Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 857

Pan is right in front of us. Judging from his breath, he is still alive, but he has lost consciousness.

The easiest way is to open the entrance to the underworld and take him away.

But Pan\'s current physical condition can\'t go to the underworld. Once his soul is unstable, he is likely to fall into a deep sleep in the underworld, or even be trapped in the underworld forever.

Rush out with pan Shenqiang?

That\'s too eye-catching. It\'s difficult to ensure that there are other people\'s ears and eyes around, and if you don\'t pay attention, you will touch the Dharma array.

Finally, Manda chose the most secure means and left the yard with Pan God in her arms.

In the state of absolute invisibility, it is invisible, inaudible and imperceptible. There is no possibility of losing. The only problem is that the consumption of divine power is a little higher.

It doesn\'t matter. With pearls, it shouldn\'t be difficult to reach the Lord\'s castle.

Manda kept swallowing the pearls of faith, ran through the streets and ran all the way to the Lord\'s castle.

Under the wall, stepping on flying shoes and carrying pan Shen, Manda entered the Archduke\'s bedroom from the window.

He had intended to use the invisible form to directly drill into the witch painting, which was the most secure, but he tried several times but failed.

What\'s the reason?

Manda made a reasonable conjecture that in the cylinder composed of divine power, he was completely isolated and witchcraft could not be used outward.

Anyway, there should be no more danger when she has arrived here. Manda lifted her all pervasive skills and was about to get into the witch painting when she saw someone sitting up in bed.

Is that Eric?

Why isn\'t he asleep?

He must be put to sleep and his memory must be washed away. This boy is frightened. He will do something tomorrow.

Manda came up quietly and was going to help Eric sleep, but when she looked closer, it was the red beard sitting on the bed.

Why is he here?

Red Beard was also surprised to see Manda: "what a thief! Bai Zhaojun was defeated by you. No wonder God asked me to stop you here!"

Haotian, God asked him to stop me here? Haotian, God knew I would come?

Can\'t you deceive him by confusing the false with the true?

But Red Beard said that I defeated Bai Zhaojun, which proved that he really regarded me as Bai Zhaojun at that time and could deceive him with the art of confusing the false with the true.

Now that you\'ve cheated, you might as well take this opportunity to frighten him.

Manda first put pan aside, pointed to red beard and said, "Bai Zhao refuses to be vulnerable in front of me. I advise you not to hit the stone with an egg and take care of yourself!"

Red beard got up and said, "you are worthy of God\'s eyes. You have means, courage and domineering enough. Today\'s war with you will not waste me squatting for these days. Come on, let\'s compete!"

Manda shouted, "I don\'t have an unknown ghost in my hand. Give me your name first."

"My name is Chi Chi nu. I\'m the son of heaven..."

Before the words fell, Manda raised her golden finger and stabbed it into Chiyu\'s throat. Chiyu took it lightly until her finger was close to her skin, and her body suddenly blurred and turned into a cluster of flame.

Manda walked through the fire, threw herself into the air, quickly turned around and stared at Chiyu.

Madesar can also incarnate into flame, but the speed is much slower than red fury. The skill principles of both sides must be different.

Sangira once said that madesa burned himself with Liuyan, and then the Lord of punishment gave him nine levels of skills to recover, and chibiao anger can really change his form.

Madessa can\'t attack in the state of fire. He can only shuttle and jump in different flames, but chibiao\'s anger is completely unaffected. He can move freely and doesn\'t need another fire. His flame can be sputtered or diffused. He circled and burned Manda\'s clothes soon.

Manda cut off the burning clothes with her fingers and threw them aside. The red anger still kept the state of flame.

"You\'re too impatient!" the red anger incarnated as a flame can still talk, "I\'m a person with a hot temper, and I agree with you quite well. Let\'s simply try less and use our unique skills to kill each other. What do you think?"

Before Manda could answer, Chi Chi\'s anger turned into six flames, rotating around Manda. Three flames attacked from time to time, and the other three flames kept heating up.

Good tactics. These three flames forced Manda to deal with it, and the remaining three flames kept roasting around Manda.

Even if Manda wasn\'t burned by those three flames, she would be burned by the other three sooner or later.

In a hurry, Manda cut a cluster of flames with her golden fingers. Her fingers skipped. The flames split in two in her sight, but soon joined again, followed by a burst of laughter.

"Shall I remind you?" the six flames said together. "Even if your fingers are extremely sharp, they can cut off water and fire. Although our family has a martial arts called breaking water flow, it\'s just a metaphor. You have to use water to put out fire. Isn\'t it stupid to cut fire with a sharp blade?"

Manda ignored it and cut the flame with her fingers. Chi Chi angrily sighed, "your move is full of mistakes. I can burn you into coke with a little means."

Manda cut it again with her golden finger. Chi Chi was a little impatient: "if you can\'t use water, I can teach you another means. Now I\'ve let you Sanhe. If you\'re still so reckless, I\'ll be polite to you no longer."

Triple? Three in one is enough!

Manda has made three mistakes.

Manda stretched out her hand to cut the flame again. Chi Chi angrily avoided her fingers and drank: "you are so stubborn, but I have to make you suffer!"

Manda cut again and hid again. Manda\'s hands flew back and forth. Six clusters of flames fluttered around and hid quite embarrassed.

Red fury realized that the situation was wrong. Why did he hide?

Since his fingers were constantly cut, he had no reason to hide. Instead, he could burn on him wantonly taking advantage of Manda\'s flaws.

But when he saw Manda\'s fingers rush over, Chiyu still couldn\'t help dodging, and the range of dodging became more and more exaggerated, so that the path of the six clusters of flames became very chaotic.

When Manda cuts, he dodges, and the rhythm of both sides tends to be the same.

At the moment of incomprehension, I suddenly saw that Manda no longer chopped, stretched out her arms and called out a black hurricane.

Manda can\'t use water, but he can use the wind, a strong wind enough to disperse the flame.

This was a counterattack after three and four. The power of the strong wind was several times greater than usual. Six flames were directly blown out, and five were left, leaving only one flame struggling like a remnant candle in the wind.

As long as Manda adds more strength, the flame will go out and the red anger will fall into a deep sleep.

But at this critical juncture, the black storm suddenly disappeared, and Manda\'s divine power seemed to be blocked in the palm of his hand and could no longer be released.

Skills are not working? What is going on?

A voice echoed in the air: "red anger, my face has been lost by you!"

The only remaining flame turned into a little man only one foot tall, kneeling on the ground and kowtowing: "I know my mistake, I know my mistake!"

Haotian God? Haotian, God is coming!

Manda didn\'t dare to think much. She picked up the pan God on the ground and rushed to the mural.

He wanted to plunge into the painting, but this one hit the wall, which made Manda dizzy, tinnitus and blood.

Just bleeding on the wall? Don\'t you have a demigod?

No, there\'s something on the wall.

Manda opened her eyes and saw that the wall was covered with red lines.

Not only on the wall, the whole room is crisscrossed with red lines until the room becomes pure red.

Manda remembered as like as two peas of the fourth paintings that Quinta had seen to him.

Under the pure red background, a figure wearing a pure red robe appeared in sight.

Is this what Quinta calls a figure? Is he the creator of the three lines? Is he God?

It\'s really hard to distinguish the figure. The background is pure red and the robe is also pure red. Manda quickly closed the third line eyes. The pure red background is gone. The figure is still in front of him, but Manda still can\'t see his face.

But Manda knows him.

The pure red robe, the wide hood, and the threatening majesty under the hood.

Cronus, the second generation God King, is the creator of order and rules!

He is God!