Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 867

Manda stood in Gaia\'s temple and watched arante appear in front of her.

"Isn\'t it too sudden?" Manda knew yarrant\'s purpose.

Arante said, "I said I would let you leave the world in a month, but I didn\'t say I would let you stay in the world for a whole month. Now you must leave."

"After I leave, must I accept your restrictions on earth like other gods?"

"That\'s natural. It\'s reasonable to say that the gods are not qualified to come back to the world at all, but sometimes I will open up."

"You have given me a privilege for a long time, but I have never done anything harmful to the world."

"It has nothing to do with what you did. It\'s my rule."

"But you said your creed was freedom."

Yarrant shook his head: "the premise of giving you freedom is not to hurt myself. I\'ve been too thankful for this."

Manda didn\'t ask any more. He came forward and hugged arante.

Arante said, "presumptuous!" but did not push Manda away.

Manda turned to leave the temple. ARAT suddenly shouted, "stop, I have something to say to you!"

Manda turned her face and looked at arante affectionately.

Yalant hesitated for a moment and said, "next time we meet, I hope we are not enemies."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll never be your enemy." Manda just took a step and heard yarrant shout, "stop, I have something to say to you."

Manda turned her face and the affection in her eyes remained the same.

Arante was still hesitating. He took a deep breath and said, "if you want to come back and see the seven star mountain or anywhere else, just tell me in advance and I will agree."

"Thank you." Manda just turned around and was stopped by yarrant:

"If, I mean, if..." yarrant said slowly, "if you had a son, what would you name him?"

Manda didn\'t go. He strode to yalant and held her hand tightly: "is this if true?"

"What if?" arante said in surprise, "I\'m worried that if you leave a child on earth, he will probably become a demigod. I\'ll pay more attention."

"So it is," Manda sighed. "If it were my child, I would call him the firmament."

Arante frowned and said, "why is it called the sky?" he hated the sky.

"If he is in charge of the sky, you will no longer be afraid of the sky."

"What does he have to do with me?" yarrant sneered, then touched Manda\'s cheek and watched him leave the temple.


Manda and sangira have confirmed the news, and pan has not disclosed Manda\'s secret.

Of course, sangira has limited information. Maybe pan has told Hermes everything, but Hermes hides it. Maybe there will be a surprise when he arrives at Olympia. Hermes may be ready to severely punish Manda.

But Manda had to go up the mountain for some things and for one person.

Sangira tried to leave Olympia, but she couldn\'t find a chance several times. Manda couldn\'t leave her on the mountain.

After pan got into the pinhole and crossed the barrier, Manda pretended to have a headache. Pan sighed, "don\'t install it. You must have crossed these barriers countless times."

More than four layers of barriers, Manda has never crossed, but now there is no need to make such a boring argument. Manda is more worried about what Hermes will do to him.

Pan gave the answer: "I didn\'t say anything to my father, which made me very embarrassed, but I really didn\'t say, little brother, you are my real brother now. Listen to my advice, forget everything in the world and become a truly immortal God."

Manda sighed, "I\'m afraid the world won\'t forget me."

"You say Cronus? He will die. As long as you are loyal enough to the Lord of the gods, no one can take you away from Olympia."

Out of the pinhole, pan put a nose ring on Manda.

This thing still hurts when it\'s caught on the nose. With Manda\'s current strength, she can move freely on the five layers of barriers. What role can this nose ring play? Manda didn\'t feel her body getting lighter.

He opened the eyes of the three lines and saw the particularity of the nose ring.

This thing has no red line, which means it has no present.

Like Liuyan, it is a mark in the air, not an entity, not an objective thing.

Inflammation marks the direction of the fire. What does this nose ring mark?

With three eyes, Manda looked at the whole Olympia.

All things have three lines, which are no different from the world, but brighter.

There is an eagle flying in the sky, flying smoothly and naturally.

Manda looked at the eagle and said, "am I worse than him?"

Pan said with a smile, "it was born in Olympia, with the blessing of the holy mountain. You were born on earth. Only after you get the name of the true God can you get the recognition of the holy mountain."

Olympia is really a magical existence. It can determine the status, power and change the astringent effect. No wonder some people try their best to steal the slate on the mountain.

Who is that man? Is it the Lord of God\'s punishment?

Manda found herself ignoring the problem.

Kejero is a subordinate of Haotian God, and Haotian God is Cronus.

Hermes\'s powerful part, Julian, has been acting with kejero, proving that Julian is also Cronus\'s subordinate.

