Full Level Boss Also Needs To Work Hard

Chapter 255

It\'s a real headache to talk to someone who doesn\'t know how to chat.

Jingpu thought, canglan should not have spoken seriously to others for a long time. When talking, it really makes people feel blocked.

The ancient god of the Cang moon, however, looked strangely at the canglan Road on one side:

"Do you still know lingju? Haven\'t you been out on Canghai island all the time?"

Cang LAN glanced at the ancient god of Cang Yue and said slightly:

"Can I really not go out once? There are some important celebrations of the cloud demon royal family. I still want to go, but I never talk to them. After attending the celebrations, I\'ll come back."

Speaking of this, canglan seemed to think of the scene of that day again, and said in a trance:

"When I first saw the lingju at that time, I really couldn\'t believe that someone could be as beautiful as Qiyao. The most important thing was the cool and dust-free temperament. It was really hard to find."

"Anyway, Qiyao and lingju, even if they go out, the men all over the world will be crazy. They don\'t know which two bastards will be cheaper in the future."

Listening to canglan\'s words, Jingpu looked at the book and said with a slight eyebrow:

"These two people are so exaggerated..."

Jingpu looks at it every day and feels that... Um... It\'s really beautiful. Anyway, he looks like a thief. He has never seen anyone more beautiful than Yun Qiyao and lingju.

Just, what is the whole world, what is crazy

Not really?

Maybe I see too much every day??

It\'s like eating too many delicacies. Can\'t the tongue taste fresh?

Cang LAN looked at Jingpu and immediately raised her eyebrows and said:

"Of course, if I have a chance, I\'ll show you. I\'m Qiyao\'s aunt. Now she seems to be going to some 10000 festivals, not any celebrations. Last time yunche told me, I didn\'t remember. Anyway, I\'ll be back soon. I\'ll show you at that time."

Jingpu turned his mouth and shook his head. He was too lazy to reason. However, canglan on one side clapped his hands and said:

"No, no, I can\'t let you see!"

Looking at the canglan who suddenly changed his tone, Jingpu was a little confused:

"What\'s the matter?"

After thinking for a while, canglan said seriously:

"If you fall in love with Qiyao at that time, Qiyao will not fall in love with you. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to say a word at that time. In that case, you can see and touch it at that time. Don\'t you miss it all your life? Don\'t I block you or don\'t see you."

Jingpu: "

Don\'t fucking hang around me, that\'s no more traffic!!

Immediately, Jingpu glanced at canglan and said:

"What else are you doing?"

Canglan shook her head and said:

"I\'m fine. Didn\'t you tell me to have a rest here?"

The next second, Jingpu looked at canglan with an expressionless face:

"Then you can go now. Hurry to find the medicine and don\'t follow me in the future!"

Canglan sipped her mouth and got up. Oh, she left directly.

Looking at canglan\'s figure leaving, Jingpu rubbed his forehead with a headache. Who is this.

The ancient god of cangyue behind Jingpu smiled and stretched out his jade hand to help rub Jingpu\'s temple and said with a smile:

"Elder, you must have a headache. It\'s really tiring to chat with such a person who doesn\'t know how to talk."

"However, I really didn\'t expect that the elder would promise to help her. The elder\'s heart is too soft. If I were you, I would shut her out and disappear."

Listening to the words of the ancient god cangyue behind him, Jingpu looked at the book in his hand. After being silent for a while, he suddenly said:

"In fact, it\'s OK. The reason for helping her is not only to help you, but also... I\'ve also experienced that sense of hopelessness."

Jingpu\'s words suddenly stunned the ancient god of cangyue. Then he quietly hugged Jingpu and prepared to listen to Jingpu\'s words.

In fact, Jingpu has nothing to say. When he first entered the void space, Jingpu felt that he was finished and that he would be here all his life. He had 72 skills and reached the peak. Jingpu had a terrible headache just thinking about these figures.

At that time, there was no one around me, no one could count on, no parents, no friends, and in that place, it was really desperate.

Seeing canglan\'s despair before, Jingpu remembered what he was like at that time.

Seeing that Jingpu was no longer talking, the ancient god of cangyue did not ask. The jade hand gently stroked Jingpu\'s back, pursed his mouth and smiled softly:

"Anyway, it\'s all in the past. Don\'t think about it, elder ~"

Jingpu was just a little low, just suddenly remembered and sighed.

After listening to the words of the ancient god cangyue, Jingpu smiled and said:

"This canglan is very annoying, but it\'s also OK. However, when I was a child, I had no parents and no one taught these things. There\'s no need to pay more attention to the etiquette, because I\'m not a polite person myself, so it\'s OK."

Cangyue ancient God listened to Jingpu\'s words and was in a trance.

Seeing that the ancient god of cangyue didn\'t speak, Jingpu turned back and looked at him with an eyebrow and said:

"What\'s the matter? What are you thinking?"

After the ancient god of cangyue came back, he suddenly pursed his mouth and said with a smile:

"I used to think that my elder is a divine man, but now I suddenly feel that my elder is a lot more human ~"

Listening to the words of the ancient god cangyue, Jingpu raised his eyebrows and said strangely:

"Me? Haven\'t I always been like this?"

The ancient god of cangyue suddenly hugged Jingpu and said with a smile:

"It\'s different anyway. It\'s better than before ~"

Listening to the words of the ancient god cangyue, Jingpu also smiled and said:

"Speaking of you, you are also different. Before, I thought you were thinking about that kind of thing every day. Now, you are much more gentle and can take care of people. If you didn\'t help, let me take He Min myself. I really have a headache."

After Jingpu\'s words, the ancient god of cangyue suddenly hugged Jingpu from the back after being stunned. His charming and mature face pasted to Jingpu\'s ear and blew slightly:

"No, sir ~ I\'m the same as before. I\'m always thinking about how to get on the master ~"

Jingpu: "

About five or six minutes later, Jingpu just finished looking at a page and was ready to turn the page.

Suddenly, a light fell directly. Jingpu looked up and saw canglan coming back.

Jingpu looks at canglan and suddenly comes back. He can\'t help frowning. What does this guy want?!

And say something that doesn\'t surprise me??

Just when Jingpu was puzzled, canglan directly knelt in front of Jingpu with a puff.