Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 455

In the kitchen, Zhuang Lianlian was helping aunt Niu pick vegetables. When she thought of something, she turned back and asked, "aunt Niu What does it mean if a husband shows indifference to his wife's intimacy with another man? "

Aunt Niu was making a face, and said without raising her head, "that's not to love his wife!"

Zhuang Lianlian was stunned and looked back: "but Mingming seems to love her very much!"

Aunt Niu laughed and said, "if you don't say that you have never been in love, you are pure! Which man can tolerate his wife making out with others? It's intimate today. Maybe we'll green him tomorrow! A man can't stand it

Zhuang Lianlian is receiving the message a little bit and slowly says, "so, I don't care because he doesn't really love her."

Aunt Niu: "yes! It must be because of this

Then she turned and asked, "pity, how did you ask about this?"

Zhuang Lianlian hurriedly bowed her head and said, "I'm watching TV series It's strange... "

Aunt Niu waved her hand. "In the future, I'll see less of these nutritious things, and I won't teach them anything serious!"

Zhuang Lianlian responded with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

In the living room, sister a and aunt Niu Yang are drinking afternoon tea with Zhuang Lianlian.

Aunt Niu looked at Zhuang Lianlian and said with a smile, "there are really few children like Lianlian now."

Aunt Yang nodded: "it's not how! Can cook, can do housework, polite, respect elders, gentle personality! If anyone can marry her home, it's the ancestors who burn incense! "

Aunt Niu: "yes, I have never seen a child who is more diligent and likable than Lianlian."

Zhuang Lianlian was embarrassed by the praise. She lowered her head and whispered, "my mother taught me to do all these things. She said that she would not be despised until she came to her mother-in-law's house."

Sister smile: "your mother taught you very well, but, pity, you have to remember, marriage is to find a man to love you, not to be a nanny for others."

Aunt Yang: "if this woman doesn't have a little temper, she will be angry to death when she comes to her mother-in-law's house in the future."

Aunt Niu said, "if you can find a good family, it won't be so miserable. There are many kind people in our family."

The elder sister nodded: "the master and the young master are really good men. They will treat their wives and children well. So it's a blessing to get married. "

Zhuang Lianlian just listened and looked around again.

Attack home

* *

after contacting the local elder, Zhuang Diandian made it clear that if you listen to them and get married, you will die outside and never come back!

Then the phone was banged off.

Zhuang Diandian helplessly put down the phone, and Xiao He was so angry that he jumped, "see? Did you see that? This is to continue the ignition to the end! Well, who's afraid of who? I'll let them have a look, so I won't be led by their nose! "

Zhuang Diandian thought about it, so he just took Xiao He to Mo Xiaoju, so that he didn't know what he would do here!

In the afternoon, they went to Mo's martial arts school and got that they were the grandson of the local elder. Mo Qianqiu looked at him up and down. With his cold and sharp eyes, he kept sweating and hid behind Zhuang Diandian.

Chuang Dian was so annoyed that he pulled it out and sent it to Mo Qianqiu, "father Mo, will you let him live here for a while?"

Mo Qianqiu looked at Xiaohe and said, "yes."

Xiaoheyi was surprised and said to Zhuang Diandian in a low voice: "I don't want to stay here! It's scary here! "

Zhuang Diandian glared at him, "if you don't obey me, I'll beat you!"

Mo Qianqiu stares at Xiao He and says, "you are so thin and weak. How can you shoulder the responsibility of taking over the position of elder in the future?"

Xiao He immediately said, "I don't want to be an elder! Besides, your grandfather has so many grandchildren that he can choose any one, and it's not my turn. ~ "

Mo Qianqiu just won't tell him. The local elder just called to ask him to train his grandchildren. If Zhuang Diandian doesn't bring him, Mo Qianqiu will come to the door to take him back.

It's not the person who will inherit his position in the future who can make the local elder spend his time?

Zhuang Diandian patted Xiao He on the shoulder: "Xiao He, you are here to learn from Mo's father. I will come to see you on the 15th day of the first lunar new year."

Xiaohe can't believe it. Is he just dismissed?

"I don't want to stay here I want to go back with you... " Before he could catch up with Zhuang Diandian, Mo Qianqiu grabbed him by the collar and said, "I'll give you three minutes to change your clothes, and then go to the Taoist temple immediately."

"Ah I don't want to Dian Dian, help me... "

Zhuang Diandian says that she can't help. However, Xiaohe is on Mo's side. She has 120 hearts. It's better to learn something than to hang out!

* *

when she returned home, Zhuang Diandian saw Zhuang Lianlian, who was busy inside and outside. She was organizing a clean-up."There are also two people in the yard..."

"Is anyone going to the garage?"

Zhuang Diandian has a look at everyone's busy appearance and Zhuang Lianlian standing in the middle of the living room. All the commanders are in good order.

She remembers that before that, it was always a sister's job!

When did it become Zhuang Lianlian?

Zhuang Lianlian turned around and saw Zhuang Diandian. She came down and said with a smile, "Diandian, you're back."

"What day is it?" Zhuang Diandian asked as he came in.

"Of course not," said Zhuang with a smile. "I just want to do something for my sister because she's too hard."

Zhuang Huang Dian gave a "Oh" and said, "I'll go upstairs first." seeing that she was going to leave, Zhuang Lianlian stopped her and said, "Dian Dian, there's something I want to discuss with you."

Zhuang Diandian looked back at her. There was a bit of embarrassment on her face, but she still said, "my mother's relatives heard that I'm here. They want to see me But... "

Zhuangdian instantly understood her meaning and didn't care, "then come."

She is not a mean person, especially with Zhuang Lianlian who has the same blood and bone?

"You agreed?" Zhuang Lianlian obviously showed his disbelief, "er I mean, there's always going to be some trouble. "

"Only when we encounter problems will we know if it's trouble. If we have problems, we can find a way to solve them."

Zhuang Diandian's words deeply moved Zhuang Lianlian, "it's wonderful to have a family. I really want to stay in this kind and harmonious family all the time! If so, we will be sisters all our lives

Zhuang Diandian glanced at her, "but you will leave sooner or later."

Zhuang Lianlian looked down again, "but I really like it here I think this is my home.