Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 860

Now Manda understood a question: why didn\'t Cronus do it in the house instead of in the castle.

Because he knows Manda\'s temperament. If he is ambushed in the house, Manda will give up pan and run away alone, but this result is not what Cronus wants.

He wants Manda to escape back to the castle, because Manda will fight to the end as long as she can see hope.

In the castle, Manda thought it was his territory. He must have a way to escape.

Cronus pushed the boat and let him escape.

But before running away, Cronus wanted to talk to him and say something that others couldn\'t know, but pan knew it.

Pan has always been sober, but I don\'t know what method Cronus used to make pan inactive.

He let pan hear the conversation, which exposed many of Manda\'s secrets. There was no doubt about the authenticity, because Manda responded to every word.

What happens when pan knows these secrets?

Simply, pan would tell Hermes about them because he was very loyal to Hermes.

If Hermes can\'t accommodate Manda, Manda has only one way left to take refuge in Cronus.

He was so clever that he counted every step. I\'m afraid Hermes was not as cunning as him.

But what Manda didn\'t expect was that Pan would take the initiative to expose himself after recovering his language ability.

Doesn\'t he want to live?

Manda will kill him, Manda can only kill him!

Seeing Manda\'s finger on his neck, the old goat was very calm. He didn\'t intend to resist.

"Do it, so I won\'t be embarrassed."

Manda bit her teeth and said, "sorry, I have no choice."

Pan smiled and said, "don\'t apologize. I know what I can\'t help myself. Before I die, I have something to ask you. No matter who you trust in in the future, if you have a choice, try not to hurt our father. No matter who you are, he really takes you as his son."

With that, pan closed his eyes.

Manda could cut Pan\'s throat with a finger. Pan\'s soul was so weak that it could be easily peeled off.

Then soak it with kalke\'s magic medicine for a period of time, and he will fall into a long sleep.

Or give his soul to Tianping girl. Manda has just found his first believer. He will help him with this little favor. He can easily make Pan\'s soul fall into chaos and loss.

It\'s that simple. Everything is simple.

Manda\'s finger was about to pass through Pan\'s throat. Suddenly, something slipped out of the skirt.

It\'s a dangerous pendant.

This is the first artifact that Pan sold to Manda. He gave Manda a rare treasure at the price of cabbage. It has saved Manda\'s life countless times.

Today, Manda\'s perception exceeds most real gods, and the dangerous omen pendant is useless, but Manda still wears it on her.

After staring at the pendant for a long time, Manda took her finger back.

He sat back and continued to pray to Hermes.

Pan opened his eyes and looked at Manda in surprise: "silly boy, what are you doing?"

Manda said nothing and prayed.

Pan still wanted to speak. Suddenly he felt a sense of gaze, and Hermes finally responded.

Hermes appeared on the altar. Seeing Pan who was completely unable to act, Hermes was very surprised: "what happened?"

Manda said, "Pan fought hard with the chingus people in the north. I received his news and prayed to you immediately, but you haven\'t responded to me. I can only go to the north and fight side by side with my brother."

"Reckless silly boy!" Hermes scolded, jumped off the altar, picked up the fallen pan God, and murmured, "still alive, still alive, really alive..."

He was distressed. Manda had never seen Hermes so distressed.

Would he be distressed if it were me?

Even if so, can I see him?

Hermes took pan back to the altar and said with a smile, "thanks to you reckless silly boy, he\'s still alive. Go to Olympia with me. I\'m afraid you\'ll be in danger."

"I..." Manda was thinking of an excuse to refuse Hermes. He saw Hermes scratching his head and said, "no, Gaia promised me to give you the land of the first order within a month. If he knew you had left the world, I\'m afraid it would irritate him."

"Yes," Manda nodded. "This is a critical moment. I can\'t miss such a good opportunity."

