Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 854

Manda kalke settled in the right-wing mountain. With kalke, there were thousands of witches and witches.

The boys of Seven Star Mountain are fascinated by them. They are eyeing Pluto. Pluto trembles with Manda in his arms.

Manda set some rules for kalke. Witches and witches can live in the mountains, but they can\'t walk around at will. Manda doesn\'t want to spread the news, and kalke certainly doesn\'t want to.

Daily necessities are provided by Manda, and special things are purchased by witches and witches themselves. They have many channels.

After making the rules, Manda asked kalke, "are you his believer?"

"Whose believer?" kalke was alert.


Manda is not blind. There are many legends about carvings on earth. Some legends mention that the power of carvings comes from CAOS.

This is not nonsense. Kalke is too special compared with other gods. The power of witchcraft and the power of gods are completely in two systems.

You can think that kalke doesn\'t have any skills except witchcraft. You can also think that she has countless skills. All the skills of gods can be imitated, invisible, deformed, flying, doubling people\'s strength and losing people\'s memory.

Of course, the strength of witchcraft cannot be compared with the skills of gods, but the coverage of witchcraft is too broad, which is easy to remind people of the oldest God. He created everything and naturally endowed everything.

Kalke admitted that part of his power came from CAOS, but not from CAOS\' personal transmission.

"It was the first believer of CAOS who taught me and empowered me."

Is he a disciple of the followers of CAOS? That\'s much easier!

"What\'s the believer\'s name?"

"I can\'t say his name. This is the agreement between me and him. Lover, don\'t doubt my love for you or my honesty to you, but some secrets can\'t be told to you after all."

Kalke refused to say, and Manda was not reluctant. In fact, she revealed a lot of information.

Kalke is not a young god. The believer can teach him strength and grant him authority, which proves that the God is very old.

Could it be Prometheus? He wandered in the world like kalke.

Relying on these clues alone, we can\'t guess the identity of the believer. Manda asked the poet to build a wooden house next to the stronghold. First, Odysseus should watch the girl Tianping, and he should seriously study his new skills.

In the process of fighting with Tianping girl, Manda awakened a skill and developed a skill.

The skill of awakening is very strange. In the case of conscious mistakes, Manda can create a strange atmosphere, drive the other party to make mistakes with himself, and launch a powerful counterattack when Manda destroys the atmosphere.

Although the skills are complex, it is not difficult to practice. Manda and Millo practiced for two days and soon mastered the essentials of the skills.

First of all, we should make mistakes knowingly, that is, we should continue to make mistakes on the basis of knowing that we have made mistakes, and make at least three consecutive intentional mistakes, so as to create an atmosphere that drives the opponent to make mistakes.

Deliberately opening your eyes in the wine mist, shorting your breath, taking a big breath in the wine mist, and constantly launching reckless attacks in the face of Millo who may disappear in the wine mist at any time are obvious and serious mistakes.

After accumulating three mistakes, the divine power was released gently on Manda\'s forehead, and Millo\'s nightmare began.

He has two choices, do radio gymnastics with Manda, or dance with Manda.

The two choices have a common result. He will be punched in the face by Manda.

This is a powerful counterattack. The process of counterattack has two characteristics.

One feature is that there is no deviation. Manda can play anywhere he wants.

Another feature is that it is not defensible. Millo, who is doing aerobics, can\'t Parry or dodge.

Manda deliberately deviated her fist and only wiped Millo\'s cheek. Although Millo was wearing the fine steel mask made by guatel, the mask was broken by Manda on the spot, and Millo was beaten with blood on his face.

"Don\'t play," Millo said, wiping away the blood and sitting on the ground panting. "If you fight like this, you\'ll be killed sooner or later."

This is not the maximum power of the skill. Manda can control the timing of the release of divine power. If Manda makes more mistakes before the release of divine power, the power of counterattack will be doubled.

But this is a double-edged sword. The more mistakes you make, the lower the chance that Manda will survive. Maybe she will die before casting her skills.

This is the most bizarre skill that Manda has ever seen. He can\'t understand it with the thinking of normal people from beginning to end. Make mistakes first and then fight back. If he fights with the true God, Manda must control the number of mistakes. The tolerance limit of errors is estimated to be between three and four. Therefore, he named this skill "three upside down four" and counted it as a fourth-order skill.

In addition to being confused, he also developed a skill to make a cylinder with divine power and hide himself.

This skill looks simple, but it is complicated to operate. In the process of fighting with Tianping girl, Manda succeeded at one time, but it definitely has the element of luck.

In training, the circle of divine power is sometimes broken, sometimes it can\'t be opened at all. On average, it can only succeed once every three times.

If you want to master this skill thoroughly, you may need a lot of training. Manda found that manufacturing a cylinder depends on the initial power injection point. If you inject it in the area with dense thin lines, the success rate will become very low. If you choose the area with sparse thin lines, the success rate will be much higher.

In short, to ensure the success rate, we must first look for a loophole in the dense thin line.

This skill should be counted as a fifth level skill. What\'s its name?


Almost artistic conception, there is invisibility in deception, and there is invisibility in witchcraft. They are not clever means.

This skill can not only be invisible, but also hide sound and breath, just as the whole person has disappeared from the world.

Then call it the art of disappearance?

It\'s still a little bad taste. Manda thinks she is a very literary person and shouldn\'t have such a name without depth.

Before applying her skills, Manda always needs to find a loophole in the thin line. Let\'s call it all pervasive!

The first-order skill is crooked, the second-order skill is the eye of the third line, the third-order skill is false, the fourth-order skill is upside down, and the fifth-order skill is pervasive.

This is how artistic conception, taste skills!

Manda was complacent when he saw Odysseus running over and panting, "the crazy woman is crazy again. She hit a crack on the barrier!"

The body made of wood smashed a crack on the indestructible barrier.

You know, Manda had to spell a golden finger to make a crack in the barrier.

What should I do?

Fight her?

Manda can\'t spell it herself.

Let her go crazy and ignore it?

What if she really chiseled through the barrier?

Another barrier?

"Can barriers cross or overlap?"

Odysseus shook his head and said, "maybe I can. I can\'t do it anyway."

"Why don\'t I lift the barrier and lead her out first, and then you make a barrier to trap her."

Odysseus pursed his lips. "And then?"

"Then you\'ll find a way to get out."

"What if you can\'t get out?"

Manda grabbed Odysseus by the wrist. "I won\'t forget you!"

"I\'m not going!"

"I\'ll give you the bracelet."

"That\'s not going!"

During the argument, Kunta came over and said to Manda, "I\'ll try."

Manda shook her head and said, "don\'t be silly. You haven\'t seen her go crazy."

"I am her believer!"

"I think she may not recognize you now. She has lost her memory and there is only madness left in her."

"I can calm her down. Trust me. If I do, you have to promise me one thing."

"What\'s up?"

"You should accompany me to see the paintings. You promised to accompany me through the paintings."