Giant Monster in Marvel

Chapter 96

In the outer space of the earth, there is a huge interstellar warship docked here at the moment.

Inside the starship, the captured Carol lay flat on a machine similar to an operating table. Her limbs were firmly bound by metal rings. The overall shape was "big" and looked extremely ashamed.

Standing next to her was Colonel Rogge, with an indisputable smile on his face.

Life was full of ups and downs. At first, Colonel Rogge thought he was going to die. He was even ready to be a deserter, but everything changed with Nagini\'s departure.

Carol was caught successfully. Without Nagini, the monster, everything was so simple and easy.

Returning to the starship, Colonel Rogge immediately made contact with supreme wisdom.

Supreme wisdom was dissatisfied with colonel Rogge\'s behavior, after all. In a sense, it\'s murder!

But after knowing that the other party succeeded in catching Carol?

As Colonel Rogge thought, the supreme wisdom ignored the dead men. What the other party really cared about was whether Rogge caught Carol!

It\'s just that Carol\'s importance has exceeded Colonel Rogge\'s expectations.

Knowing that Carol is on his warship at the moment, supreme wisdom actually said that Carol\'s memory should be reorganized now.

So there is the present scene.

As the machine is started, green fluorescence envelops Carol\'s consciousness, and her consciousness gradually enters another level, which will be the most critical and difficult level in her life.

After this, Carol will reach the peak of her life. Even if she is the cosmic overlord "purple potato father", Carol can compete with it.

With one man\'s power, destroy the Starfleet, which is the terrible part of Carol.

But if it fails?

Seriously, with the technology of Kerry Empire and the amount of calculation of supreme wisdom, Carol will hardly have a second chance in his life.

At the same time, the action team, code named "Hope", now flew out of the earth\'s atmosphere in a fighter.

There are six members of the team, including pilot Maria Rambo and action team leader Nagini. There are two aliens in the team, one is star guide taros and the other is tool man noles. He is writing and painting at the moment. The white drawing board is full of big public formulas and numbers.

This is the task assigned to him by Nagini. Nagini hopes that if the star fleet of the Kerry Empire comes to the earth and washes the earth on a large scale, how to intercept it to minimize the loss.

At first, everyone thought it was unnecessary, but Nagini said, "I know it\'s unnecessary. The probability of this happening is very small, but if it does happen? I hope the loss of the earth can be minimized."

The crowd was silent, and they were convinced by Nagini\'s noble quality.

Even Nick Frey feels the temperament similar to Mrs. Samantha in Nagini at the moment. This is a noble quality that only angels can have, because only angels still think about how to reduce death at this moment.

It was just a flash of confusion in Norris\'s eyes.

If he remembered correctly, the coordinates of New York should be [40 ° 42\'51.67 "n and 74 ° 0\'21.50" w], which is a little different from the data provided by Nagini.

However, considering Nagini\'s noble character and the amazing amount of calculation on the drawing board, noles didn\'t care about these small problems.

In addition to two aliens, an earthman and a Nagini who doesn\'t know whether he is human or not, there are two team members on the spacecraft.

One is Nick Frey, the other is the orange cat lying in Nick Frey\'s arms.

Seriously, about the orange cat?

Nick Frey is resistant!

He always felt that he would lose something with the cat, but Nagini said it would protect your safety, which inexplicably made Nick Frey feel very secure and reliable.

So Nick Frey, who originally disagreed, finally agreed.

The plane left the earth and finally arrived at its destination after a short flight.

In front of the line of sight is a huge star battleship. Although I don\'t know how strong the firepower of the other side is, compared with the size of both sides, Nick Frey can\'t help swallowing his saliva:

"Nagini, are you sure we\'re going to fight this big guy? I think we need to think about it!"

Maria, the driver on one side, nodded madly with tears.

My God! This big guy is terrible!

With a length of more than 100 meters and a width of tens of meters, the shell reflecting metallic luster and the deep muzzle make people feel like a war fortress crossing the universe!

Compared with the behemoth in front of us, the spaceship driven by ourselves is simply weak enough to explode!

But Nagini ignored it. With a big hand, he said bravely: "brothers, rush for me!"

Fifteen minutes later

In the Starfleet, the whole person was still very happy just now, as if Colonel Rogge, whose pores were full of happiness, was frowning slightly and his eyes were shining gloomy.

Carol\'s memory reorganization did not go well.

Think about it. After all, Carol\'s memory reorganization took four years!

But the problem is that Carol\'s will was chaotic before. He was like a child who didn\'t understand anything. His empty head was a piece of white paper.

But with this trip to earth, Carol\'s will changed,

Although Colonel Rogge doesn\'t know what Carol is going through at the moment, he can be sure through the instrument that Carol is resisting at the moment.

She is fighting against the whole Kerry Empire and the huge supreme wisdom with her personal will!

How long will this confrontation last?

Colonel Rogge didn\'t know either, but he knew it must be a long time, and certainly not less than four years.

The trouble is more than that. Carol\'s resistance is expected. It\'s nothing. What really makes Colonel Rogge\'s heart cloudy is the reappearance of Nagini!

Seventeen minutes ago, my men reported that they had found a piece of space junk flying towards the warship.

At that time, Colonel Rogge did not care that flying in such backward galaxies was prone to such problems.

This would not have happened in their Kerry Empire galaxy. Because they were aware of the harm of garbage long ago and did a good job in garbage classification under the promotion of supreme wisdom.

Although in the beginning, some people would ask:

"What kind of rubbish are you?"

"What kind of rubbish are you?"

But after the initial analgesia, the cosmic environment has been improved, and a happy and happy smile appears on everyone\'s face again.

So when he knew that there was cosmic garbage in this galaxy, Colonel Rogge didn\'t panic at all. He even had the impulse to classify garbage for people on earth, but before he turned the impulse into action, he found a big problem!

Because it\'s not rubbish at all!

No, from the perspective of the Kerry Empire?

The metal structure of this garbage, the design style that children will not choose, and the mentally retarded can design better energy devices. It is really garbage.

In short, it doesn\'t matter whether it\'s rubbish or not. The key is that there\'s a monster in it!

Knowing that Nagini appeared in his ship, Colonel Rogge was very flustered. He quickly ordered to let his hands down and hold each other, and asked supreme wisdom when the reinforcements would arrive.

The answer given by supreme wisdom is, in any case, at least twenty minutes!

So Colonel Rogge could only "bite his teeth" and "tears" and close all the doors in the warship,

However, just when Colonel Rogge thought he was safe, Carol, who was handcuffed by metal and covered with a layer of green light, suddenly burst into a dazzling blue and white light in his body.

Before Colonel Rogge realized anything, he felt an extremely terrible energy impact. Before he could think more about what had happened, Colonel Rogge fainted.

However, before the coma, Colonel Rogge seemed to hear Carol\'s roar: "Nagini, you scum man, I\'m going to shit you today!!!"