According to this inference, Cronus replaced Hermes\'s true avatar with a false avatar.

This false separation drove Hermes crazy and stole the slate from the cliff.

In other words, the slabs finally fell into Cronus\'s hands.

Previously, Hermes had always believed that the Lord of divine punishment stole the slate and made angels.

These angels did not have their own skills, and Hermes inferred that the slate could not give power.

It seems that he is wrong.

Instead of being used by the Lord of punishment to make angels, these tablets were used by Cronus to make a series of gods, such as white recruit, red anger, ye Guangji and so on.

They have their own unique skills, which proves that slate gives them power.

The two stone tablets in Sanjie\'s hand are far more valuable than Manda imagined. Mount Olympia is so magical that Manda doesn\'t know how long he can stay on the mountain or whether he can find out the truth.

Halfway up the mountain, the Muses sang moving songs to welcome Manda into his temple.

His temple was still in a state of five steps. Surrounded by muses, Manda entered the main hall of the temple.

Sangira looked at Manda silently in the distance. She wanted to get closer, but as a Ningfu, she was not qualified to meet the new God.

This makes Manda very unhappy.

Under the guidance of pan, Manda put the soil of the first order on his altar. The soil of the first order instantly merged with the altar and gave out a warm and soft light under the clouds.

The temple trembled gently, as if there was life. With the flashing of light, there was a rhythm of breathing.

The Muses cheered in unison, and pan nodded with satisfaction and said, "get rid of the soil of the first order, and you can see the spring of your faith."

"Don\'t look at it first," Manda humbly lowered her head. "My cold spring is really shabby."

The fountain of his faith is not shabby. He doesn\'t want to show it here for fear of frightening pan.

In Romulus, the belief in the mad king has exceeded that of Hermes.

Open the fountain of faith, and the gushing pearl can rush directly to the roof of the temple.

Pan Shen smiled and said, "come with me to the cliff."

The highest peak of Mount Olympia is Mt. miticas, and the cliff is a hillside of Mt. miticas.

Under the leadership of Hermes, the gods stood by the cliff, stepping on the clouds, waiting for Manda\'s arrival.

Manda saluted the gods for the last time as a mortal. Looking at the gods floating in the air, Manda was quite surprised. Even Ningfu behind Hermes had the ability to fly in the clouds, and if she wanted to fly, she had to rely on her flying boots.

It seems that Manda has a lot to learn, especially the skills of flying in the clouds, which must be learned as soon as possible, otherwise she can\'t reach the array of gods.

The next second, he learned.

There are two reasons why you learn so fast.

The first reason is that Manda has courage. Under the guidance of Pan God, he hesitated for a long time and finally put one foot on the cloud.

Courage is the cornerstone of success and the capital to create miracles!

The second reason is that the clouds in Olympia are hard. Although these clouds can float lightly in the air, they are as hard as stones.

In other words, Manda doesn\'t need any skills. Just walk up on the clouds.

In front of Hermes, Hermes took a pot of water and personally scrubbed Manda\'s cheeks.

Ningfu came forward to take off Manda\'s clothes and help Manda wash away the dust on earth.

Hephaestus engraved today\'s date on the deeds of Manda. So far, Manda has officially become a member of the gods.

He stared at the slate for a long time. He didn\'t know what name Olympia would give him or what authority it would give him.

Hermes whispered, "silly boy, it will take at least a few months for the name of the true God to appear. Don\'t stand here and see the gifts given to you by the gods."

After becoming a God, we should accept the gifts of the gods, which is a fixed part of the ceremony.

The gifts were as like as two peas. Apollo gave a bow. Dionysus sent a can of wine. Artemis sent a beautiful animal skin, which was exactly the same as the gift they gave Hera Claes.

Athena came up and said with a mysterious smile, "guess what I have prepared for you?"

Aphrodite also came up and touched Manda\'s hair: "little guy, I have prepared special things for you. First tell me whose gift you prefer?"

Manda looked at Athena and Aphrodite. He had to make a choice.

When he was in a dilemma, he suddenly found that the handwriting on the cliff had changed.

Manda was surprised and happy. Just about to speak, she heard Hermes\'s voice ringing in her ear: "don\'t make a sound, don\'t make a sound, just think nothing has happened."

Hephaestus was closest to the cliff. He also found the change and quickly blocked Manda\'s deeds behind him.

Did the name of the true God appear so soon?