Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 456

You can make this your home

This should be to show acceptance and recognition. Zhuang Diandian should be happy and gratified for her, but I don't know why. I always feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, and I can't tell what the discomfort is.

In the villa, it looks brand new. When she sees it, she is very happy and praises it.

When Xiao Zong came back from kindergarten, Zhuang Lianlian immediately met him, took his schoolbag, and gave him a kiss on his face. "Xiao Zong, do you miss your aunt?"

Xiao Zong hugged her neck and gave her a kiss on the face. He replied in a loud voice, "yes."

Zhuang Lianlian was so happy that he picked him up and pushed his forehead up. "Aunt really didn't hurt you in vain."

Zhuang Diandian was standing upstairs. Seeing this scene, his brows closed. Then he squatted down and sat directly on the steps, holding his chin in one hand, looking at the happy Zhuang Lianlian with her son in his arms.

Her sister has found a sense of family belonging?

Zhuang Diandian looked coldly, pursed her lips, thought about it, and called her mother, "Mom, there will be some relatives at home tomorrow. I'm afraid I won't treat them well and let them see jokes. If you are free, please come and help me OK, that's a deal! "

After hanging up the phone, Zhuang Diandian looked at the people in the hall again, his eyes narrowed.

* *

the next day, Zhuang Diandian was awakened by the sound from downstairs.

She yawned and sat up from the bed. Next to her, she found a note with vigorous and powerful characters.

Is to attack moisture Yun to stay: last night see you sleep too sweet let you go, tonight to make up for once more!

Zhuang Diandian sat there with a silly smile. At this time, he saw Dabai and Xiaohei sleeping under the bed, "Hey, when did you two slip in?"

The two jumped on the bed again and rolled around her.

Sister knocked on the door and came in. She looked at it and said, "Diandian, Lianlian's relatives are coming. I'm afraid they will be afraid when they see Dabai and Xiaohei, so I brought them to your room."

Zhuang Diandian blinked, "coming?"

"Well, the master is entertaining them in the garden."

Sister said hello, also downstairs.

Zhuang Diandian immediately jumped down, grabbed a long black T-shirt from the cupboard and put it on his body, just over his knee. It was simple and easy. After washing, put on a pair of white canvas shoes, opened the door and went out.

As soon as I got to the living room, I heard the laughter outside, a little exaggerated and sharp.

"Oh, I didn't expect our family to live in such a beautiful big house! However, children who are so beautiful and clever and sensible, like us, deserve this kind of villa. "

Zhuang Diandian's steps stagnated. He thought to himself, who is lacking in heart? It's as if their family should go to heaven.

When she went out, she saw five or six people around the oval table with white oak teeth, including men and women, men in suits and shoes, and women in gentlewoman style. One of them looks like a girl in her early twenties. She is looking around with big eyes.

Chuanchengqi sat on the main seat, accompanied by a smile, nodded and said: "yes, yes, Lianlian is an excellent child..."

The uncle sitting on his left side saw a box of cigars on the table. He immediately took out one and looked at him askew. "There are so many men who want to marry pity! Conditions... " He swept around. "It's not worse than you."

Standing behind a few people, aunt Yang and aunt Niu looked at each other and looked down upon each other.

In this city, I'm afraid we can't find a second one who can have such a flat seat as hezhai.

"They have a lot of vision," he said

Aunt Niu also admired him and whispered, "master has really changed a lot now!"

Aunt Yang also said: "not so much! If someone had been so aggressive in front of him before, he would have been cut to death with money. "

Zhuang Lianlian sat on the other side of the attack, always embarrassed to bow his head: "uncle, why do you say this?"

Uncle waved his hand: "pity, what's so shy about that? That's what it is

At this time, the second aunt looked around and said, "this villa It must be valuable, isn't it? "

"It's not very expensive," he said

Second uncle a smile: "ha ha, listen to, other people talk so big family atmosphere!"

He just smiles, and there is a cold sweat on his forehead.

The young girl then grabbed her second aunt and said happily, "Mom, I'm going to move in with my cousin."

Smell speech, cow Yang two aunts a Leng, elder sister also slightly frown, but did not speak.

The second aunt heard her baby daughter's words and gave her a loving smile. She put her hand over her daughter's cheek and said, "OK, I'll listen to you."

Now the expression on Aunt Niu Yang's face is more interesting.

As soon as the second aunt turned her head, she said to Zhuang Lianlian with a smile, "Lianlian, let yunyun move here to live with you. It's just right to be your companion."After listening, Zhuang Lianlian went to see AI Chengqi, "this..."

In a daze, he quickly said, "of course..."

"Of course not!"

The voice suddenly appeared behind them, startled these people. As soon as they looked up, they saw a girl who looked like Zhuang Lianlian coming.

Although she looks very similar, her temperament and compassion are quite different. Lianlian is a little girl. She looks like a hooligan!

The smile on the corner of the mouth is evil, a pair of eyes are full of ridicule, the jaw holds up the gorgeous 32 degree angle, the hands are inserted in the small pockets on both sides of the T-shirt, walking is a step three shake.

At the sight of her, ah Jie and others were relieved, and even Cheng Qi was relieved. Zhuang Lianlian was puzzled and looked at her with a pair of foggy eyes.

Zhuang Diandian came over and patted him on the shoulder. "Uncle, it's time for you to do physiotherapy."

But the old man who has been struggling in the market for many years is very smart. When he hears this, he immediately responds, "yes, yes, how can I forget it!"

He got up, smiling and nodding, "excuse me for a while."

A few people also smile perfunctorily. Cheng Qi takes a look at Zhuang Dian and points out, "Dian Dian, they are pity relatives. You can't neglect them. You should treat them well for me."

What he meant was that don't let Zhuangdian go too far, Zhuangdian would understand.

A smile, she said: "attack uncle, you old rest assured! I know how to treat guests

After Chuang Chengqi left, Zhuang Diandian directly sat down on his seat, and then raised his eyes to see who was present

Zhuang Lianlian quickly introduced: "Dian Dian, they are my great uncle, great aunt, second uncle, second aunt, third uncle and third aunt. She is my cousin yunyun."