Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 865

This is a battle without suspense. Guatel and the poet only supported one meal, and their trap was cleared by eight angels.

Kalkeduo supported for a while, but he was unable to turn the war around after all.

Seven Star Mountain, representing the most powerful fighting force in origino continent, is so vulnerable in front of the angel Legion.

Kalke is trying to delay time. Stanley asks manu to open the cave and lead civilians to take refuge.

But the time left for manu is too short. Less than half of the civilians have entered the cave, and the eight angels have reached the plain at the foot of Weixing mountain.

Kalke gave up the fight and was ready to lead the witches and witches to a safe place.

The cave opened by manu is on the tail star mountain. Stanley has two choices. One is to close the cave entrance and let more than half of the remaining civilians wait to die to ensure the safety of a small half of the civilians.

Second, continue to fight and let more civilians hide in caves.

Stanley looked at the angel at the foot of the mountain and gave an order: "all people surnamed Claude say, take your soldiers and stick to the hillside. Don\'t step back until you die!"

Civilians frantically rushed to the cave. Stanley gathered all the bodies and dead in the mountain to prepare for the last battle in his life.

Roma kept knocking on the shield with her long sword, inspiring the soldiers to overcome the fear of death.

Martha saw the soldiers on the hillside and smiled contemptuously.

He was too lazy to speak and gave barken the power to give orders.

Boring words have to be said and boring things have to be done. In such a boring battle, the Lord of punishment is too lazy to look more. He is looking for Cronus. He feels that his son has not gone far.

Bucken said to the six archangels, "all the people living here are heretics who blaspheme the Lord. No matter men or women, whether they are adults or not, all of them will be executed, none of them will be left, and all the demons will be sent to hell!"

"Adult or not? Don\'t you even let the children go? Is this the will of the Lord of punishment?" a short figure appeared at the foot of the mountain. Bucken was stunned and Stanley was surprised.

It\'s Kunta!

Shouldn\'t he have gone into the cave long ago? Why are you still here!

Moira picked up the knife and said, "I\'ll save him!"

Stanley held Moira: "don\'t move, don\'t move, don\'t die in vain!"

No one can save Kunta. Now going down the mountain is death, and death is worthless.

Bucken saw Kunta, but he didn\'t remember. He pointed to Kunta and laughed: "see? This is the child of seven star mountain! This is the monster of seven star mountain! Do you have compassion for him? Do you have compassion for him?"

Kun looked as like as two peas what Bakn looked at. He said, "I\'m not a child. What do you think your child looks like?" you should know that I don\'t need your sympathy. Bakn, you are the same as the world. You always love to find an excuse for your dirty behavior. I\'ll ask you once again. Is this the will of God\'s punishment?

Barken sneered, "what qualifications do you have to ask me?"

"He has!" another figure appeared at the foot of the mountain. When he saw him, Martha showed a ferocious smile.

It\'s Odysseus, who still occupies the body of madesa.

Everyone was surprised except Quinta that Odysseus didn\'t escape.

Martha smiled, "come on, do you know I\'ve been looking for you for a long time?"

Odysseus looked at Martha: "I know you find me very hard. We have plenty of time to end our grievances. For the sake of fighting so many times, I\'ll give you a piece of advice. You\'d better roll. The faster you roll, the better. The farther you roll, the better."

"I like your jokes more and more," Martha laughed. "You and Claude are more and more alike!"

The voice fell to the ground. Martha had come near Odysseus. Odysseus turned and ran away. Martha immediately caught up with him. The six archangels also wanted to catch up. Bucken pulled out his long sword, shook his head and said, "just give the bastard to the blazing angel. We still have our mission."

He didn\'t want to waste time. He thought it was just the enemy\'s delaying tactics.

He didn\'t want to be ambushed by the enemy with madesa. Although the ambush was not worth mentioning, he didn\'t do anything unnecessary.

Looking at the civilians crowded at the mouth of the cave, bucken\'s hands are itchy. He hasn\'t felt the joy of killing for a long time. His opponent doesn\'t need to be too strong. He prefers to see the fragile life die in despair.

He jumped up one step and jumped in the air, ready to show the stone rain first. He wanted to see how many people were alive after the stone rain.

But the skill didn\'t show, and bucken fell to the ground first.

Not on your feet, on your face.

