Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 858

Cronus said angrily to Chiyu, "go out first. I have something to say to him alone."

Chiyu, who was more than a foot tall, left the room wisely. The red thread was tightly woven, completely isolating the Archduke\'s bedroom.

Cronus sat cross legged in mid air, tilted his head and looked at Manda: "do you think I\'m good to you?"

"OK!" Manda nodded.

"I\'ve been protecting you and helping you."


"Do you think my eyes are sincere?"

"I can\'t see..." Cronus always wears a hood.

"You can feel it with your heart."

"I feel it." Manda\'s sweat flows down like rain.

Cronus tilted his head to the other side: "what kind of person do you think I am?"

Manda said, "I think you are a wise, kind, great and tolerant God."

Cronus shook his head and said, "wise is still reluctant. Kindness is pure nonsense. I don\'t like the word great, but tolerance can\'t be said. The people who rejected me twice have disappeared from the world. Only you are very special. You have rejected me many times and have lived to this day. I am really tolerant of you. Tolerance has made you despise me."

"How dare I despise you?"

"If you don\'t dare, come with me. I\'ll take you to a happy place."

"I\'m already very happy here."

"Really? I think you live a hard life. You run around all day for survival. If you are careless, you will worry about your life. Is this really the life you want?

Come with me to the chingus continent, where you can have everything you want, the immortal body you want, the eighth level personality you want, the believers and people you want. They all enjoy the life of the golden generation,

They will not grow old and die. Their lives will always stay in the best years. They are respectful and devout to the gods. You will never lose their faith. "

Manda said with a smile, "what virtue can I have? Is it worth your attention to me?"

"I said I saw your talent. Do you believe it?"

Manda shook her head and said, "I can\'t believe it."

"I don\'t believe that you do have some means to help gods obtain faith, but I don\'t lack faith. I have only one believer in origino and you killed me, but I have countless believers in chingus. Come with me and you can have them."

"You haven\'t told me what you like about me?"

"You are my kind of blood. You are from qingus. This is your mark in your soul. Can\'t you feel it?"

"That\'s what I want to say. I\'m bleeding from Hermes. I don\'t want to refuse your kindness, but I\'m his seed after all. I\'ve always stayed with you, which is also very unfavorable to you."

"You mean you\'re loyal to Hermes?"

"The most basic loyalty still exists."

"That\'s a joke," Cronus laughed. "You don\'t have Hermes\'s blood. Do you think you are like him? Do you have his talent? I saw some of your skills just now. Do you think that Hermes can have?

You can hide yourself perfectly. You can perfectly imitate Ye Guangji. You cheated me on taliwi island. If it weren\'t for Bai Zhao, I\'m afraid I would be cheated by you again. Do you really think Hermes can give you such a talent? "

Manda whispered, "do you have a gift for deception?"

Cronus shook his head and said, "I\'m not good at cheating, but I made the rules. The reason why you have such strange skills is because you master the skills of rules. You can see the rules and order, right?"

Manda was surprised. Did Cronus mean the eye of the third line?

He knows I have the third line eye?

"Tell me what the rules you see are like. They are three lines, right?"

Manda took a deep breath, her body shaking uncontrollably.

"Open your skills and I\'ll show you something."

With a wave of his finger, Cronus outlined three lines, which intertwined in the air and outlined the outline of a big tree: "A line is yellow, which represents the accumulation of things in the past, just like a tree. Everything it accumulates in the soil, air and sunshine makes it a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves. Because this line represents the past, I use my mother\'s color."

Cronus waved his finger, the three lines turned again, and the outline of the tree became a wooden house:

"The second line is red, which represents the current situation of things. This big tree has accumulated a lot in the past, but it has been cut down and turned into a piece of wood and a part of the wooden house. Its red line has become dull because it has lost its precious life. This line represents that now, I use my own color."

Cronus changed his fingers again and the cabin became a tree again: "There is also a blue line, which represents the change of things in the future. The tree may continue to grow or wither slowly in the future, depending on the characteristics of its life. Of course, dead trees also have blue lines, but the blue lines are very dim. There are not many things they can change. The blue lines of living trees are not too bright, and their change is too slow."

Cronus turned his wrist, and the red line became the outline of man: "the blue line of man is very bright, because they can decide what to do in the future. The blue line of God is brighter, they have more powerful power, and they can change more things. The blue line represents the future. I use my father\'s color."

Manda\'s eyes were a little confused. What Cronus told was completely beyond his understanding.

Many gods told Manda that Cronus was a great creator, including Gaia and the God of celestial bodies.

But he didn\'t expect to see the rules and order created by Cronus with his own eyes. The entity of rules and order was so clear and intuitively displayed in front of Manda.

Manda returned and pointed to the witch painting behind her: "why doesn\'t it have a blue line?"

"Witch painting has no future, because it cannot be changed. An ordinary painting will gradually fall off the canvas because the oil paint becomes dry and weathered, but it will not. It is a collection of witchcraft. As long as witchcraft is still there, it will not change. Only those who can change it are those who perform witchcraft. Witch painting itself has no future."

"What about flow inflammation? Why does flow inflammation have no red line?"

"Liuyan is not now," Cronus waved and a small spark appeared in his hand. "Liuyan is not a real flame. It represents the once position of the fire and the future direction of the fire, but at present, it is nothing, just a visible mark in the air."

"Why don\'t angels have yellow lines? Don\'t they have a past?"

"They have a past, but their past does not come from this world. They were created by their father, not by their mother. I don\'t know how their father created them,

But you can see how terrible they are. They have the power of gods but are not bound by their mother. When you seriously hurt the blazing angel, my father did not hesitate to offend your mother and destroy your territory, because it was the first soldier he created with all his efforts,

Now that my father has the ability to copy angels, Blazing Angels, intelligent angels and seated angels, many angels will appear. They are the most powerful weapons my father has made. Soon they will conquer the whole origino continent and destroy everything owned by the gods. Manda claudesai, do you think you have the power to change all this? Have you not suffered enough? Have you suffered less sins Come with me. This is your only way out. "

"I still want to think about it." when she said this, Manda\'s teeth trembled and a cold sweat left a watermark on the ground. He didn\'t know how long Cronus could tolerate him.

Cronus stood up and took a deep breath. "My tolerance is understood by you as connivance. I have to make you suffer."

"Wait a minute!" cried Manda. "I have another wish!"

"Wish? Are you qualified to make a wish?"

"I have. At the beginning, Hermes and Ares bet against each other, and I fought with Gatan. I won two of the three games. You promised to reward me with a wish. So far, I haven\'t made a wish!"

"Well, reasonable request, say your wish!"

Manda pointed to pan Shen and said, "let me take him out of here!"

Cronus smiled: "have you always been so hasty with wishes?"

"Hasty?" Manda didn\'t understand Cronus.

"After many years, don\'t you understand the rules of desire?"

"The rules of desire?"

"Don\'t you understand why I gave you a wish when you fought with Gatan?"

"I don\'t understand."

"If you make such a wish, you will be punished. Don\'t you understand?"

"I really don\'t understand."

"You don\'t understand, I can teach you!" Cronus said, looking down at Manda. "I can let you take him to Jurassic, just as I asked you to take your bank card to Jurassic!"