Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 505

Ten days, eight days at sea. If everything goes well, it will take at least one or two days on the island. Other time can\'t be wasted at all. No wonder Manda needs to make a detailed plan.

The first step of the plan is to reduce the dosage and not let sus and Tilla sleep too long.

The job was left to Pluto, who was able to ensure that they woke up in a two-point Hourglass (12 hours) after repeatedly preparing the medicine.

The next step is to buy a boat. Manda has to do it by herself. When they wake up, it\'s late at night, and the day is over.

In doing business, Manda had nothing to say. He first arranged Tilla and Sus in the Inn and went to the wharf alone. When they woke up, they had been sent to the ship.

After a full night\'s sleep, Tilla was refreshed. She was a little astringent when driving a sea boat for the first time, but sus only gave a brief introduction, and Tilla started easily.

One pilot and one sailed. They were in good condition, especially Tira. The talent of Poseidon believers was soon shown.

The only problem is that the boat is big.

Manda built a navy and had some ideas about ships, but he had never been out of the sea. This voyage was so far that the big ship was safer after all, so he bought a two-story ketch.

In this era, ketch is still very rare, and the warships going to sea are basically row oars.

The rowing boat is not slow. The only problem is that it needs a large number of sailors. Manda points to the island at sea with a chart. Unexpectedly, no sailor is willing to go to sea with him.

"Ten ships have gone to the island, and at most two can come back," the sailor looked at the chart. "You\'d better ask somewhere else. I don\'t want to fight with my life."

Manda shook her purse and said, "two gold coins for this job can catch up with the money you earn in a year."

"I would have gone before, and many people would rush to go, but after the great plague, everyone wants to live."

Manda could not hire sailors and wanted to buy a big ship. On the recommendation of the merchant, he bought a "thousand mile horse on the sea".

This is the name of the ketch in this era. In the whole origino continent, only one craftsman can make a ketch. The craftsman happened to live in the southeast and escaped the plague.

Manda bought the warship from the craftsman with 4600 gold coins. He wanted to take the craftsman for his own use, but found it difficult. The craftsman was not short of money. His house was comparable to a castle. It is said that there was a real castle in the suburbs.

No wonder a ship can sell more than 4000 gold coins and build two ships every year. This man must be very rich, but Manda found that he was not a believer of Hephaestus or other gods. He was a blind duck.

Can blind ducks have such a good craft talent? Manda thought she would visit the businessman again, and the day would not be too far.

The ketch can hold more than 400 people and can hold more than 800000 pounds of cargo. It needs at least dozens of sailors to drive it. But with sus\'s rich knowledge and Tilla\'s outstanding skills, the sailboat set sail smoothly.

In the claudesey family, Tilla\'s sense of existence has always been very low. He has a high position and commands the whole navy. However, the navy has not fought much and Tilla has lost a lot. She has always been the object of ridicule in the family.

Tilla\'s talent is not in the river. At sea, his steering skills amazed Sue. He can always accurately grasp the wind direction and current, keep the sailboat on the best route, and climb and shuttle between the mast and sails as steadily as walking on the flat ground.

Medusa was right. Thanks to Tilla.

The journey on the sea is happy. When the sun sets, the sea and sky are the same, and the refreshing sea breeze will make people have some kind of blind imagination under the background of dusk.

A dhow has more artistic conception than a steam cruise ship. Manda really wants to stand in the bow and take off with her beloved woman in her arms.

If only the lioness were here, and Roma could do it. Although she couldn\'t hold it, Roma\'s body was very windproof.

Medusa probably won\'t resist, but she\'s always using Manda\'s separation. It feels like there\'s always a little

The first three days were calm. On the fourth day, Manda knew why the sailors didn\'t want to come to the island.

The rough waves began to jolt the boat. Tilla told Manda that he heard some birds singing in the air, like some kind of warning.

Manda stood on the deck and looked for a long time. He also heard a few bird songs, but he couldn\'t hear the warning.

Medusa stopped talking. She knew the road ahead was dangerous, but she didn\'t dare to say it. She was worried that Manda would give up the voyage.

