Full Level Boss Also Needs To Work Hard

Chapter 349

The sudden outburst of Jingpu was unexpected by the female emperor Chunhua.

Even, seeing the sudden explosion of Jingpu, the female emperor Chunhua was still a little flustered.

In the next second, the empress Chunhua could not help but step back and wait for Jingpu to say:

"You... You want..."

However, before Chunhua\'s words were finished, Jingpu turned and took the next chair. The next second, Jingpu sat directly on the chair and dragged Chunhua to her lap.

Hold down the body of the female emperor Chunhua and slap her directly on the ass, just like parents beating disobedient children.

Of course, the empress Chunhua is not too young. After all, she looks like she is 15 or 16 years old, which is also about 1.6 meters. However, it doesn\'t matter. The important thing is that Jingpu has to clean up this guy.

If he min is here, Jingpu will forget it. After all, it\'s even his own daughter. Besides spoiling his daughter, what can you do.

However, the Chunhua female emperor is different. You little retarded, who are you!!

If you don\'t teach you a lesson, you really don\'t know how to write the word tutor!

Jingpu slapped her hand on her thigh according to the body of the female Chunhua emperor. The female Chunhua Emperor didn\'t wear much clothes. After all, the immortal is basically an inner armor in his underwear, adding a layer of coat.

The crackle rang through the platform.

Li Qingyan and others are completely confused. Don\'t

Don\'t... don\'t fight

This is... This is the goddess of Chunhua... If it annoys... The whole world is gone!!!

And the Chunhua female emperor, who was spanked by Jingpu directly on her leg, was completely stunned.

No matter when her real body was not sealed, or after her real body was sealed, the female emperor of Chunhua has never suffered such shame.

Just after being beaten a few times, the female emperor Chunhua was completely angry. Now there is no real body, no real body, no seal in the female emperor Chunhua\'s mind.

The female emperor Chunhua just wants to destroy Jingpu, the lower mainland and all!!

But... When the female emperor Chunhua bit her teeth and was ready to destroy the whole lower boundary continent.

The female emperor of Chunhua was frightened to find that she had no way to use her ability!!

The reason is that Jingpu\'s hand is pressing his back, so that his ability can\'t be used.

At this time, the female emperor Chunhua looked stunned. How is this possible

I... I was suppressed by others?!!

Moreover, it\'s still so simple to suppress?!!


When the empress Chunhua was shocked, Jingpu tilted her head, raised her eyebrows, looked at the empress Chunhua who suddenly said nothing and said:

"Wrong, right!!"

Jingpu found that the Chunhua female emperor suddenly stopped moving and stopped barking.

The crazy struggle just now suddenly stopped moving.

Jingpu really didn\'t want to do anything. The female emperor of Chunhua just wanted to teach a lesson and slapped it.

But how can we look at it like this? Don\'t break it??

The brain is not very good, but it\'s broken, but it\'s in trouble.

After returning to her senses, the female emperor Chunhua slightly clenched her teeth and said:

"Wrong, wrong, put me down quickly."

Seeing that the empress Chunhua finally spoke, Jingpu raised her eyebrows and said:

"That\'s about the same. What\'s wrong?"

The female emperor of Chunhua was stunned. How did she know where she was wrong??

Don\'t you just ask Jingpu to get up and say something? Who knows what\'s wrong with this guy? He suddenly goes crazy, grabs it and spanks himself.

At the thought of this, the female emperor Chunhua\'s heart was suddenly bad again, biting her teeth and saying:

"Why am I wrong there? Anyway, I\'ve admitted my mistake. I don\'t hurry to release me. I have to be really angry and kill you all, don\'t I!!"

Jingpu heard this from the female emperor Chunhua, oh yo?

Immediately, Jingpu raised his eyebrows and said:

"Oh, you\'re not honest, are you?"

The next second, Jingpu raised his hand again.

The empress Chunhua, lying on Jingpu\'s lap, looked back and saw this behind the scenes. She couldn\'t help but tremble. Finally, she was helpless and said:

"OK... I\'m wrong... I\'m wrong... Then tell me what\'s wrong with me. I won\'t make mistakes in the future..."

Look, the attitude of the female emperor Chunhua is better, and the attitude of Jingpu is better. He raised his eyebrows and said:

"I\'m older than you, so you should be polite in the future. Do you hear me? If your elders lie there and sleep, you\'ll wake them up?"

Listen to Jingpu\'s words, the female emperor Chunhua wants to refute.

Older than yourself?!

Are you kidding?!

However, on second thought, it... Seems not impossible

However, for Jingpu\'s words, the female emperor Chunhua is a little sniffy, elder?

I was born in that chaos. What elders are there? I am the elders of the whole world!

However, it seems that he is still a little afraid of Jingpu\'s slap. Although it is only slap after slap, Jingpu\'s slap is with the principle of great road.

And the female emperor Chunhua was in the state of spirit body. She slapped again and again. The female emperor Chunhua really felt a little painful.

Therefore, the female emperor Chunhua finally clenched her teeth and said:

"Well, well, I know. Release me quickly. I won\'t do that in the future. Hurry up!"

Although it\'s like ordering people to beg for mercy, it\'s good to know your mistake.

Finally, Jingpu was satisfied to release the female emperor Chunhua.

After getting up, the female emperor Chunhua was really not doing anything. She just rubbed her ass with her hands and walked towards the side. Then she sat down in a corner with a look of resentment, but she didn\'t know who to attack. She looked a little funny.

Li Qingyan and his party were really shocked to see it.

This... This thing is really scary

It\'s really scary. It\'s like a bomb that can destroy the world at any time. If everyone naturally holds it well, they\'re afraid of falling or what.

As a result, Jingpu couldn\'t help saying that he slapped twice when he went up.

Where are these slaps to beat the empress Chunhua\'s ass? They are simply beating everyone\'s heart!!

But fortunately, the female emperor Chunhua was not angry, or what.

Ok... Ok

Everyone was filled with joy.

And this kind of thing, people can\'t say anything, and they can\'t say anything. They can only look at it with fear.

Jingpu couldn\'t sleep after being so noisy. He sat down with lingzhi and his party to have a chat and drink tea.

As for the Chunhua female emperor, she sat in the corner, sulking.

Soon, the afternoon painting competition arrived.

They packed up their things and were ready to go. As for the female emperor Chunhua, she squatted aside and turned her back to the people. She didn\'t know what she was thinking.

From the back, it\'s cute.

Jingpu came to the back of the empress Chunhua and directly raised his eyebrows and said:

"Go, I\'ll take you to your family."

But the female emperor of Chunhua did not look back and snorted coldly:

"Hum, please... Oh!!! You loosen my ponytail!!!"