A woman, walking at an uncoordinated pace, appeared in front of the angels.

Guatel, hiding on the hillside, exclaimed, "yes, it\'s her!"

Kunta pointed to the angels and said to the woman, "they bully me."

Bucken got up and was about to use the holy light on the woman. Suddenly, the woman disappeared and appeared in front of him again. He kicked him to the ground and stepped on his face. He looked at the six angels one by one and blinded a huge red eye around him.

That\'s the big eye bucken used to get out.

Martha was lucky. Odysseus lifted the barrier and the balance girl came.

She jumped up from bucken and appeared in front of an archangel after a flash.

The archangel did not have time to make any response and was beheaded by the balance girl.

The two angels attacked the balance girl with the holy light, and the balance girl disappeared again.

When she showed up, three heads landed one after another.

There were only two archangels left. They were afraid and knew that they could not be the opponent of Tianping girl. They opened their shields one after another.

The balance girl came forward and touched the shield, shook her head and said, "it\'s not strong!"

Although the shape is similar, the barrier and shield are different. The girl slaps hard, the shield breaks, and then the angel\'s head breaks.

There was still an archangel left. He was very brave. He rushed up and fought desperately with the balance girl.

He opened a hole in the girl with the holy light. This time, he had an amazing harvest. Such a powerful opponent, but his body was very fragile.

The girl turned back and broke his head.

It doesn\'t matter if the body is destroyed, but the soul is still there. We should report this strange woman to the Lord immediately.

The angel\'s soul left the body and began to look for the souls of other angels. Martha taught them a special Dharma array. As long as there are more than four Archangel souls together, the Dharma array can solidify their souls in the air and wait for the Lord\'s rescue.

What about the souls of other angels? Where are they?

Why are things around you different from what you saw before?

There are no mountains, no grass, no farmland and wooden houses. Even people can\'t see half of it.

Don\'t say it\'s a human figure. You can\'t even see your own body.

All you can see around is wind and sand, as well as thick fog mixed with wind and sand.

What is this place? Did you get the magic of kalke again?

The wind grew stronger and stronger, and the fine sand tore his soul in the wind.

The soul dissipated little by little and was blown into the thick fog with the wind and sand.

Is this chaos? Is this lost?


Martha is still chasing Odysseus. Odysseus ran around the chest star mountain. He wanted to lead Martha back to the original place, but he saw Martha standing still.

He received the order of the Lord of God\'s punishment: "come back, don\'t chase any more!"

For the Lord\'s orders, madesa never asked much. He was about to go back to his subordinates and listen to the Lord\'s punishment: "don\'t look for it, they disappeared."

The Lord of punishment didn\'t know who killed the archangel. He had been looking for Cronus just now and didn\'t notice the process of the battle.

When the breath of bucken and the six archangels completely disappeared, the Lord of punishment noticed the battlefield. He didn\'t know what had happened, but saw the dust all over the ground.

Tianping girl can avoid the sight of the Lord of divine punishment. Not only she can, but also her believers. The Lord of divine punishment doesn\'t even see Kunta.

Bucken\'s breath disappeared, but he didn\'t die. The balance girl\'s attention couldn\'t concentrate for a long time, which gave bucken a chance to escape.

He quietly put his soul into a giant eye hidden in the wheat field. He quietly hid in the wheat field until the figures of Tianping girl and Kunta disappeared from his sight.

He continued to maintain the state of blood red giant eyes and moved quickly on the ground until he left the seven star mountain.

The giant eye quietly hid in a forest. Without feeling the gaze of the Lord of punishment, bucken didn\'t dare to appear easily.

The first world war just now made him feel the fear he had not seen for a long time. He didn\'t even have the courage to turn into a human figure on the premise of not sure whether it was safe at present.

There was a figure in the distance, as if it were madesa.

Yes, it\'s Martha. It\'s his breath.

Although bucken was full of jealousy towards madesa, he was surprised to see him at the moment.

Giant eye came to Martha, watched Martha for a moment and began to slide into the distance.

The man in front of him was no different from Martha, but he stood still, with a strange smile on his face.

He\'s dead? Is this the drive shell? Or is he controlled by someone?

The flying giant eye suddenly stopped and bucken hit an invisible wall.

A long-awaited figure came to his eyes and whispered, "why do you run when you see me? Haven\'t you been looking for me?"