Full Level Boss Also Needs To Work Hard

Chapter 254

The next second, Jingpu immediately turned to look at the canglan sitting next to him.

I step on a horse... Are you praising people??

Jingpu looked at canglan with a confused face.

At this time, canglan thought very seriously. After a while, he looked at Jingpu Road:

"But I don\'t think there\'s any problem even if you\'re lecherous. After all, there must be no shortage of women around a capable man, and lecherous is nothing."

"Or this is a normal man. If you think about it, if I were you, I think I can\'t resist her temptation, and perhaps no man can resist her temptation."

"I understand you."

She refers to the ancient god of the dark moon.

It\'s just

Jingpu is a little confused. I... I fucking want you to think differently here??

It doesn\'t matter what I say??

I use you to understand?!

Are you still thinking in this transposition?!

I really thank you, ang!

Suddenly, Jingpu didn\'t want to take care of the canglan and turned to continue reading.

The ancient god cangyue hugged Jingpu, leaned his face against Jingpu\'s shoulder, tilted his head and looked at the confused canglan, and said:

"You just met someone as good as your predecessors. If you meet someone else, I\'m afraid you won\'t pay attention to you."

Cang LAN sat on the ground and blinked. Then he suddenly realized something and said with some embarrassment:

"I... I\'m used to going straight... I\'ll change..."

Jingpu is actually fine. He is reasonable. It\'s hard not to let others think more about his sitting posture with the ancient god of the cangyue.

Even, in fact, in the final analysis, Jingpu himself does not reject being like the ancient god of the cangyue.

After all, the ancient god of cangyue is so soft. In addition, he uses spiritual power. His whole body is cold, just like being held by an air conditioner, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Looking at the embarrassed canglan, Jingpu didn\'t talk about it, but changed his posture in the arms of cangyue ancient god. After provoking cangyue ancient god to sing, Jingpu looked at canglan and said:

"Why did you do this at that time? I\'m a little soft hearted. You have to be someone else. In that case, you\'re not dead?"

Canglan looked at the Jingpu leaning against the ancient god of cangyue, and his eyes were slightly low:

"I was aiming to die..."


Canglan\'s words made Jingpu and cangyue ancient gods a little confused, just aiming to die??

Canglan sighed:

"Because since I became the owner of Canghai Island, I haven\'t done anything for everyone here. On the contrary, I have been harming everyone."

Listening to canglan\'s words, Jingpu slightly raised his eyebrows and said:

"Didn\'t you do a good job? I heard cloud nine lobbying. Since you became the island owner here, Canghai island is the safest place in the demon clan boundary."

Listening to Jingpu\'s words, canglan said with a bitter smile:

"It\'s safe. I dare not harass Canghai island when I am in the demon family, but... It\'s also because I was too cruel to the demon family and made them hate me and Canghai island."

"So it\'s because of me... It\'s my fault."

Listening to canglan\'s words, Jingpu felt it was unnecessary. This feeling was like that someone killed someone with a knife. It was the murderer who should be blamed, not the factory owner who made the knife.

However, canglan was a lengtouqing. Jingpu had already discovered it, but shrugged slightly and said:

"It sounds like it has nothing to do with you."

Canglan sighed slightly and continued:

"In addition, I\'m a little embarrassed. In fact, yunche has come to me many times and said that he can send a lot of things to Cang island every year, so that everyone doesn\'t have to work so hard."

"But I always feel that the things of Bai Na people are not good. Canghai island is not qualified to be taken care of by the whole cloud demon royal family. It\'s like a vampire. I want to live a good life with the people of Canghai Island, but it\'s a pity... I didn\'t do it..."

"Canghai island is the boundary between the demon family and the demon family. It is not rich here, and there is no valuable thing. In the past 600 years, Canghai island has been close to ten generations, and life has been tight..."

"I owe them too much..."

Listening to canglan\'s words, Jingpu shook his head slightly. No wonder canglan was like a financial fan before. He had to care about tens of liang of silver.

But the problem is, these things have nothing to do with canglan. There is no need to blame yourself.

Just... Why did canglan die just now???

Even if you blame yourself... You don\'t have to die??

Canglan knew what Jingpu wanted to ask, but shrugged slightly and said:

"What I thought before was that you would never promise me, so I thought that if I kept doing that, when I died, I would really work hard for Canghai island and make atonement."

Jingpu: "??"

Jingpu found that these people in the fairy world are really extreme. Is it necessary to do so??!

Is it really necessary to die??

However, how to say this thing, Jingpu can\'t say anything.

Because you don\'t have faith, it doesn\'t mean others don\'t.

Faith really exists.

It\'s like the older generation who sacrificed their lives and performed various heroic deeds in order to protect the country. Ordinary people would be scared to death if they thought about it.

Jingpu doesn\'t have it, but Jingpu believes in others and respects those who have faith. Therefore, Jingpu has nothing to say about canglan.

Finally, Jingpu stopped talking to canglan and continued to read with his head down.

Cang LAN sat beside Jingpu and looked at Jingpu. Suddenly, her eyebrows stretched and smiled:

"However, it\'s all in the past. Since you are willing to help me, there\'s nothing left. However, if you think about it now, I was really stupid before. You\'re so powerful. Naturally, you must despise those demon crystals."

"But I always want to repay you something. You seem to like beautiful women very much. However, this one under your ass is really beautiful. I guess no one can be more beautiful than her."

The ancient god of cangyue was unhappy with canglan, but with canglan\'s words, the ancient god of cangyue suddenly looked at canglan too much.

Jingpu was speechless and just wanted to say something.

The next second, Cang Lan was suddenly stunned, and then took a shortcut:

"That\'s not right. There\'s someone who can at least share her face. By the way, Jingpu, do you know Yun Qiyao?"

Jingpu: "what?"

The next second, canglan shut up and said with a positive face:

"No, Qiyao is still young. She\'s saying that you\'re too much... Qiyao won\'t like you either..."

Jingpu was confused. I stepped on the horse

What kind of me?!

What\'s the matter with me?!

Can you speak or not!

After thinking about it, canglan was a little excited and said:

"By the way, there\'s another person under the sky, lingju. I\'ve seen it before. It really makes anyone ashamed. If... Forget it... Lingju is the saint of yaochi. She\'s high and noble. I think she won\'t like you more... Don\'t think about it."

Jingpu: "