children and give you ten at a time!"

"Wait a minute, I\'m a little weak now." Manda kissed Medusa\'s face.

Moira was still a little afraid, and her body kept shaking. Manda kissed her ear, and she giggled.

Roma stood silently in front of Manda. Manda stood on tiptoe and kissed her chin.

Pluto looked at Manda excitedly. Manda smiled affectionately and picked up Kunta next to her.

"I thought I was late. Thanks to you, good!"

Kunta blushed and said, "this is not my credit."

"Where is the balance girl?"

"She has returned to the stronghold. You can trap her with a barrier now."

"No, I trust you and her. Let\'s go to see the painting together."


Seven Star Mountain escaped another disaster, and people for the rest of their lives reveled.

God punished the Lord for losing seven angels. He stood in the air with a dignified look: "what kind of monster is there in this mountain? Is Gaia indifferent to it?"

"I finally waited for this day." Cronus hid in the jungle of Touxing mountain and quietly watched the carnival people. If the Lord of punishment didn\'t watch here, he really wanted to join the carnival team.

Hermes walked into pan\'s temple tired and touched Pan\'s beard: "I just received the news from Gaia and told the little guy that it\'s time."

"What, when?"

Hermes smiled and pulled off Pan\'s two beards: "Gaia will give the soil of the first order to Manda tomorrow, and your little brother will become a God."