Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 859

"You, you, you are a ghost..."

"You are the ghost!"

"Are you a ghost?"

Cronus smiled and said, "when I first saw you, I was dressed like this. Do you recognize it now?"

Yes, the ghost has been wearing a hood and will never see his face like Cronus.

"I, I, I\'ve seen ghosts, not many, you, you, you\'ve been..."

"Of course I\'ve been to your world. Otherwise, what did I rely on to create the Qin Gus continent? Do they look like the Qin people? They just learned the Qin culture under my guidance."

"You, you, why did you bring me here?"

"Because I have an important thing broken. I want you to help me fix it."

"I don\'t know how to fix things..."

"You can fix it, but you\'re not very obedient."

"Why did you choose me?"

"Because you\'re tough enough, you lived 82 years in the Jurassic."

"God King, why do you want to be a ghost?"

"Don\'t understand, do you? It doesn\'t matter. Come with me and I can teach you," Cronus squatted in front of Manda. "Speak out your wishes quickly. Things here are over here. I don\'t want to owe you anything."

"I, I, I..." Manda tried to straighten her tongue. "I have two questions for you."

"One wish answers two questions? You\'re too greedy."

"Just answer the question, do not pay, do not have to do too much, do not suffer."

"Don\'t say, you are really a bit like Hermes. I can answer you two questions, but I want to remind you, don\'t ask too complex questions, such as why I can go to your world, such as what I ask you to repair. If you ask such questions, you will be punished!"

Manda pressed his legs and made them stop shaking as much as possible: "first, what are the rules of the divine blood stone? Why can\'t I steal skills from the divine blood stone?"

"You can steal skills from the divine blood stone. In the center of the divine blood stone, three lines tie a knot. This is the rule I made for the divine blood stone,

In the human body, with the infiltration of life, the knot will become loose, the power will be released, and people will have divine power. Especially in the homologous body, the knot will be opened in half, allowing the divine power to flow evenly, so that believers can obtain a stable source of power,

However, if you are in bodies with different sources, the knots will be loose and tight, and the power will be released irregularly, until you stimulate the original potential of the human body, which comes from the potential of chaos, and people will gradually get lost. "

Manda said blankly, "I didn\'t see the knot."

"The knot is very small, smaller than the grain of wheat. Do you think there is a bow in the divine blood stone? The first question is answered, the second question."

Manda wanted to ask how to untie the knot, but she didn\'t think it was a problem.

He must be able to see the knot, or he can pry the knot with divine power. If he knows the answer, don\'t waste the opportunity to ask questions.

He thought of another more important problem, which might help him solve many puzzles, because he would win the trust of another God.

"Are you his disciple?"

"Whose believers?"


Cronus was silent for a while, all the red lines around him lit up, and Manda quickly closed her eyes.

After a long time, the red light faded, and Cronus slowly replied, "I am."

It\'s him. It\'s really him.

He must admit that this is his agreement with CAOS!

"You are the first believer of CAOS. You have part of the power of chaos. You wrote the book of the wise, right?"

"Your question has been asked and your wish has come true. Now you should go with me."

"Don\'t go." Manda suddenly pulled up the pan God behind him, and they disappeared into the fog.

"Celestial body? Did he fly?"

Cronus looked down and left a pool of watermarks on the ground.

Manda has been sweating and his legs have been shaking. Cronus didn\'t expect that he made a mark on the ground with sweat.

"You still have contact with cleus, cleus, the most difficult guy," Cronus sighed with relief. "Fortunately, you succeed this time."

Manda\'s use of the art of flying is simply the last fight under helplessness.

The whole room was blocked by the red line of Cronus. Manda really couldn\'t find any other way to leave. She couldn\'t even get into the witch painting, and had no chance to open the underworld.

Unexpectedly, the art of flying was really easy to use. The three feet of flying became a celestial body, completely ignoring the barrier of the red line and flying outside the castle in an instant.

Manda breathed out and began to recall her previous experience.

