Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 852

Manda patted Odysseus on the face and said with a smile, "are the crazy women in there powerful? Why do you think I gave you the bracelet?"

Odysseus sighed: "Claude, I admire you. You are the smartest person I\'ve ever seen. You want to learn the method of making a barrier. You\'ve learned it. Now we don\'t owe each other. I\'m gone and look forward to meeting again in the future."

Odysseus just took two steps and was carried back by Manda\'s ear: "you\'re my man. How can you say to go? Where\'s the bracelet?"

"The bracelet is inside the barrier. I can teach you how to break the barrier, but you must let me go."

"You have so many conditions!" Manda\'s fingers suddenly hardened and could cut off Odysseus\'s ear at any time.

Odysseus shouted, "don\'t deceive people too much!"

"What if it\'s too much?"

Odysseus looked ferocious and said, "I\'ll give you the way to get in and out of the barrier. It\'s ok if you don\'t let me go!"

He drew a circle totem on the ground and said to Manda, "a drop of blood on it can enter the barrier."

Manda looked at the totem and knocked Odysseus to the ground with a return punch.

"What are you doing?" Odysseus wanted to resist. Manda rode up and punched Odysseus to death.

Manda wiped the blood on her hand and said to Odysseus, "I\'ll give you another chance to figure out what to do."

Odysseus wiped the blood and tears on his face, sat up and drew another totem on the ground.

There was a curse on the previous totem. If Manda drops blood on the totem, he will be controlled by Odysseus.

But Odysseus did not expect that Manda had the eye to peel off and could easily see through the curse behind the totem. With Odysseus\'s current strength, it was impossible to calculate Manda.

This time the totem was very pure. Manda dropped blood on the totem. Odysseus pointed to the barrier and said, "now you can go in and out freely. I\'m tired. First find a place to rest..."

Before she finished, Manda took Odysseus into the barrier.

Odysseus cried bitterly, "if you see that crazy woman again, you will be killed by her!"

"Keep your voice down if you don\'t want to be killed by her. Where is the bracelet?"

"In your bedroom, in the dark box under the bed."

"You\'re smart. You found my dark grid."

They crept into Manda\'s bedroom. Before opening the door, Manda noticed an abnormality. The temperature in the room was colder than usual.

Odysseus stroked his finger on his throat. (that crazy woman is in there. If she goes in, she will die!)

Manda pointed to her wrist and stared at Odysseus. Is the bracelet really inside

Odysseus nodded and pressed his right hand on his chest. I swear I didn\'t lie to you

Manda pointed to her forehead, then to the door, and then to her wrist. (I\'ll rush in and get the bracelet later. You control her with the forgetting technique. Get the bracelet and go immediately.)

Odysseus realized that Manda was about to push the door when he saw the door open by himself.

The balance girl stood in front of Manda, bowed her head and said, "I found a little memory and was about to tell you."

A breeze passed, and Manda felt the power coming from Odysseus.

He looked at Odysseus. Did you use the technique of forgetting

Odysseus shrugged. You let me use it

What should I do? Girl Tianping has just found some memory.

She is the oldest God and should not have been hit by Odysseus\' skills.

No, she seems to have really hit it.

The balance girl stared round at Manda, and the blood appeared on her eyes one by one.

Manda\'s numb. Every bone is numb.

"I... forgot." the balance girl made a strange voice, like an old doorshaft rubbing in her throat.

Manda took a deep breath, smiled and said, "forget it, forget it."

"How can I forget the memory I just found?"

"That must be a bad memory, so you don\'t want to remember at all."

Manda thought her explanation was perfect. The balance girl stopped and didn\'t move for half a sound.

Odysseus pointed to the girl\'s right hand, the bracelet on his wrist.

Manda quietly took off the bracelet and received it in her arms. Everything went well.

The two quietly stepped back and turned to run. The balance girl suddenly caught up and kicked Odysseus on the back.

