Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 503

Late at night, Manda came to the South Gate of Jiaoye city and saw a group of unkempt prisoners locked under the city wall by chains.

I didn\'t see them clearly. I first smelled a disgusting smell. I was bound by chains for a month. It\'s normal to have this smell. Manda has experienced this kind of thing.

What makes Manda puzzling is why the fifth order believers of Hercules are locked in chains? He can break a big tree with one punch.

If he has become disabled, Manda doesn\'t intend to waste time and let him live and die.

The most worrying thing is that the powerful general has lost his desire to survive. It\'s a pity to abandon him. It\'s embarrassing to save him.

I\'ll think about it later. Let\'s see where he is first.

A dark figure curled up in the corner, even if only the skeleton was thin, it was much bigger than ordinary people.

Is this you? General longson?

Manda stared at the man. Suddenly, a soldier shouted, "who are you? What are you looking at here!"

"Look what\'s the matter?" Manda said innocently. "Isn\'t it just for others to lock them here?"

The jailer came forward and pushed Manda: "come and see tomorrow. Cut off their heads tomorrow. Now get away from me!"

Manda stumbled and almost fell. He tidied up his clothes, bared his teeth to the soldiers and disappeared into the night.

When she came to an alley, about three or four hundred meters from the city gate, Manda leaned against the wall and fell into meditation.

The man huddled in the corner is longson. Manda can\'t read it wrong.

It seems easy to save him. There are only a dozen soldiers in charge of the death row.

Manda could kill all the soldiers in the blink of an eye and ensure that they didn\'t have a chance to fight back and couldn\'t make a sound.

But the key question is, why did sheltai lock longson here for public display?

Just to vent anger and shock?

Deterrence is a very effective management method. Manda also admits this. It\'s too much fun to use these big soldiers to take care of longersen?

If longson wants to escape, he doesn\'t have to sweat to kill these big soldiers.

Even if longson lost his desire to survive, won\'t someone save him?

For example, I really wanted to save him. I saved him, and then I was caught in a trap. I either died or was captured alive.

It was a tragedy for Manda and the perfect result for sheltai.

From another angle, everything suddenly opens up.

There must be a trap under the city gate, which made longersen unable to escape and killed those who tried to save him.

So long Gesen can\'t save him. At most, he can look at him again and express deep condolences for the famous general.

Manda stood at the foot of the wall in the alley. He didn\'t move for a long time. He wanted to leave, but there was a trace of worry in his heart.

People may change their mind at the moment of life and death. Tomorrow is the day when longersen is executed. The knife and axe are coming. What if the general changes his mind?

It would be complicated if he turned to sheltai. All Manda\'s generals, including Stanley, were not his opponents.

Either save him or leave him here forever. We can\'t leave him to sheltai.

"In fact, I still have feelings for him," Manda whispered to herself. "Isn\'t this kind of sentimental and righteous behavior kind?"

Manda stared at her fingers for a while without any reaction.

Since you decide to take action, you have to formulate tactics in advance. It\'s certainly unwise to direct hard steel. You have to find a loyal warrior to take risks for yourself.

Manda summoned Medusa. They whispered in the alley for a moment. Medusa looked suspicious and said, "you say this man knows the whereabouts of my left eye?"

Manda nodded and said, "this is what the childe Susi said himself. If you don\'t believe it, you can ask him."

"Then ask him."

"This man will be executed soon. If he doesn\'t do it now, he won\'t have a chance later."

"Really?" Medusa quietly came to the alley, looked at the city, turned to Manda and said, "just a few ordinary people. You can deal with them without me."

Manda shrugged and said, "they look so ferocious. I see they\'re a little scared."

"Bah! You think I\'ll believe such nonsense!"

"If you don\'t believe it, I don\'t care about his life or death."

Manda turned to go. Medusa stopped him and quietly pulled off a strand of snake hair.

I almost forgot. She also has her own death squads.


Crouching under the city, longson was awakened by a nightmare. In his dream, he saw once again the scene of sheltai slaughtering his subordinates.

Those were the only five of his men, and sheltai cut off their heads in front of them.

Longson was trembling. He couldn\'t cry. His tears had already dried up.

In late winter, jiaoyecheng, at the southernmost tip of the mainland, was hot and humid. The thirsty longesen raised his head and asked the commander for some water to drink.

The captain spit at longson, and the spit hung on longson\'s nose.

"Drink! Bastard!" the soldier laughed.

A soldier brought a water bag and said, "give him a drink. If he is willing to obey the Archduke tomorrow, he may become a general in the future."

The commander took the water bag, drank a lot of water and vomited on longson\'s face.

"Satisfied this time!" the commander returned the water bag to his subordinates. "Don\'t worry, the Duke is not here. Even if he surrenders to the Marquis, the marquis will not forgive him!"

Manda heard this very clearly. Sheltai was not here.

