Full Level Boss Also Needs To Work Hard

Chapter 347

No one can figure out what the female emperor Chunhua is going to do.

Li Qingyan couldn\'t figure it out, but lingzhi and his party didn\'t even know who the girl in front of them was. They only knew that even Li Qingyan was afraid of the terrible identity, and lingzhi and his party didn\'t dare to think about it.

At this time, the empress Chunhua looked at Li Qingyan and others in front of her and said expressionless:

"Who is he?"

Who is Jingpu?

This is what everyone wants to know.

People look at me and I look at you. They don\'t know how to answer.

The female emperor Chunhua obviously guessed the result, and there was no accident.

Then, as soon as the female emperor of Chunhua waved, an invisible cover shrouded the people.

After looking at it, the empress Chunhua pushed He Min and Shu Xian out directly the next second.

After looking again, he pushed the lingju out again.

Then, in the invisible cover, only Li Qingyan, lingzhi and ran Tianyin were left.

These three people are very nervous now. They don\'t know what the female emperor Chunhua will do to herself.

Looking at the nervous people in front of her, the female emperor Chunhua said slightly:

"Don\'t be nervous. I won\'t do anything to you at present. I know you want to know my identity. This can be directly told to you, but you can\'t understand even if you tell you all the information."

"But you can think that I am your Creator. This heaven and earth, this world, are created and controlled by me."

"Can you understand?"

Obviously, except Li Qingyan can understand it, lingzhi and ran Tianyin can\'t understand it at all.

These two people look at me and I look at you. They don\'t understand what the Chunhua female emperor is talking about.

Or maybe the news was so shocking that they were completely confused for a time.

Looking at the crowd in front of her, the empress Chunhua said expressionless:

"I won\'t tell you more. You just need to know that if I want, I can let you disappear now, like this."

The next second, the Chunhua female emperor pointed to Li Qingyan in front of him.

At this time, Li Qingyan was confused, and then the next second, Li Qingyan\'s body began to fade and quickly disappeared.

At this time, Li Qingyan said with a frightened look on her face:

"Don\'t, empress, really don\'t, I......"

However, Li Qingyan\'s words haven\'t finished yet. Just listen to a loud hum!!

The next second, a bright light burst out from Li Qingyan\'s body.

The place where Li Qingyan\'s body burst out of golden light is the place where Jingpu used a silver needle before!!

The place where Li Qingyan was pierced by a silver needle is now bursting with bright golden light.

Looking at the scene in front of me, the female emperor Chunhua is going crazy. How can there be this guy\'s way of heaven everywhere!!!

What is this guy doing!!!

Why does everyone have this guy\'s heavenly guardian?!!

Although Li Qingyan said that he was saved by Jingpu\'s golden light, he also knew that he didn\'t disappear just now because of Jingpu.

But even so, he Li Qingyan did not dare to fight with the Chunhua female emperor.

He Li Qingyan knows so little that the Chunhua female emperor has no real power.

This kind of thing, for the female emperor Chunhua, is just like a joke, just like ordinary people yawning.

As for why the empress Chunhua didn\'t do it, including Jingpu\'s direct action to pull the empress Chunhua\'s double horsetail just now, the empress Chunhua didn\'t respond.

Li Qingyan still knows a little. It\'s estimated that it\'s still the seal.

After all, the real body of the female emperor Chunhua has been sealed for millions of years and has always belonged to the spirit.

The spirit of the Chunhua female emperor is completely different from the ancient god of the cangyue.

The spirit bodies of the ancient god of cangyue are what they should be, perhaps because of the elders.

However, this is different.

Therefore, the female emperor Chunhua should want Jingpu to help.

Otherwise... Pull the horse\'s tail??

If someone else touches this hand, there will be no one!

Moreover, Li Qingyan doesn\'t think that the female emperor of Chunhua really has no way to take Jingpu.

It\'s a big deal. The female emperor Chunhua has an idea, and the whole world is gone.

Master Jingpu is strong. What can we do?

So, the next second, Li Qingyan looked at the female Chunhua emperor who began to get a little crazy and hurried:

"Empress, empress, don\'t try. We know your strength. Don\'t worry. Just tell us what you want to do. We will do what we can."

After that, Li Qingyan looked at the female emperor Chunhua in front of him and hurriedly said:

"You\'re... Because of your body, aren\'t you?"

At this time, the female emperor Chunhua raised her head slightly, looked at Li Qingyan in front of her and said:

"I like smart people. Look at your strength now. Are you a venerable person now, how many stars?"

Li Qingyan was stunned and said with some shame:


The female emperor of Chunhua raised her head slightly:

"Well, it\'s terrible, but it doesn\'t matter. You help me with this. After it\'s completed, I\'ll directly ask you to be promoted to nine star Immortal Emperor and go to the star world."

At this time, Li Qingyan listened to the words of the female emperor Chunhua, some of whom didn\'t come back.

After blinking, the next second, he looked at the female emperor Chunhua with a look of ecstasy and said:

"Well, well, female emperor, you said, I\'ll do whatever you want me to do..."

However, halfway through the conversation, Li Qingyan suddenly looked embarrassed and said:

"Well... Don\'t do anything to hurt the elder. The elder saved my life... I can\'t do that."

Looking at Li Qingyan in front of her, the female emperor Chunhua said expressionless:

"Do you think I need your help if I want to kill him?"

Li Qingyan looked at the cold face of the female emperor Chunhua and waved his hand tremblingly:

"No, no, absolutely not."

"What do we need to do?"

After holding her head high and meditating for a while, the female emperor Chunhua looked at Li Qingyan in front of her and said:

"First of all, tell me what he likes to do on weekdays?"

What do you like to do??

What\'s the strange question??

Everyone thought left and right, but they didn\'t think out. Everyone felt that Jingpu seemed to like doing everything and could do anything.

After just thinking about it, they shook their heads slightly and said:

"I don\'t know. The elder seems to like everything. He seems to be a person who loves life very much."

The female emperor of Chunhua slightly raised her eyebrows and said:

"What doesn\'t he like to do?"

After a little thought, they shook their heads and said:

"I don\'t know. I don\'t seem to have any annoying things. I\'ve never seen my predecessor get angry. Oh... Once."

When the empress Chunhua heard this, she raised her eyebrows slightly and said with a little excitement:

"Say, I\'ll help him solve the annoying things!"