Odysseus soared into the air, smashed through the wooden wall and flew out of the wooden building. The hole in the wall was exactly his posture when flying.

This strength is too great. The eighth order Odysseus, with the body of the true God, is vulnerable to attack in front of the balance girl.

Manda, can you give me a chance to compete with her?

It must have lasted longer than Odysseus, but it didn\'t make much sense. Before the balance girl stretched out her feet, Manda jumped out and rushed to the door.

Odysseus lay on the ground and saw Manda rushing out. He got up and ran with Manda.

After running for a while, Odysseus shook his head and said, "we\'d better act separately, otherwise it\'s easy for her to catch up."

Manda said, "we can\'t act separately. We have a care together."

"How to take care of it?"

Before she finished, the balance girl had chased out. Manda accelerated madly and left Odysseus behind.

Now Odysseus understood the method of care.

Two people run together. Manda runs faster than Odysseus.

Libra will catch up with Odysseus first, and then Manda can run out of the barrier smoothly.

Odysseus, who was about to cry without tears, was kicked down by girl Tianping. I thought that girl Tianping would tear him up. Unexpectedly, the girl ignored Odysseus and continued to chase Manda.

"Retribution, this is retribution!" Odysseus lay on the ground and laughed.

Apart from Hermes, Manda won\'t lose to anyone in speed, but the next scene is a little strange. The balance girl is more than 20 steps away from Manda. Suddenly, her figure flashes and directly appears in front of Manda.

She did not follow the normal spatial trajectory, and a distance was directly ignored by her.

What is the principle? Is there such a skill in the world?

Manda slammed the brakes and ran again. The girl Tianping soon appeared in front of Manda again.

Manda stopped running. He realized it was a waste of energy.

"Where are you going?" said the balance girl.

Manda smiled calmly: "I\'ll help you find your memory. I promised you this."

"Did you find it?"

"Not yet. It can\'t be so fast."

"You run fast."

"Running fast doesn\'t mean looking fast. If you want to find your memory, you have to find your believers first. Your believers are hard to find. I\'ll ask that person first," Manda shouted to Odysseus. "Are you His believers?"

Odysseus had run away from the edge of the barrier and was pulled back by the balance girl.

"Are you really my believer?"

Odysseus cursed Manda with the most vicious language, and then looked at Tianping girl with sincere eyes: "if you need a believer, you can take away my faith at any time."

"Do you know my name?"

This is a very fatal problem.

Odysseus smiled with tears. "I don\'t think names matter."

Manda knew that Odysseus couldn\'t last long, but he didn\'t dare to run away. He knew that the balance girl could catch up with him in the blink of an eye.

Why can he go beyond space? In previous lives, he had been exposed to the concept of wormholes. Could girl Tianping make wormholes?

Manda opened the eye of three lines, and three lines appeared in all the plants and trees around her. Her sight was messy.

Before she could filter with the stripping eye, the balance girl appeared in front of Manda again.

Manda saw clearly that the balance girl\'s body disappeared for a period of time, a very short period of time, absolutely no more than a second, but Manda was sure that she disappeared.

She disappeared, completely disappeared from the world.

There were also some changes in details. He saw three lines moving, not her three lines, but the three lines of things around him, but the time was too short and Manda didn\'t look carefully enough.

The balance girl stared at Manda and said slowly, "you lied to me!"

"Why do you say that?"

"My believer told me that you lied to me!" the balance girl pointed to Odysseus.

"He is not your disciple!"

"You just said he was my believer, so you lied to me!"

Manda pondered for a while, speechless, ran again and looked back as she ran.

He didn\'t expect to escape. This time he wanted to see the changes of the three lines.

The balance girl let Manda run for a while, and her body flashed again and caught up with Manda.

I can see clearly that the three lines of things around me have moved. It seems that a strong wind has blown away the dense thin lines, leaving a vacuum road without thin lines.

In that vacuum Road, the balance girl disappeared from the starting point and appeared at the end, shuttling dozens of steps in the blink of an eye.