As for whether the Marquis of scorched leaves would forgive him, Manda dared not gamble.

Longerson licked the water on his face hard. He didn\'t drink water all day. Sometimes, human dignity is fragile.

"Look at his work. This is the general of the king\'s capital? I think we should give him some urine!"

Led by the commander, the soldiers laughed at long Gesen. Suddenly, a death row prisoner shouted, "there is a snake! There is a snake!"

The laughter stopped suddenly. The soldiers were surprised, but they were not flustered. The commander shouted, "get close to me and come to me. The closer you are, the better."

Manda heard this sentence clearly, and the trap was beside the soldier commander.

More than a dozen snake hair wriggled towards the soldiers. The soldiers did not attack the snake hair and did not escape.

When the long distance between the snake hair and the soldier was about 30 feet, Manda vaguely heard a voice: "here and now, everything belonging to the Banshee will..."

The voice is too small. Manda\'s hearing is so strong, but she can only hear some words clearly.

But he can be sure of one thing. This sentence is Cronus\'s rule.

Why can we make rules here when Sheldon is not here?

Are there other Cronus believers besides sheltai?

Medusa also heard some vague words. She whispered, "it\'s Poseidon\'s conch horn."

"What is that? Is it a sacred thing?"

"A very precious artifact," Medusa looked nervously at the wriggling snake hair. "The conch horn can record a person\'s voice and skills, and can be repeated repeatedly."

Manda understood Medusa\'s meaning. Sheltai recorded his voice and skills with a conch horn. Even if others are not here, he can trigger his pre-determined rules through organs.

When the snake hair was less than 20 feet away from the soldiers, a burst of smoke suddenly rose, and more than a dozen snake hair instantly turned into ashes.

Medusa whispered, "I can\'t help you fight. I can feel that his rules are specially used to deal with me."

"Never mind, it\'s my turn." Manda walked out of the alley with a smile.

Medusa discouraged, "you don\'t know how many rules he recorded."

"It doesn\'t matter. Just destroy the conch."

"It\'s hard for you to find it. The conch horn is very small, which means the belly is so big."

Manda smiled, "I think I\'ve found it."

In danger, the commander ordered the soldiers to move closer to him. It was obvious that the conch was on him.

The snake\'s hair was burned to ashes less than 20 feet away from the soldier, which proved that the scope of action of conch was not too large.

Seeing that the snake hair had disappeared, the commander quickly ordered: "light the beacon and someone will rob the death row!"

The soldiers were about to light the beacon when they saw Manda running towards them.

The commander ordered the soldiers to gather together again. They were afraid, but they were still not flustered. It seems that as long as there are shertai\'s rules, they are sure to win.

Current goal: save longerson.

Alternative target: kill longson.

Advantage: the enemy is afraid.

Disadvantage: do not know the number and content of rules.

Sheltai restricted Medusa and proved that his rules were against Manda.

He will certainly deprive Manda of his skills and physical talents, so that Manda, like ordinary people, can\'t even beat these big soldiers.

Don\'t bother about such things. Just be rough.

Being able to sense the enemy\'s fear proves that ares\'s first-order skills are still there. Cronus took away all ares\'s believers. I\'m afraid he didn\'t even think of it. There are two skills left in Manda.

Through the fear of the enemy, Manda increased her strength, and the black storm spewed out of her fingers.

The effect range of conch is too small, far less than the damage range of storm. Sheltai doesn\'t know that Manda has new skills and doesn\'t take precautions against it.

Everyone under the city was caught in the air and fell heavily to the ground. Even the weak longerson was knocked unconscious.

Manda rushed forward, grabbed the soldier commander lying on the ground and scanned his body.

It\'s a precious artifact. Naturally, it\'s valuable. Manda soon found that the horn of the conch was hidden in the soldier\'s skirt.

Manda stretched out her golden finger, smashed the conch and penetrated the soldier\'s chest.

Under the severe pain, the soldier commander opened his eyes and wanted to shout, but he couldn\'t shout. Manda pierced his trachea and choked with his own blood.

"I didn\'t expect you to be alive," Manda smiled. "You like spitting, don\'t you?"

Manda cut off his front teeth and his tongue.

"I hear you still want to pee?" Manda reached down and cut off the pee tool.

The commander vomited blood foam, lay on the ground and twitched. She rushed to Medusa from behind and said, "how did you destroy the horn of the conch? There are only two in the world. Do you know how rare it is?"

Manda rubbed her forehead and said, "this thing is too dangerous. When I meet another one, I have to destroy it."

Medusa looked at the chief Soldier: "don\'t waste time on him? Their reinforcements will come soon. Take that man and get out of here."

Manda looked at the soldier and said, "I hate him very much, so I want him to die a little more painful."

In the twinkling of an eye, he looked at longson again: "he\'s too heavy. You have to help me carry him."