Giant Monster in Marvel

Chapter 98

Staring at Carol in front of her, Nagini\'s hot eyes seemed to melt the sun!

"Carol, you are strong, but you were not the strongest you at that time. You need to be stronger, like now!

With almost unlimited energy and terrible destructive power, you will become the sword of Damocles hanging in the Kerry empire. This is my plan! "

Nagini\'s language is powerful, but Carol shakes her head. Her experience in the virtual world has a great impact on her. Human thought is a very terrible and stubborn force. Carol doesn\'t believe Nagini, so she shakes her head and asks:

"It\'s a good plan, but I ask you, how can I make sure you\'re lying? How can you guarantee that I will succeed? Maybe I\'ll become a weapon of the Kerry Empire again."

This is the key to the problem. From the current situation, it is indeed like Nagini\'s plan, and the other party has succeeded.

But the question is, how should Nagini ensure that the plan will succeed?

What if his plan fails?

What if you become a human weapon of the Kerry Empire again?

Nagini\'s words are not unbelievable, at least before Nagini explains why he thinks he will succeed rather than fail,

Carol can only believe half of each other\'s words at most!

But in the face of Carol\'s doubt, Nagini shook his head and said with a smile on his mouth:

"Because I know you, I know you better than everyone! You may not know that yesterday was not our first meeting. We first met ten years ago, Nick Frey knew."

With that, Nagini looked at Nick Frey.

At the moment, Nick Frey is thinking about Nagini\'s previous words. He has some similar ideas with Nagini. He thought that if the plan failed, the earth would be very miserable. He also tried to find a way to solve this problem, but in the end, he got nothing. After all, the gap between the earth and the Kerry empire is too large.

But Nagini\'s words made him feel enlightened.

The development of science and technology can not be made up in a short time, but the earth also has their corresponding advantages.

For example, the existence of monsters such as Carol and Nagini, if a large number of such talents are explored and gathered together, they will eventually form a powerful force.

Although we can\'t fight against giants such as the Kerry Empire, we can give people on earth time for scientific and technological development!

Of course, although he had another thing in mind, Nick Frey noticed the conversation between Nagini and Carol, which is a necessary quality for a senior agent.

Facing Carol\'s puzzled eyes, Nick Frey nodded: "yes, I can prove that Nagini should have seen you ten years ago."

Yes, of course he can prove it.

Because of this, Nick Frey was sent to the front line and entertained by those "hospitable" enemies for three years!

But Nick Frey\'s words did not dispel Carol\'s doubts. She hesitated for a moment and said her doubts: "I\'m curious. Why don\'t I have any impression on this matter?"

Carol\'s idea is very simple. Her memory is true. If she had doubts about her memory before, but after this awakening, she has completely made up for the last defect in her whole body.

Her memory clearly told her that she had not seen Nagini, otherwise Carol would not have had no impression of Nagini when they met yesterday.

But Nagini shook his head and looked at each other sincerely: "because when I saw you, you were dead!"

Carol was stunned, then laughed angrily. The original soft light all over her became dazzling again: "I\'m dead? What do you see now? Ghosts? You liar!"

He looked at himself with hostile eyes. Although there was no attack, Nagini could feel that his legs were soft under this strong sense of crisis.

This is normal. Although she is an earthling, Carol has a very high level of life.

Nagini must reach the fourth stage at least to ignore the suppression of this life level, and only reach the fifth stage can he be on an equal footing with the other party.

No way, although the Basilisk is powerful, compared with the current superheroes, it is the top class, and the Basilisk still has many shortcomings.

However, in the face of Carol\'s hostility, Nagini did not look a bit flustered. His eyes were clear and sincere, and he looked at each other seriously:

"Yes, you are indeed dead, but before explaining this problem, I want to ask you a question. Have you ever thought about why only the two of us have the ability to deal with billions of human beings on earth?"

Nagini\'s words silenced Carol.

