Full Level Boss Also Needs To Work Hard

Chapter 348

The female emperor Chunhua asked these nonsense for no other reason.

Just one.

Chunhua lady doesn\'t want to ask for help!

Especially the man who just pulled his double horsetail and said he was mentally retarded!

As Li Qingyan said, the female emperor Chunhua stayed here for one reason. The female emperor Chunhua wanted Jingpu to help him untie the seal!

First of all, the female emperor Chunhua doesn\'t know whether Jingpu can help herself.

But this is the first time in millions of years that someone can touch their body.

Chunhua female emperor also felt this most common but most missed feeling for the first time.

Millions of years ago, when the female emperor Chunhua was sealed and could only live in this way, she did not feel anything wrong.

Because in addition to touching things, there are no abnormalities or problems.

But the problem is that with the retirement of time, I don\'t know how many years, maybe 10000 or 20000 years?

Anyway, one day, the female emperor of Chunhua suddenly began to miss what it was like to be able to touch things.

Just suddenly miss this feeling.

But as soon as this feeling appeared, it was found that it was broken and bad!

Because once you remember this feeling, but you can\'t finish it, it\'s really hard!

This feeling is like someone telling you, don\'t yawn, don\'t yawn, hold it, hold it well.

No one can hold it.

This is the case with the female emperor Chunhua. For millions of years, the idea of touching things has been in the mind of the female emperor Chunhua.

Want to scratch the ears and cheeks, want to scratch the heart and liver.

Today, there is such a person who can suddenly touch himself!!

Although the female emperor of Chunhua did not know why she was like this and why she was suddenly touched by her body, she could.

The female emperor Chunhua\'s mind became vivid. If he could lift the seal again, the person who was sleeping behind him would certainly help!

If you want this person to help, there are only two options. One is to force yourself, but it\'s not safe.

After all, who knows if this person is a diehard? If he uses force too much, it will be bad.

The empress Chunhua doesn\'t want to let this matter be a little bad. If there is a little chance that she may fail, she must be foolproof!

Another way is to ask him for help.

At present, it seems very feasible, because this guy named Jingpu seems to be a better talker.

However, the identity of Chunhua female emperor will not allow him to ask anyone.

No one deserves to ask for it.

Therefore, neither of these two methods can be used. The female emperor Chunhua can only think of other methods. After all, this guy named Jingpu is different from others.

On the way to this platform just now, the female emperor Chunhua used a lot of methods.

If this is someone else, the female emperor of Chunhua can control others\' mind, control everything of others, read others\' memories and see through others\' hearts.


These things, this guy named Jingpu, don\'t work!

It\'s all!!

The female emperor Chunhua really has no way to this Jingpu. All the body of Jingpu is cast with the truth of the avenue. Generally, her own small movements and any ability can\'t pierce the truth of the Avenue on Jingpu.

Maybe it will be useful to go all out.

But still in that sentence, the female emperor Chunhua didn\'t want anything wrong with it, even if it couldn\'t happen at all.

If he tries his best at that time, Jingpu will die directly, or he will be stupid.

Finally, the female emperor Chunhua came up with a way not only not to damage her identity, but also to ask Jingpu to help.

That\'s exchange!

Everyone stands on the line of equality.

Say what you like in Jingpu. I\'ll give it to you. What you like, anything, as long as there is in this world, I\'ll give it to you.

There is no in this world, so I\'ll go to another world to find it for you.

In or, what you hate, what you don\'t like, you say it, I make a finger ring, I move an idea, and I will let what you hate in Jingpu disappear immediately!

This is the exchange. I\'ll help you do what you like. Then, you have to help me!

While the empress Chunhua was looking at lingzhi and ran Tianyin with some excitement.

After a little thought, the two men were embarrassed and said:

"That\'s not right... The elder was not angry at that time."

What lingzhi and ran Tianyin said was what happened with Jiangyang at that time.

However, looking back and thinking carefully, it doesn\'t seem to be angry.

Because in everyone\'s eyes, Jingpu has always been a very easygoing person. He has never looked like before, just fierce.

But when you think about it carefully, it doesn\'t seem to be angry, it\'s just a little fierce.

Therefore, in the end, lingzhi and ran Tianyin immediately changed their words.

The female emperor Chunhua looked at lingzhi and ran Tianyin with some dissatisfaction.

The two men saw Li Qingyan\'s attitude towards the Chunhua empress and wanted to know how powerful the Chunhua empress was.

Then the two men hurried:

"We... We thought about it carefully just now. It\'s really not angry..."

The female emperor of Chunhua glanced at the three people in front of her:

"Give me a good think, his usual preferences."

What the empress Chunhua and Li Qingyan said inside the hood can\'t be heard outside.

Lingju, he min and Shu Xian looked at the four people in the cover strangely.

Although I can\'t hear what these people are saying inside, looking at Li Qingyan\'s appearance and his parents\' appearance, lingju knows that his parents and Qing yanzun are begging the girl inside.

Lingju doesn\'t know who this girl is, which makes the Qing yanzun so afraid.

However, lingju is not afraid!

No matter who you are, no matter how strong you are, you have predecessors!

What if you are strong? Just now, I was grabbed by the elder and slipped aside?!

I don\'t know how long the people here discussed.

Finally, the Chunhua female emperor waved her hand and, somewhat bored, directly removed the cover:

"It\'s all right. I don\'t need you. It\'s really waste. I\'ll just come by myself. But remember, my identity can\'t be exposed, otherwise, the consequences..."

Before the empress Chunhua finished her words, Li Qingyan wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and said:

"We know, we know."

The next second, the female emperor Chunhua came to Jingpu, looked at the sleeping Jingpu and kicked it on Jingpu\'s ass.

Jingpu woke up with a scratch.

He rubbed his ass and looked at the Chunhua female emperor standing in front of him.

At this time, the female emperor Chunhua held her head up and said with some arrogance:

"Get up, I have something to say..."

However, before the empress Chunhua finished her words, Jingpu directly clenched his teeth and stood up and said:

"If I don\'t clean up your little retarded today, you little retarded don\'t know how to respect people!!"