If Cronus hadn\'t pointed it out directly, he never dreamed that Cronus would be a ghost.

Why did Cronus do this? Why bring Manda to this world? Why did he go to the previous world as a ghost? What did he create chingus for? Why did he tell himself all this?

A series of questions lingered in her mind, but Manda had only one urgent idea at present.

Fly high, fly fast.

When she jumped over a barrier, Manda heard the voice of the God of the celestial body: "how dare you bring other gods to the celestial body?"

Manda looked at pan and said, "he\'s unconscious and can\'t hear anything. I\'m in danger now. Cronus is chasing me. I need your help."

"Cronus?" the celestial God sighed. "Why did you offend him? How many people have you offended?"

"What\'s the point of saying this now? First find a way to make me faster!"

"Is he still down there?"


"Then the rise is meaningless. Move as soon as possible!"

"I can\'t get up quickly, so I need your help."

"If you can\'t get up soon, I can\'t help it. This is not what I can do for you!"

"At least tell me some tips."

"There are not so many skills, Manda Claude. With your talent, you have never focused on skills. Do you know how much effort I have spent on migration skills?"

"Is it time to teach me a lesson? Help me find a way! If he catches me, you won\'t have a good life!"

"Will you betray me?"

"With my dignity and blood, how can I not betray you?"

The God of the celestial body smiled bitterly and said, "you are better at running for your life than me, and the fastest moving skill is not much faster. When you are in the celestial body, Cronus is difficult to perceive you. As long as you can escape from Cronus\'s sight, you will land immediately, and you have to find a way to escape by your own means."

"How do I know if I\'m out of his sight?"

"Go out and have a look!" the celestial God angrily said, "don\'t you even have this courage?"

Manda made an exit, carefully stretched out her head, looked around, and didn\'t feel the sense of gaze.

It\'s strange that Cronus doesn\'t seem to pursue Manda at all. What\'s the purpose of his hard work?

Could it be that Cronus gave up the pursuit because he couldn\'t crack the flying skill? He can not give himself the opportunity to use the technique of flying. If he really wants to seize himself, he will have a hundred ways not to duplicate it.

He had already seen through his identity and could ambush himself in the small courtyard. There was no need to lead Manda to the castle. There was a strong Dharma array in the courtyard. Red anger alone was enough to subdue Manda, even without Cronus himself.

Don\'t understand, there are too many things that don\'t understand. Manda now firmly believes that Cronus is the most complex God in the world.

Back on the ground, it was outside the city. Pan\'s breath was extremely weak. Manda still didn\'t dare to go to the underworld.

He flew in flying shoes for two days and nights. He encountered two rainstorms on the way. Before landing, he was accidentally struck by thunder.

Zeus has been sleeping for so long. Who has his power?

It would be too much if Hermes had it. I helped you save your son. You hit me with thunder?

In fact, it\'s none of Hermes\'s business. This place is special. The city where Manda arrived is called Leili City, which is the city with the most thunder in Bayer.

Manda carried pan into a manor. The housekeeper of the manor quickly welcomed Manda and pan into the room.

This manor belongs to Manda, which is one of his footholds in Bayer. After eating something, Manda dared not rest and immediately drew a witch painting.

He\'s leaving Bayer. He thinks it\'s still too close to Cronus.

The farther away from him, the better.

"After I leave, burn this painting in a quarter hourglass." Manda told the housekeeper to wear pan from Leili city into the witch painting of the king\'s capital.

Exhausted Manda placed pan in the secret room, set up the altar and prayed to Hermes.

Pan\'s eyelids moved. He opened his eyes and looked at Manda\'s back, his ragged clothes, his messy hair, and the scars left on him by the wind and sand.

His lips trembled for a long time and finally said, "I heard it."

When the prayer stopped, Manda whispered, "what did you hear?"

"You and Cronus, you and cleus, I heard everything."

Before the words fell, Manda\'s fingers crossed Pan\'s neck.