"Stay on earth for a few days and try to stay in Wangdu and Qixing mountain. Don\'t go anywhere else. When Gaia gives you the soil of the first order, contact me immediately. If I don\'t respond to you, contact Aphrodite immediately."

Hermes gave Manda a messenger spell, which was his channel of communication with Aphrodite.

Manda took the spell and Hermes opened the pinhole.

With three thread eyes, there is no silk thread in the center of the pinhole. It is really a vacuum zone. This is the passage between mortal and Olympia.

Hermes got into the pinhole. Manda didn\'t bow her head and looked up to him.

He watched Hermes and pan until they disappeared completely.

Manda hung her head and sat silently in front of the altar.

His fingers lost consciousness.


Cronus sat in silence for a long time and suddenly looked up at the sky.


Red fury was eating with a pile of firewood. Suddenly, Cronus spread his hand and there was more soil in his palm.

Chi Chi angrily chewed a wooden stick and said, "that\'s all?"

"A lot, enough for you."

"But there are Bai Zhaojun and ye Guangji!"

"Guangji is missing. Let\'s invite you first. Hermes has just left Olympia. He must have taken pan away. You should find Claude race as soon as possible."

"What If Claudius found out and killed pan in a hurry?"

"That would be better. Hermes will find out the truth."

"What if he finds out and hasn\'t killed pan?"

"That\'s perfect."

Chi Chi chewed the branch angrily and said, "I don\'t understand."

Cronus patted Chi\'s angry head: "there are no rules. Don\'t talk to me when you eat!"


Pan lay in his temple, and Apollo fed the medicine into his mouth.

"I used to look down on you, a lecherous man. I didn\'t expect you to have backbone." Apollo tore open pan\'s clothes and treated Pan\'s wound.

Looking at Pan\'s broken flesh, Hermes said, "how long have they tortured you?"

Pan shook his head: "it\'s not torture. It\'s left during the fight. The man who fought with me was Chi Chi nu. I fought with him for two days. After all, he was not his opponent."

"You are not his opponent?" Hermes said in surprise. "You are afraid that Gaia will punish you, so you dare not do your best?"

Pan Shen shook his head and said, "how can I care about these at the moment of life and death? I did my best from the beginning, but he still retained some strength."

"How is it possible?" Apollo said in amazement. "You are a seventh order God. If his strength is above you, has he reached the eighth order?"

Pan didn\'t answer. When Apollo wrapped up the wound, pan struggled to get up and said, "I should go."

Apollo frowned and said, "where are you going? You\'d better not walk now."

"I was exiled..."

Pan lowered his head and Apollo looked at Hermes.

"Don\'t say that," Apollo smiled bitterly. "Do you want to make my situation more embarrassing? I\'m loyal to your father now. Let the past pass."

At first, under the heckle of the gods, Hermes was forced to expel pan.

Now Apollo had no different intention, Hera had completely converged, and Hermes had settled down as the Lord of the gods.

He immediately pardoned pan and allowed him to return to Olympia.

Pan thanked him for his kindness. After Apollo left, there was no one else in the temple. Pan whispered to Hermes, "I know the identity of Haotian God."

Hermes nodded: "I also know. If I guess correctly, the Lord of divine punishment knows."

"How did you find it?"

"It\'s easy to check. It doesn\'t take much effort. It should be Cronus doesn\'t want to hide any more."

"What is his purpose?"

"I don\'t know. I can\'t tell. When Manda goes up the mountain, I\'ll catch the traitor. Then there will be an answer."

"You already know who the traitor is?"

"Yes, but we can\'t catch him now. We can\'t force Cronus to attack Manda."

"Well, you are very kind to him!" Pan nodded uncontrollably, his voice choking.

"Why are you crying?" Hermes saw Pan\'s eyes filled with tears.

"I, my, I\'m so happy. I\'m back at Olympia."

Hermes smiled: "wronged, have a good rest, silly boy."

Silly boy.

Pan wiped his tears, but the tears couldn\'t stop.

That silly boy, will he come again?