Full Level Boss Also Needs To Work Hard

Chapter 253

When Jingpu\'s words were finished, canglan suddenly looked back at Jingpu and said:

"Really... Really? Are you really willing to help me?!"

Jingpu got out of bed, while being served by the ancient god of the cangyue, he put on his clothes and said:

"I just said to help you see if it can be cured in the end. I don\'t promise you. If you don\'t cure it at that time, if you still come to this set, I\'ll go right away."

Canglan nodded with ecstasy on her face, but just wanted to say something. The next second, she suddenly turned her eyes and fell to the ground with a puff.

Looking at the suddenly fallen canglan, Jingpu turned his mouth. It\'s true that the scholar met the soldier.

But forget it, just have a look.

Speaking of, there are so many miraculous herbs in the world that Jingpu hasn\'t figured it out yet.

When he was treating lingju, Jingpu only saw a little, and he didn\'t see it alone. He asked Yun Qiyao to help him.

At that time, it was the right medicine to the case. Only the medicinal materials required by Jingpu were found. Now, take advantage of this time to look at all kinds of herbs in the world!

Anyway, it\'s all right when fishing. These things will be seen sooner or later.

After all, it will also be useful for lingju and yunqiyao in the future. When there is an accident, they will have to look through the book.

The ancient god of cangyue looked at Jingpu and said in surprise:

"Elder, do you really want to help her? Are you tired?"

Jingpu stepped forward to pick up the comatose canglan, dragged it out and looked at the ancient Shinto of cangyue:

"It\'s not just helping her. I haven\'t figured out some herbs. I\'ve figured out all these things during this time. If something happens to you at that time, I don\'t have to turn the book. It\'s helping you."

The ancient god of cangyue looked at Jingpu, pursed his lips and said in a charming voice:

"Senior ~ ~"

Jingpu ignored where the ancient god of cangyue had spring, dragged canglan to her own house, looked at it, and pricked two needles.

After tying up, Jingpu went to the kitchen to make food for he min.

Jingpu found that he was a cheap life. After working on this, he went to work on that. He was not a happy life.

A better one is a migrant worker.

Forget it, just workers.

It\'s the princess who depends on others, the Japanese who rely on you, the Henan people who rely on your aunt, the Taiwanese who rely on the north, and the migrant workers who rely on yourself.

Come on, worker!

At noon, when Jingpu and others finished their meal and were ready to see canglan, they just saw canglan wake up and go out of the door.

As soon as canglan saw Jingpu, he came over happily and looked at Jingpu and said:


However, before canglan finished his words, Jingpu waved his hand and said:

"There\'s no need to talk nonsense. I said I\'d help you see it. I\'m going fishing now. You can do whatever you want. Don\'t follow me."

In the afternoon, in a small boat, fishing rods were everywhere. Jingpu sat in a comfortable chair, crossed his legs and looked at the books in his hands one by one.

The ancient god of cangyue sat beside him with some unhappiness.

The ancient god of cangyue disliked Jingpu\'s words. He said he would always sit on her, but now he moved the stool himself.

Jingpu Yu Guang looked at the ancient god of the cangyue next to him, and couldn\'t help laughing:

"It\'s so hot here. It\'s so hot to sit on you."

The ancient god of cangyue raised his eyebrows and said:

"I can be cold, too."

The next second, the ancient god of cangyue was slightly angry and cold. In this hot weather, Jingpu felt a lot cooler in an instant.

Jingpu looked at the ancient god of cangyue with open hands and looking forward to it. Jingpu was embarrassed and said:

"Next time, next time..."

However, the ancient god of cangyue is not as easy to fool as lingju and yunqiyao. It must be impossible next time.

Immediately, the ancient god of cangyue wrapped Jingpu around himself and said with a smile:

"No next time, just this time!"

Today\'s boat is not just Jingpu and cangyue ancient god.

Canglan is also there.

Canglan, who changed into a new dress, was squatting on the ground behind and checking the books on the ground.

As the saying goes, canglan also knows some pharmacology. In other words, canglan knows too much about herbs in this regard than Jingpu.

Now canglan is copying all the herbs related to heart poison in her memory.

Moreover, canglan\'s speed is extremely fast. It\'s almost an hour since she got on the ship. Canglan has copied all of them.

Canglan, who copied it, hurriedly came to Jingpu, looked at Jingpu sitting on the thigh of cangyue ancient god, and immediately said:

"These are all heart eating herbs. They were recorded by the great immortal of the upper world at that time. I wrote them down. I found some by myself. See if these are useful."

Unexpectedly, canglan was so fast. After Jingpu received these herbs, he slightly raised his eyebrows and said:

"Since you know all these things, why didn\'t you say it before?"

Jingpu didn\'t want to help canglan before. The most important reason is that he doesn\'t know much about heart poison. He has to study heart poison first, and then find herbs. The workload is too heavy.

Jingpu has just come out of the bitter days of nothingness. He really doesn\'t want to go back and live that kind of life.

After all, it\'s only a few days since I have a cat and a dog?

If canglan said it at the beginning, Jingpu might consider it.

Canglan doesn\'t have to do those messy things.

Cang Lan was stunned and said with some embarrassment:

"I... I forgot..."

Cang LAN is a Leng Touqing. Jingpu has long found it. While checking the herbs copied by Cang LAN, Jingpu nodded with satisfaction:

"It\'s all very good, but specifically, you should find these herbs for me. I\'ll get them together and study them at that time."

Canglan looked at Jingpu and nodded repeatedly:

"OK, I\'ll go now?"

Jingpu looked up at canglan, then looked down at the herbal record transcribed by canglan and said:

"No, you sit here first."

Canglan immediately nodded and sat down.

Jingpu continued to look at the herbs. Soon after three or five minutes, Jingpu read all the Jingpu copied by canglan. Jingpu nodded slightly. With such a herb, Jingpu was much more convenient.

However, it is certain that even if all these herbs are combined together, they will not cure the heart eating poison.

Otherwise, the heart biting poison would have been gone.

There may be several key medicines that need to be found by yourself, so after reading these things, Jingpu handed them to the cangyue ancient god who surrounded himself in the back, and asked the cangyue ancient god to help him pack them up and use them again in the future.

Cang LAN seemed to be unable to sit still. Looking at Jingpu who started to open the previous books again, he asked cautiously:

"Well, do you have anything else to explain? If it\'s all right, I\'ll prepare it now."

Canglan thought that Jingpu would have something to explain to herself, so she asked herself to sit down and wait, but now Jingpu began to read again, canglan was a little anxious.

Jingpu said expressionless as he lowered his head to read a Book:

"It\'s all right. Just because you were too tired yesterday, I\'ll let you sit down and have a rest."

Cang Lan was stunned for a moment. The next second, his face was slightly strange, and then he said very seriously:

"I found that you are really good except for your color. I was wrong before. I apologize to you."

Jingpu: "??"