Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 853

When Manda uses the three line eye, he must cooperate with the stripping eye, otherwise the messy thin line will interfere with his line of sight.

As big as a tree and as small as a grain of sand, thin lines are everywhere. There are branches and leaves on the tree. If you don\'t need to peel off your eyes, Manda will stare at a tree for a while, and her sight will be completely covered.

But Manda never thought what would happen in a vacuum when all these thin lines disappeared.

He tried to run away several times again. The balance girl was always in front of him. At the moment she disappeared, Manda couldn\'t see, hear or feel it. The balance girl was in a state of absolute disappearance.

It\'s amazing. I seem to have been in a similar state.

Use the magic ring to open the exit of the fog. There is an absolute vacuum in the ring. There is no thin line there.

Entering the underworld with the sixth level technique is also an absolute vacuum.

The moment of entering the witch painting is also a vacuum.

Whether entering the exit, the underworld or the witch painting, from the perspective of others, Manda disappeared at that moment.

What is a thin thread? What does a vacuum without thin lines mean.

This is an important question and means an important skill, but if only Manda had time to think.

The balance girl put her face close to Manda and shouted, "why did you lie to me?"

"I really didn\'t..."

Girl Tianping punched Manda in the face. Manda somersaulted back and fell out for a long distance.

Before Manda got up, the balance girl had arrived, picked him up with her clothes, and hit him again.

How can I do this? She\'s too fast and her strength is amazing. Manda only gets beaten.

After being beaten back and forth, Manda finally had a chance to get up and began to fight hard.

No matter how strong her soul is, it\'s a wooden body. As long as Manda seizes a chance, she can cut her to pieces.

The golden finger waved out. The balance girl parried directly with her arm, and Manda cut off her right hand.

Although the strength is strong, it seems that the intelligence quotient of Tianping girl is not too high. Manda is overjoyed and seizes the opportunity to command ten dances and attack one.

The balance girl moved back and forth, and her figure flashed from time to time. Manda became more and more impatient. The five fingers of her right hand poked out, accidentally lost her center of gravity, and a stumble revealed her flaw.

Serious mistakes. Mistakes don\'t matter. They can trigger a crooked attack.

It\'s a pity that the skill didn\'t trigger. The premise of striking the wrong is unconscious mistakes. Manda can\'t trigger the skill when she realizes her mistakes.

When the balance girl punched, Manda turned her body and continued to dodge.

It\'s another mistake. Manda often makes mistakes. When the situation is bad, he will try his best to dodge rather than parry.

Tianping girl\'s wooden body is very fragile. Parrying with golden fingers can bring her fatal damage, but Manda chose to dodge.

Wrong again. Will it trigger a crooked attack this time?

Unable to trigger, Manda realized her mistake again in advance.

The girl with only one arm still had a fierce attack. Manda dodged in embarrassment. When she was forced to be helpless, she still turned a somersault in place.

This is a common scene in martial arts films and TV, which is full of momentum and power.

In actual combat, this is a terrible defeat. In situ somersault means giving up the means of attack and losing the opportunity of defense. Whether it can land safely is still unknown.

Manda has made too many mistakes. These are the mistakes he often makes in the struggle. It doesn\'t hurt to change before. He can make up all his mistakes with extraordinary speed.

But not today. The speed of Tianping girl is almost the same as that of him. Every mistake is fatal, not to mention making so many mistakes.

Manda knew he was wrong, and it was outrageous. The more wrong he was, the more wrong he was. He was ready to be beaten. He just wanted to avoid fatal injury, but he didn\'t expect that girl Tianping was stunned on the spot and didn\'t make a move.

Her IQ is short circuited again?

Balance girl is not short circuited. She is very awake.

Every flaw of Manda can\'t escape her eyes. She has many opportunities to subdue Manda, but she doesn\'t know which opportunity to seize.

