Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 504

According to the original plan, Manda should take longersen back to Qixing mountain first, and then Jiaoye city to pick up Susi.

It\'s the safest way to take only one person at a time.

But Manda didn\'t do that. He first took longersen to the blacksmith\'s shop from the underworld, and then took Susi to the seven star mountain.

The reason for this is that he is worried about the follow-up means of sheltai. Sheltai is undoubtedly the most cunning of all his opponents in the world. Since he wants to lure Manda to take the bait, he certainly won\'t put all his hope on a divine object and several big soldiers. He must have left a lot of behind hands.

Manda doesn\'t know what sheltai\'s backhand is. He doesn\'t want to gamble or accept sheltai\'s test. He comes back from the underworld and then comes to pick up SUS. He\'s afraid that the situation in Jiaoye city has changed. At that time, I don\'t know how many traps are waiting for Manda.

So Manda chose to take two people at a time, but it also takes a certain risk. Whether she can comfort the souls of two people at the same time depends on Manda\'s strength.

Recently, after eating a lot of pure divine blood stones, Manda has completed more than half of the sixth level cultivation path. His divinity is improving, his skills are improving, and his talents should also be improved.

Of course, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents on this trip, which depends on the luck of longson and Sus.

Susie wanted to go to the seven star mountain himself. Longesen was a damn man. Any business had risks. Even if there was an accident, they wouldn\'t lose. At least Manda didn\'t violate the creed of fair trade.

After drinking Pluto\'s sleeping pill, Sus fell into a deep sleep.

Manda told the blacksmith to be more careful, and then took Sue into the underworld.

Manda was carrying SUSE and medusa was carrying longson. At first, she could barely hold on. When she was on the Bank of the Acheron River, Medusa went on strike.

"No, I can\'t stand it. He\'s too heavy!" Medusa left longson by the side of the road and gasped. "Let\'s change. I\'ll carry you."

Manda glanced and said, "it\'s all for your eyes. How can you be light and afraid of heavy?"

Medusa looked at longson again: "if this man has nothing to do with my left eye, I will turn the world upside down with you!"

"It\'s related, sure, some related..." Manda felt guilty. He carried longson on his back and handed sus to Medusa.

After returning to the Seven Star Mountain, Manda handed sus over to the Government Secretary and longson to worm. She continued to live in the temple, where it was the warmest.

Two days later, Sue woke up and longson woke up. It seems that the talent of stabilizing the soul has indeed improved a lot.

Sue came to the temple to thank Manda. According to the agreement, he said the whereabouts of the "left eye".

"When I was 11 years old, the caravan from the North was robbed by pirates. My father led the fleet to defeat the pirates,

My father always wanted to cultivate me into an excellent general. I was on his flagship and followed him all the way to pursue the pirates.

Finally, he caught up with an island. The pirates begged him for mercy. As long as they had a way to live, they were willing to contribute all their treasures.

His father did not forgive them. He killed all the pirates and released the original owner of the island from the dungeon,

The owner of the island is called osirus. In order to repay his father\'s kindness, he is willing to give his father a treasure on the island. That treasure is Medusa\'s left eye. "

Hearing this, Manda interrupted sus: "that is to say, the treasure is in the hands of Archduke bessalu?"

If so, the situation will be complicated. The kid may use this as a threat to force Manda to save his father.

Manda will not be so kind. If Susie really dares to do so, Manda will make him regret his idea all his life.

Fortunately, Sue didn\'t think so. He shook his head and said, "my father didn\'t take that eye. In fact, he hasn\'t seen that eye. If it were you, would you dare to look directly into Medusa\'s eyes?"

Sue\'s statement is reasonable. No one who is a little wiser dares to look into Medusa\'s eyes.

But this also brings a serious practical problem.

"That is to say, Medusa\'s eyes are still on that island?"

"Yes," sus took out a parchment from his arms, "this is the contract my father signed with osirus. According to the agreement, when my father needs this eye, osirus should honor his promise and give Medusa\'s left eye to the holder of the contract. After his father signed the contract, he gave it to me, and I have kept it until today."

With that, suss took out a sea navigation chart, which marked several important ports in the southeast and the location of the island.

"This is the nautical chart my father used in those years. Every mark on it is very accurate. You must be able to find the island."


Sue left the temple, and Manda called Medusa and told her the whole story.

Medusa naturally wanted to get her eyes back. She believed Sue\'s words and urged Manda to leave immediately.

"With your skills, you can reach this island in the blink of an eye. You can exchange my eyes with the contract. Don\'t you want to do such a simple thing for me? I\'m really desperate!"

Manda naturally dare not let Medusa despair, but things are not so simple. First of all, we must determine the authenticity of this contract.

He called chuyt first. After verification, the contract was indeed written ten years ago. Bessalu\'s handwriting is true and there is no trace of forgery.

Chuyt is a full-scale believer of the God of deception, and has gradually mastered the use of artifact. In addition to the liar demigod locked up on the brittle rock mountain, chuyt is the closest person to the demigod under the command of the God of deception. He also has a unique talent for forging handwriting.

In other words, this contract excludes the possibility of fraud. The contract is true, which proves that suss\'s description is true.

The next problem is to find the island. Relying on the marks on the nautical chart, Manda entered the underworld and began his search. He searched three times, each time for more than an hour.

Compared with the nautical chart, he could clearly feel every port in the southeast, but he couldn\'t find the location of the island.

Is Sue wrong? Or did he lie?

Manda fell into confusion. Medusa reminded: "the sea belongs to Poseidon. The relationship between Poseidon and Hades is not harmonious. You may not be able to explore Poseidon\'s territory from the underworld."

Manda smiled: "I can\'t find it. How do you want me to go to that island?"

"Go to the southeast first, find a port, buy a big ship, take an army, find the island, and then take my eyes back!"

Medusa thinks everything is very simple. It\'s OK to go to the southeast and it\'s not difficult to buy a boat. How can the Army take it?

"Only you, me and Susie, just the three of us, success or failure depends on your luck."

Medusa thinks there are too few three people, but Manda can\'t help it. This is the limitation of skills.

"What about the big man!" Medusa pouted. "Don\'t say it has nothing to do with him."

Medusa was talking about longersen. Manda hurriedly said, "there is a relationship, but now he is not conscious. Do you want to wait for him to wake up?"

Medusa certainly doesn\'t want to wait.

"We can\'t rely on the three of us alone. We are likely to get lost in the sea. The sea is not as simple as you think. Bring one more, and you can bring one more," Medusa begged bitterly. "It will be of great use to bring a believer of Poseidon to the sea."

Poseidon believers?

Manda has only one reliable Poseidon believer, Tira.

Take Tilla away. What about the Navy? He also has to guard against sheltai.

"Take him. Be sure to take him. He can hear Poseidon\'s Oracle. If he encounters a battle at sea, he is much stronger than other believers."

Manda really doesn\'t want Tilla to take risks, but Medusa is right. Taking Tilla will add a lot of security to the trip.

Sheltai went to Wangdu and took away many soldiers. He should not come back in a short time. Even if he came back, he may not have the energy to attack the southwest.

Tira can leave the army temporarily, but not for long.

"In ten days, we\'ll get your left eye back." Manda made a plan.

Medusa felt that ten days were too few. She looked at Susie. Susie shook her head: "my Lord, when I went on an expedition with my father, it took me eight days to come back at sea. Considering the cost of buying a boat and purchasing, we hardly had time to stay on the island."

"I can\'t leave too long, and Tilla can\'t leave too long," Manda took out a timetable. "We should carefully plan every step and don\'t waste any time."