Giant Monster in Marvel

Chapter 97

No one knows what Carol has experienced in the virtual space, but the moment she returns to consciousness, the whole person is full of anger!

With Carol as the center, the terrible pressure spread wildly in all directions, and everyone felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness. This is the depression from the level of life and the instinctive fear and panic of the body after the low-level life meets the high-level life.

The passage of the Starship solved the last Kerry Empire soldier. Nick Frey looked uneasily at the end of the passage. He pulled Nagini\'s arm:

"Tell me, you are also in your plan."

Seriously, Nick Frey feels bad now. As an old Yin ratio, he doesn\'t like the feeling of losing control.

At the end of the passage, did Carol successfully complete the qualitative change in her life? Or become a weapon of the Kerry Empire again? No one knows the answer until they see Carol.

This is the famous physics experiment - Schrodinger\'s cat!

On weekdays, Nick Frey is willing to discuss this famous physical problem with you, but the problem is that it is now related to the survival of the earth.

Under great pressure, Nick Frey felt very uneasy.

But Nagini had a smile on his mouth. Although he didn\'t know what happened inside the ship, he could feel the crazy soaring vitality inside the ship.

Soaring vitality is nothing. The real problem is that this vitality actually makes you feel pressure.

It\'s not that Nagini is arrogant. With the potential of the Basilisk and his current strength, unless Carol enters the double star state, he can\'t bring such strong pressure to himself.

So Nagini said calmly, "don\'t worry, I have confidence in her!"

As soon as Nagini\'s voice fell, behind the closed spaceship hatch in front of him, there was a sudden terrible roar, as if a terrible monster was tearing hatch after hatch towards them!

Looking at the flustered look of the people, Nagini smiled at the corners of her mouth: "look, what do I say? She succeeded, and she\'s coming out soon!"


There was a loud noise, and it didn\'t wait for everyone to react.

Not far away, the hard hatch was smashed by a terrible brute force, and Carol, who was glittering with dazzling light, appeared in the public\'s sight like a human light source.

But no one thought that at the moment Carol saw Nagini, she subconsciously raised her hand, and then a huge dazzling beam of light shot directly at Nagini.

At the same time, Carol\'s angry voice echoed in the whole ship: "Nagini, you traitor dare to come back? Look, I won\'t kill you!"

Two seconds ago, when Carol looked at herself, Nagini felt something was wrong.

Although the other side was surrounded by light, Nagini could feel a trace of hostility.

So at the moment Carol raised his hand, Nagini directly rolled with a donkey, slightly embarrassed to avoid, but feeling the terrible power of this energy gun and the sudden acceleration of his heart at the moment of life and death, Nagini couldn\'t help roaring:

"What are you crazy woman doing? I\'m just a child!"

But then, a flash of amazement flashed in Nagini\'s eyes. He seemed to think of something. His face suddenly changed. He waved his hand wildly and looked at each other sincerely:

"Wait, can you give me a chance to explain?"

But Carol, wrapped by the light, sneered. She looked at Nagini indifferently and her chest was full of anger: "explain, I\'m sorry, I don\'t need it! From the moment you abandoned me, you should be ready to accept punishment!"

God knows how desperate he was at the moment he was caught!

Seriously, she doesn\'t hate Colonel Rogge, not even the supreme wisdom.

It was Nagini who abandoned her. It was Nagini who threw herself away like garbage when she needed it most and when she was closest to success.

Carol doesn\'t understand. She doesn\'t know why Nagini did this, but she knows that if she gives herself another chance, she must let Nagini, a traitor, pay the price!

Now, her opportunity has come. It is not her faith that supports her against the supreme wisdom and the Kerry Empire, but her hatred for Nagini!

Under this hatred for traitors, she broke free from the oppression of supreme wisdom and had more powerful power than before.

Now she Carol comes back, burning the flame of revenge in her heart, and vows to burn the traitor in front of her to ashes!!!

Although the people on one side did not know what had happened, they could more or less analyze Carol\'s words.

Looks like Nagini was a deserter? That\'s why Carol is so angry.

But everyone was puzzled, especially Carol\'s good friend Maria, who looked at each other suspiciously with hesitation in her eyes:

"Carol, I think there should be a misunderstanding between you. Nagini can\'t abandon you. He asked us to save you."

But Carol sneered. She looked at Nagini in front of her with disdain: "he? How is this possible?"

And Nagini also calmed the heart beat that accelerated at the beginning because of life and death.

He stared at Carol in front of him. His eyes were serious and clear, with a touch of sincerity: "believe me, give me a chance to explain. If you still want to kill me, I don\'t mind."

Carol was silent. She looked at Nagini with sincere eyes and the unexpected eyes of the friends around her. She thought for a moment and finally clenched her teeth:

"OK, I\'ll give you a chance to explain, but remember, if you dare to tell a lie, I\'ll make you regret it!"

Nagini ignored each other\'s threats. He took a deep breath, his bright eyes twinkled, and looked seriously at Carol in front of him: "do you remember what I told you before I fought with those Kerry Empire soldiers?"

Carol was stunned. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly and a doubt flashed in her eyes: "don\'t forget who I am?"

Nagini nodded, and his slightly immature face was more serious: "yes, that\'s it! When I saw the soldiers, I realized a problem. Our plan failed!

Whether you admit it or not, in less than a day, the reinforcements of the Kerry empire will arrive on the earth, followed by war and death, large-scale cleaning, and millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of families will lose their relatives and friends!

The earth can\'t afford the anger of the Kerry empire. We will make hundreds of millions of people on Earth pay the price of their lives because of our actions! "

Nagini lowered his head at the moment. His eyes twinkled with anger and helplessness, like an angry Beast with a chest full of fire, and like a middle-aged man whose back was broken by life. He was eager to change, but he was unable to change.

There was depression and sadness in his voice, as well as anger with nowhere to vent.

It seems that under the influence of Nagini\'s words, people seem to see the star fleet flying through cities, and behind the fleet, under the smoke filled ruins, are the cries of dead bodies and children.

In particular, these people present have had war experience. Taros has witnessed the bloody washing of the scurus by the Kerry Empire, and Nick Frey has also struggled on the battlefield for three years. Although Maria has not been in contact with many wars, she has also had a long military career.

Although Nagini\'s words are not gorgeous, this simple language, combined with their own experience, instantly gives people a kind of cruelty.

This is the horror of war!

Nick Frey clenched his fist. He felt the weakness and helplessness of the earth. He urgently hoped that there would be one or a team on the earth to stand up at this time.

Taros thought of his hometown. He looked a little painful and helpless. This feeling is very complex. He has never experienced the pain of losing his home and can never be ignored.

As Carol standing opposite Nagini, she felt the deepest. Looking at Nagini\'s depressed and sad eyes and the other party\'s slightly tender face, Carol sighed.

Although he still couldn\'t forgive Nagini, the light around him was a little softer.

Nagini was right. When the first reinforcements arrived, their plan had failed, but even so, Carol still couldn\'t forgive the guy who betrayed himself!

Then the next moment, when Carol was ready to speak.

Nagini raised his head fiercely. The original depression and sadness in his eyes disappeared at the moment, replaced by extremely hot eyes. Nagini looked at Carol:

"After realizing this problem, I began to think of ways to make up for this mistake, and then I thought of you!"

Carol was stunned, and she subconsciously frowned:
