Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 855

Manda promised Kunta to watch the painting with him.

Kunta has cracked all the pictures of the giant. He can\'t wait to share them with Manda, but Manda is like a scum man. He has countless promises and excuses.

But this time he can\'t break his promise, because Kunta calmed the balance girl.

Manda doesn\'t know what method he used. Kunta has been speaking some languages with Tianping girl that Manda doesn\'t understand.

The two talked from dusk to late at night. Tianping girl silently returned to the cottage. Kunta took Manda back to her room, lit candles, got into bed, and enjoyed the fourth picture with Manda.

Looking at the painting is a very laborious thing. The fourth scroll needs twelve candles. Under the special mechanism of guatel, the twelve candles rotate in front of the scroll in turn, and Manda\'s eyelids keep falling.

In order not to fall asleep, Manda asked Kunta, "what did you say to balance girl?"

"Don\'t call him Tianping girl. He is my God. I told him that you won\'t break your promise and will help him find his memory. He said he didn\'t believe you. He said you were a shameless liar. I said you weren\'t so shameless. I told him some stories about you. Until the evening, he said he was tired and went back to rest."

"That\'s it?"

"It\'s that simple. Now concentrate on the painting!"

Manda wanted to concentrate on the painting, but the painting distracted him.

There is only one piece of red on the picture, pure red. You can\'t even see a pattern, but how can Manda concentrate?

"Did you see it?"

"What do I see?" Manda only saw the candlelight dancing on the canvas, which was very dazzling.

Kunta was working hard to control the mechanism, which seemed to have some special rules. Manda sighed: "let me see the picture or the candle!"

"Focus your mind, it\'s about to start!"

Kunta\'s hand speed became faster and faster, and the outline of the candle became more and more blurred on the picture. Manda saw the change between light and darkness.

The pure red picture set off ripples, the pigment was rolling and flowing, and a mass of silk thread was formed in repeated fracture and polymerization.

It\'s as like as two peas. The red thread is the same as the silk thread that Manda saw on the three line.

The red line is still changing, and new colors are gradually emerging.

It\'s the yellow line. The yellow line is entangled in the red line.

Kunta\'s sweat flowed, and he couldn\'t support it.

"Don\'t stop, hurry up, I see, don\'t stop!" Manda looked forward to the emergence of the blue line. Unexpectedly, the earth trembled, all the candles fell to the ground, the candlelight disappeared, and the picture returned to pure red again.

What\'s going on? Earthquake?

Kunta fell to the ground and his hands kept shaking. He didn\'t worry about the earthquake, but he was annoyed that he couldn\'t fully display the picture: "it\'s almost that there should be three lines and a blue one."

If there is a blue line, the painting reveals the source of the three lines.

"After seeing three lines? What else can you see?"

"I can still see a figure, but I can\'t see his face clearly."

Figure? Is this man the creator of these three lines?

Manda quickly picked up the candle and said, "let\'s try again. I\'ll operate the mechanism with you."

"OK... Wait a minute," Kunta seemed to think of something suddenly. "My God, my God may be frightened! I have to go and have a look!"

Kunta went to the stronghold and Manda went to Gaia\'s temple.

The sudden earthquake may not be a natural disaster, but may also be Gaia\'s Oracle.

According to Manda\'s orders, the poet built a simple temple for Gaia. Manda came to the temple and closed his eyes to pray to the goddess of the earth. Soon, yalant appeared in sight.

"It\'s time."


"It\'s time for you to leave my arms. Hermes has looked for me many times. Before the end of July, you must leave the earth and go to Olympia."

Yarrant\'s tone was not negotiable, and Manda didn\'t intend to tangle up, so she agreed immediately.

July is coming. It\'s Athena\'s month. Manda should take care of the sacrifice and leave a good impression on the popular candidates in the future.

He is about to leave the mortal world. He should give an account to Romulus and his people.

Thinking too much, Manda is not in the mood to do these things. He needs to contact sangira first to collect some important information.

"I miss the bride day and night. I\'ve been dreaming about our wedding. According to the custom of your hometown, should I put on a wreath for you first or kiss your lips first..."

The meaning of these words is to ask about the process of becoming a God on Olympia. Sangira was prepared. She spent months searching for information and knew every process well.

"My husband, according to the custom of my hometown, you should first bring a gift to my room, bring a wreath for me, then dance with me and feed me a glass of wine. Before that, you must not kiss my lips, let alone take off my clothes. When we send away all the guests, we should try our best on the first night to make me pregnant with your flesh and blood..."

The process of becoming God is as follows:

Manda will return to the temple with the soil of the first order, put the soil of the first order on the altar, and then engrave the God date on the cliff under the witness of the Lord of the gods. The handwriting on the cliff will change after a period of time, ranging from one year to March and may. Manda will get the name of the true God.

The temple will be sensitive to the name of the true God, and there will be a phantom of the gods. Hephaestus will make a statue for Manda according to the phantom of the gods.

After the completion of the statue of God, the cliff will feel and the power belonging to Manda will appear. Hephaestus will make artifacts for Manda according to Manda\'s power.

Cliffs, temples, and all irreplaceable processes can only take place on Mount Olympia.

What is so special about Olympia? Why can a mountain determine the identity and authority of all gods?

Manda sent another letter: we worked hard at the beginning, but we never had our children. Should we learn some new methods when we meet again

The meaning of this letter is: can I retain my skills before becoming God after becoming God?

Sangira quickly replied: forget those childish means in the past, we learn new skills, and endless happiness and happiness are waiting for us

Athena\'s heart beat when she read a letter: "well, when you come up the mountain, I\'ll see what tricks you can play!"

Sangira means: after obtaining the new power, all the skills in the world will be returned to the gods, that is, the divine blood stone must be returned to Hermes.

Manda wanted to keep her mortal skills, but according to the information sangira inquired, retaining her skills was tantamount to violating the authority and belief of the gods. No matter how tolerant Hermes was, she would not allow Manda to do such a thing.

Manda picked up sheltai\'s divine blood stone, which is one of the most precious divine blood stones. Manda always wanted to steal his skills, but at that time, Manda killed him first in order to avoid long dreams.

Manda also tried to steal skills from the divine blood stone, but failed. The divine blood stone without the body doesn\'t seem to have the characteristics of any skills. Manda has observed it with the stripping eye and the three line eye, but except that the thin line is brighter, the divine blood stone doesn\'t seem to be much different from the ordinary stone.

As the link between gods and mortals, there are still many mysteries that Manda can\'t crack on the divine blood stone, but there is another way to obtain the skills on the divine blood stone.

Bucken used to make some receivers with divine blood stone. If you can steal skills from the receivers

But what\'s the use of stealing skills? Hermes will eventually take back all the skills, even the stealing skills. Manda can\'t keep the skills that don\'t belong to Manda.

Fortunately, the blood of the celestial God did not condense in the divine blood stone. Manda and the celestial God confirmed this, but what about tifeng\'s skills? Will it disappear with the divine blood stone? At the thought of these problems, Manda\'s mood became extremely bad.

He wanted to find a place to drink a glass of wine and relieve his mood, but when he put away the God blood stone, he felt a wet sticky.

It\'s blood! bleeding?

No, not your own blood.

In her clothes, Manda carried only the most important things, one of which was his messenger spell to pan.

Manda took out the spell, and a little blood bead appeared on the bright white silver face.

The old goat is in danger and his life is being seriously threatened.