The island has been looming on the sea. How could Manda give up here? He first entered the underworld to try to locate the island, but he still couldn\'t find it.

It\'s unreasonable. It\'s really hard to locate the places you haven\'t been to, but the island has appeared in sight and can\'t be located. It seems that it\'s really like Medusa said, which involves the sphere of influence between Poseidon and Hades.

If you can\'t get through the underworld, go by sea. Tilla made it clear that this storm is nothing!

And Manda is also a person who has gone through wind and waves. In his last life, he encountered a big flood in the Jurassic. He held a fast foot Dragon (small carnivorous dinosaur) and floated on the water for three days and three nights. Finally, he was washed onto a beach together.

In these three days, he established a deep friendship with the fast foot dragon. If it weren\'t for Manda\'s hunger, they would certainly become good friends.

Manda ordered full speed forward. Tilla stood in the bow of the boat, opened her clothes, let the sea breeze blow her dark skin, and saw Medusa blush and heartbeat.

"This young man is very good..."

Manda said with a smile, "when I find your body, I can give him to you... One night."

"Why not tonight?"

Manda said, "that\'s my body. Don\'t even think about it."

"In fact, it doesn\'t take one night. Give me a meal and I can eat him up."

"Eat?" Manda looked at medusa in surprise.

The blush of her cheeks turned into a ferocious face. Medusa looked at Tilla with a grim smile: "is there any other use for men besides eating? Once I get to the sea, my appetite is very good."

Looking at her appearance, she didn\'t seem to be joking. Manda whispered, "no matter what your hobbies and injuries, don\'t touch my people, especially my family."

Medusa yelled at Manda, and all the snake\'s hair stood up and spit at Manda.

Medusa became very excited since she got to the sea.

Proper excitement is a good thing, and Manda doesn\'t like watching her cry all day.

But if you don\'t control yourself all the time, you have to teach her a lesson. Manda is going to repair her hair, but before she can do it, the deck suddenly tilts sharply to the left, and Manda falls heavily to the ground.

He was eager to get up, but the deck was shaking all the time. Manda hit the fence. The struggle under panic made him almost fall into the sea.

Medusa seized him and whispered softly in her ear, "don\'t move, little fellow. If you really fall, you can only wait for Poseidon to save you."

Manda noticed that no matter how shaky the boat was, Medusa had always stood steady, more stable than Tyra.

Looking out along the fence, the sea seemed to solidify into a wall without boundary. It tilted to the left, overturned to the right, folded a corner, turned into a huge wave seven or eight meters high and rushed towards the sailboat.

The huge shock frightened Manda. He subconsciously retracted into Medusa\'s arms and listened to her shout to Tilla: "stop circling and go towards the island!"

Tilla has been circling around the island for more than half a circle. He doesn\'t understand Medusa\'s words and doesn\'t know what to do. The current has always controlled the sailing direction.

Manda heard Sue\'s laughter: "go over the reef in front and you can get to the island after passing through that reef."

Sue was the navigator. Naturally, Tilla wanted to listen to him. Just as he was about to turn the steering wheel, Medusa rushed forward with Manda on her shoulder and slapped sue in the face: "do you want to die? Why hit the reef? Why are Poseidon believers so useless?"

Tilla covered her face and said angrily, "why did you hit me?"

The two were unable to speak. Seeing that they were going to fight, Manda drank, "don\'t go to the reef!"

"But Sue said..."

"Sue is crazy!" Manda didn\'t know why Sue was crazy. Just as he wanted to ask Medusa, he suddenly heard a bird song.

It sounds beautiful, like a nightingale.

The sound was very close, as if it were at the bottom of the ship.

"What\'s barking?" Manda asked Medusa.

"Don\'t listen!" cried Medusa. "That\'s the song of the sea demon. You\'ll become crazy after listening to it."

Manda listened, but he wasn\'t crazy. He had a bad hunch.

He heard a crash, and then the sound of the wood breaking.

There seems to be a hole in the bottom of the ship, a big hole.