Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1149

"Wait a minute!"

Qiu Qi raised his hand and stopped the attack. He gasped with an enigmatic smile. "Are you sure you really want to do this?"

Zhuangtiandian couldn't see it any more, so he pulled it away and said, "do you want your life to grind so much? That's what I did. You still bite me! "

Church looked at her and shook his head: "well, if you really kill, it's the enemy's quick, the parents' pain."

"What's quick, what's painful?" Zhuang Diandian is really fed up with this boy. When he pulls him over, he will be beaten!

Despite his excellent physical fitness, church would still hang the lottery after being beaten, and his handsome face was beyond recognition.

Zhuang Diandian shook his hand, then turned back to greet Yu Xin: "sister Xin! Why don't you come and look for the baby quickly? "

"Good!" Yu Xin happily walked over and turned around to him, "that At this time, don't make unnecessary resistance any more. You'd better invite the man in your body out

Her smile is very local, and her eyes are about to narrow into a line.

Church looked at her silently, and finally couldn't smile, "don't let Lord Jinhua help you! Let's go one-on-one... "

Before he finished, Zhuang Dian's fist swung again: "one on one, right? One on one? Let's do it one on one

As if he had been struck by a body immobilization curse, he could not move, but was beaten.

"There is a kind of Don't let Jinhua fix me... "

Chuang Dian Dian didn't listen to that. He just waved his fist to his face. He could hear the sound of bone fracture when he hit the flesh.

"All right, all right, don't fight any more. What should I do if I beat away the" gold Lord "in his body later?" Yu Xin is very distressed about this. It's a genuine underground visitor! Different from the elite, due to geographical constraints, it's not so easy for them to come up! So, it's really a treasure that can't be met!

Zhuang Diandian retreated to one side. Yu Xin went over and looked at Qiuqi's face. Tut tut said, "how can this fight be worse than disfigurement?"

Zhuang Diandian shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't control the number."

Yu Xin looked at church with a smile and asked in a very friendly manner, "is there any pain? Well, you know, that woman's hand is just like this. Can't we avoid it? "

Church stares at her, the corner of his mouth twitches occasionally: "you stay away from me!"

"Oh, come on, compared with these barbarians, I'm quite friendly to you!" While speaking, Yu Xin had already started. Click here and poke there, "where is it? Say, where did you hide my baby? "

It seems that it should be a fierce one. Otherwise, it's impossible to be so close without exposure.

So thinking, Yu Xin even eyes are red, say what also want to get this "baby"!

Qiuqi said nothing, Yu Xin just went up to search, "is it here? What about here? Is this... "

Originally, church was still motionless, but she couldn't hold her hand and searched around him. Finally, he was in a hurry and yelled, "that's my egg!"

My heart stagnated, turned to face without color change, calm way: "what are you in a hurry? I don't want it. "


Zhuang Diandian is really convinced. If you are not acclimatized, you will be convinced!

Attack soil moisture Yun to stand to one side to look at, always pay attention to the situation here and around.

Just now, he had guessed what church wanted to say.

Since Qiu Qicai is the "King" here, there is no one to help after the meeting? Then this king, may not be too lonely!

Also, since he is the king, why should he lead the enemy to the island and destroy the land he has laid?

Finally, where did Zhong Yao go? What kind of role does he play here?

A series of questions were put in his mind, and he concluded that as a king, church was just a puppet.

Stroked the brow tip, he said: "well, don't bully him, I have something to ask him."

Yu Xin had already stripped his underpants at this meeting. After hearing what he said, he looked at the naked church, bit his teeth and let people go! You ask

Anyway, this guy can't run away. Are you afraid he won't obey?

Zhuang Dian looked at the man who was shrinking his body into a ball and sighed.

What do you say you are not good at learning, but bad at learning from others?

Attack moisture Yun came to him, squatted down, staring at his eyes about to spit fire, "you bring us in, want us to help you deal with someone?"

Church pulled clothes on the package on the body, not angry to say: "who can think, I brought in a gang of robbers!"

Staring at Chuang Dian Dian and Yu Xin, his teeth were about to be broken. "They were all female robbers!"

No matter what he said, Yu Xincai kept staring at him and swallowing

Church's face turned white, consciously turned around, no longer to see her.

This woman is terrible! What tickle take off clothes, only can't think of, no she can't do!Look at her again, the shadow of her childhood!

Attack soil moisture Yun slowly ask: "the influence of Zhong Yao, is pressing you?"

Church sat up and arranged his clothes. "Few people on this island have really seen me, including my father." He said, raising his lips mockingly, "for him, as long as it can make him become a commander."

"That is to say, if something happens to you, few people know."

As he froze, Church looked up at him and nodded.

Attack soil moisture Yun sneer: "that I understand, you are by Zhong Yao throw out bait."

It didn't matter that church had been reacting before, but this made him lose face completely! He was stuffy, but could not refute.

For a long time, he said, "my previous idea was actually very simple. I wanted to build an empire that belonged to me. On this island, I have fulfilled my dream! However, who ever thought that there would be so many strange things on this island. After that, I asked Zhong Yao to take charge of the investigation... "

Don't wait for him to finish saying, attack soil moisture Yun then take a way: "then, he took advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of famous, completely will you overhead."

When it comes to this, church gnashes his teeth. "That bastard! He forgot who made him who he is

"What's the use of saying that now?" Attack soil moisture Yun mercilessly expose, "you have become the bait of others, don't you think, you deceive us to land on the island, in fact, he already knew, and, in the dark, did enough preparation work, want to come to a net?"

"I didn't expect that." Church's eyes became a little cold, and his expression was also pitiful. Looking around, he sneered and said, "so what? If you want to come, just try it! "