Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 457

These people all hold up their heads and see that Chuang Dian Dian is a little girl. She is so shabby that they don't pay attention to her at all.

After listening to Zhuang Diandian, "Oh," he said, "it's several uncles and aunts!"

Zhuang Lianlian then turned to introduce them: "uncle, aunt, she is my sister, Diandian."

Several people glanced at Zhuang Diandian, with obvious repulsion and vague hostility in their eyes, "ha ha, this is the lady over there!" My aunt's words are full of irony.

Third aunt again interface: "looks Although it's very similar to our family Ha ha, after all, half of them are related by blood, and they can't be so perfect! "

Aunt Niu's face sank as soon as she heard this. What she wanted to say was stopped by her sister. How to say, it's also the family business of the banker. It's better to involve Zhuang Dafa with few outsiders.

Zhuang Diandian just listened and laughed. The fighting factors in his body began to excite inexplicably. All of them demanded to fight with high momentum!

I can't stop that scene!

Holding her cheek in one hand, she looked at the two aunts and said with a smile, "that's it! I compared with our sister Lianlian, that is one day one underground! I feel sorry for my sister's awakening. I can only be one-third of a student in my whole life, even if I cheat! "

A few people are slightly a Zheng, elder sister but helpless shake head smile.

It seems that this girl is not going to let them go.

Third aunt chuckled: "you don't have to say that about yourself. Although it's true that you are much worse than Lianlian, as long as you learn more from us, Lianlian will make progress."

After hearing this, Zhuang Dian immediately clapped his hands and said, "in place! That's a good point! "

The third aunt frowned and looked at her like a monster. She didn't bother to talk to her when she turned her head.

At this time, yunyun was not happy and said, "Mom! It's so beautiful here! I want to live here! I'm going to live with my cousin

After coaxing her daughter, the second aunt turned her face and asked Chuang Diandian coldly, "just now, yunyun was going to live with her cousin for a few days. What do you mean you can't?"

Zhuang Lianlian is also looking at Zhuang Diandian, the latter smile, slowly said: "attack family has attack family rules, not any outsiders can live in."

As soon as he said this, several people's faces changed. The second uncle was always hot tempered. He patted down the table and glared at Zhuang Diandian and said, "outsiders? You said we were outsiders? "

The eldest uncle and the third uncle also supported: "yes! Why are we outsiders

The second aunt said, "yunyun is my cousin! This is Lianlian's home. Why can't she live? "

Aunt Yang heard that she was angry. She ignored her elder sister's obstruction and said with a smile, "ladies and gentlemen, would you please find out whose home this is before you speak?"

The second uncle turned his head: "whose home? This is the home of pity

Seeing that he was right, aunt Niu was also angry and happy. "First of all, Lianlian is Diandian's sister and Mr. Zhuang's other daughter. Based on this, she will live here. We will accept her and she will naturally become our family."

"That's her home, isn't it?" The second aunt stood up, pointed to Zhuang Diandian and said, "we only agree with you for the sake of pity! You are the sister of pity. Naturally, you have to listen to elder sister Chang! So, even if it's your home, you have to listen to pity's arrangement! "

This words, Yan Jing four!

Zhuang Diandian felt that sometimes he was crooked enough. I didn't expect that. Today, I know what is ashes!

And Zhuang Lianlian is a face of grievance, looking at Zhuang Diandian, see that meaning, she is not against her aunt's words!

Zhuang Diandian chuckled, "I say you, you just rely on the skin above your neck and under your scalp to get rich?"

The eldest uncle was also angry. "Are you insulting us?"

"Oh, did you hear that?" Zhuang Diandian said with relief, "to be honest, I'm afraid no one will appreciate the art of language."

The second uncle said angrily, "there is really no tutor! I don't know how your mother taught you to be so uneducated - "

before he finished his words, he said that when he approached a man, he grabbed his clothes, pulled his body over, and raised his hand, it was a slap in the face!

"Pa" ground one, hit fiercely and loud.

"Ah! You -- "the second uncle covered his face and stared at the woman who suddenly appeared behind him.

Zhuang Diandian laughed, "Mom, you are too heavy!"

Hearing this address, a few people know that this is Zhuang Dafa's main room.

Chuang Fu was so angry that he glared at his second uncle, "if you insult my daughter, I'll beat you! If you insult her again, I'll kill you! "

This momentum makes Zhuang Diandian want to sign!

Since her father's east window incident, her mother has become more and more strong, and has tried to develop on the road of becoming a familiar imperial girl.The second uncle stared, but he couldn't say a word.

Without looking at her, Mrs. Zhuang turned to her daughter, pulled a chair and sat next to her, looking around coldly.

Second aunt sneered: "I thought it was who! No wonder Zhuang Dafa has been so kind to Lianlian's mother for so many years. Now he has finally found the reason. "

Mrs. Zhuang was not angry. She calmly said, "no matter how good it is, you can't see it. You can't get into the door of the dealer, and you can't get into the grave of the dealer."

With these words, Zhuang Diandian worships his mother more and more!

Where did you learn this?

Sure enough, this sentence pinches the soft side! Everyone's face is full of anger and humiliation, especially Zhuang Lianlian, who will have the most complicated expression and red eyes.

But Mrs. Zhuang doesn't have so much sympathy. If you attack me, I will destroy you!

The great uncle turned the wind and went straight to his niece! What's going on? We are kind enough to visit you. If you want to live a better life, we can rest assured. But now, it's your home. You don't even have the right to say a word! "

"Uncle..." Zhuang Lianlian was told by his uncle that he was very guilty. After lowering his head, he looked up at Zhuang Diandian and said, "Diandian, you can promise yunyun to stay for a few days."

Yunyun nodded: "anyway, I want to live here like my cousin! I want a big house and a beautiful bedroom! The balcony has a direct view of the garden! "

Zhuang Diandian lazily raised his eyes and looked at Zhuang Lianlian, "why should I promise?"

"Because she's my cousin!" Zhuang Lianlian looks at her strangely and doesn't seem to understand why she asks such a question.

Yunyun also glared at Zhuang Diandian: "that's it! I want to live with my cousin. What does it have to do with you? What a fuss