Manda is still making mistakes. There are more and more options left for the girl. A flaw is not grasped, and a new flaw appears. The balance girl is confused. One move follows Manda\'s rhythm and makes mistakes with Manda.

Manda felt a strange rhythm, like the radio gymnastics she did on campus every day in her previous life.

He is the leader, and the balance girl is following him to do exercises at the same rhythm.

After stretching, followed by chest expansion and leg kicking, Manda suddenly broke the rhythm and punched girl Tianping.

This is a pure fist without golden fingers.

Manda\'s strength has always been short board, and guatel pays great attention to materials. This punch should not cause too much damage to the balance girl.

But I didn\'t expect that the balance girl flew out more than ten steps, scattered on the ground and turned into a pile of wood.

What a powerful force, Manda was stunned.

Can\'t stay, run!

Manda just wanted to run, but found that the wood on the ground suddenly disappeared.

You can\'t escape. Girl Tianping will appear at any time. Now you must concentrate on prevention.

How? With mobile barriers?

Although the mobile barrier is reliable, it can not completely solve the problem. As long as the balance girl can see herself, she can stop Manda\'s way at any time. Manda can\'t get away after all.

So she can\'t see herself.

A vacuum without thin lines.

She can be invisible in a vacuum, and so can Manda.

At present, he is in a fixed barrier, unable to enter the underworld, and there are no useful witch paintings around him, so there is only one way left.

Manda made a ring with divine power. In the eyes of the three lines, all the silk threads around the ring were pushed away, leaving a vacuum in the center.

The ring alone could not hide herself. Manda got into the ring, grabbed the ring and pulled it into a cylinder.

After the cylinder was formed, Manda rolled in the cylinder and rolled under a tree. Soon, the balance girl appeared.

The original scattered wood gathered back into a complete human shape, including the severed arm.

She looked around and didn\'t see Manda\'s figure or feel Manda\'s breath, but she saw Odysseus.

Taking advantage of the stalemate just now, Odysseus quietly fled to the side of the barrier, and the balance girl grabbed Odysseus and beat him violently.

Manda took the opportunity to run to the edge of the barrier. He firmly believes that he can blink in space like the balance girl.

He thought too much. In the cylinder built by divine power, he could only hide his whereabouts and did not have the function of blinking.

However, this set of hiding technique is unprecedented. He ran to the edge of the barrier. Girl Tianping was unaware of it and just beat Odysseus. In the cylinder, Manda couldn\'t get out of the barrier. He lifted the cylinder and girl Tianping found him.

As soon as the balance girl dodged and disappeared, Manda raised her legs and stepped out of the barrier. The balance girl hit the barrier and slipped slowly along the inner wall.

With Manda, and Odysseus, who was black and blue.

They looked at each other for a moment and slowly left the stronghold. Behind them came the sad cry of girl Tianping: "find my memory, otherwise I will never let you have peace. Don\'t think this thing can trap me all the time!"

Manda said to Odysseus, "I\'ll build a wooden house tomorrow. You live here."

"Why let me live here?"

"I gave you shelter. You have to do something for me. You\'ll be responsible for taking care of her in the future."

"Is this something? What\'s the origin of the woman?"

"I wish I knew."

They came to Pluto\'s cabin and wanted to get some medicine, but Pluto looked flustered and said, "master, I\'ve been looking for you. There are, there are, there are guests."

Kalke sat in the cabin, and Odysseus was the first to enter her sight.

Odysseus occupied Martha\'s body. Although he had trimmed his face, his appearance changed greatly, but carke recognized him at a glance.

"You\'re still alive!"

Odysseus\'s cheeks have been twitching for two thousand years. I didn\'t expect them to meet again here.

"Kalke, we meet again."

"My lover!" kalke rushed up.

Odysseus opened his arms.

Kalke rushed into Manda\'s arms.

Odysseus kept his arms open.

There is a witch painting on Pluto\'s wall. There is a vase with a red rose in it.