She is an earth person, but all the earth people she knows don\'t have such powerful power.

Nick Frey\'s eyes flashed a light. Can it be said that the way to obtain super power is death?

Although there are some risks, if the mortality rate is not too high, you can try it.

Nagini didn\'t care about the shining Nick Frey. He looked at the contemplative Carol with a flash of complexity in his eyes. He sighed and said with some emotion:

"Ten years ago, I went to California prison to meet my brother. Driven by curiosity, I met you in the explosion zone.

At that time, your body was covered with blue energy. I guess it was some special energy. It was this energy that brought you back to life. I don\'t know the specific process. I just remember that some energy floated from your body and integrated into me, that is, from that day on, I had special abilities. "

Carol, who was originally hostile to Nagini, now frowned.

Although the other side\'s statement is somewhat exaggerated, Carol vaguely feels that this is likely to be the truth.

First of all, she was exposed to death, not the kind of life hanging on the line, but the kind of death that really approached and even integrated into each other\'s body. Although many people said that she was dancing with the God of death, Carol knew that her feeling was different from what they said.

The second thing that made her believe in Nagini was that she felt that Nagini had similar power to her.

The dazzling white light became soft again, even this time it was soft enough to see Carol\'s facial features. Her eyes stared at Nagini. Carol was silent for a long time and finally asked:

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

Feeling the hostility dispersed like a ebb tide, Nagini smiled. He looked at Carol seriously: "I want to say I know you, or I know the power in your body. I believe you will break through the blockade of your ability by the Kerry empire."

Carol shook her head. Her eyes were hesitant. "But what if it fails?"

From the bottom of her heart, Carol has believed in Nagini now. Just as the other party said, Nagini knows herself, even better than herself!

This understanding is not a physical or personality understanding, but a deeper understanding.

But even so, Carol is still dissatisfied with Nagini\'s abandonment of her.

Nagini was silent. He was silent for a long time. Finally, he slowly raised his head and sighed deeply. His eyes were a little tired: "so I\'m here!"

Carol was stunned. She looked into Nagini\'s eyes and vaguely thought of something. She trembled inexplicably in her heart: "what do you mean?"

Nagini shook his head. His eyes twinkled, somewhat complex and painful, but more tired:

"I know my actions are selfish, and I know it\'s unfair for you to make such a decision without consulting you. If the plan succeeds, the earth will be saved anyway.

But if the plan fails? I\'ll pay you for my life! "

The voice fell and everyone present was stunned.

I have to admit that Nagini\'s plan is crazy. From the dialogue just now, it is not difficult to see that this is an extremely conceited and crazy human. The most terrible thing is that the other party is only 15 years old this year!

However, behind this crazy plan, there is an extremely cruel and cold-blooded soul!

Whether for the earth or Carol, this is a big bet, a big bet without anyone\'s consent. Although everyone knows that Nagini just makes the most correct choice under the current situation, no one will like this character.

Including the same cold-blooded Nick Frey, he thought Nagini\'s plan was too much.

But with Nagini\'s words, I\'ll pay you for my life.

I don\'t know why, people suddenly feel sad.

On top of that, Nagini is not 16 years old this year.

What should a normal 16-year-old be doing now?

Star chasing? fall in love? Play basketball?

That\'s the life you should have at the age of 16, unrestrained and free from any pressure.

But what about Nagini?

Life has weight. No one knows how terrible weight Nagini\'s heart will bear when he makes this decision,

People seemed to see that at the moment when the earth was in danger, a 16-year-old child walked forward with billions of lives on his shoulders.

Perhaps this is why Nagini\'s voice is tired and chooses to give his life to Carol after the plan fails.

Because he is too tired, because his young heart can\'t bear this weight!

He is not really strong, nor is he really cold-blooded, but the current situation forces him to do so!

And this weight, this responsibility, should have been borne by these adults, not a minor child!

I don\'t know why, looking at Nagini in front of me, people feel hot on their faces!