Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1148

"There's no big plan to talk to you about!" Zhuang Diandian's stand is clear, "you'd better come and die quickly! Maybe I can see before we met a share, let your past pain faster

"Well, why can't you listen?" Church seemed to shake his head in embarrassment.

Zhuang Diandian doesn't care about that. Anyway, her constitution is different from ordinary people. What's so terrible about her? If you don't show it, you think she is an idol!

Here, he frowned. He could see that the boy wanted to let Zhuang Diandian, but he didn't mean to kill her. It's not like when it comes to yourself, every move is fatal

There was a sound in his ear.

"Ha ha There's another rival. "

His eyebrows tightened, disdaining a way: "he also deserve?"

"No matter whether they deserve it or not, where is their beauty! At least, he's the most handsome I've ever seen. " Then he nodded heavily: "at least, more handsome than Zhong Yao!"

Attack soil moisture Yun to turn head, a handsome face already black.

"Is your eyes always that bad? You don't look at Neixiu, but you look at skin? "

Yu Xin said with a smile, "don't feel unhappy. There is no one else in your family's eyes except you! No matter how many lovers there are, it's useless! "

It's comfortable to say that he raised his eyebrows.

He turned his eyes again. "Didn't he say I couldn't help you?"

"Oh, you think I'm the heartless guy? At least, I have a sense of loyalty. "

Yu Xin finish saying, attack soil moisture Yun to slowly point down a head, "say, see what again."

"Well Ha ha I don't want to hide it from him. I raise my hand.

"Church?" "You don't want his life?" he asked

"Why! Who do you think I am? " Yu Xin patiently explained: "do you think that guy is simple? How can he be genetically modified to be so powerful? Don't laugh. If he doesn't have anything in his body, I will worship that fox as my father! "

"You mean..."

Yu Xin nodded solemnly: "everything that happens on this island is possible." Then he said with a smile: "this is a magical place! To be honest, I don't even want to go. "

Then he raised his eyes and looked not far away. Zhuangdian and Qiuqi were still around.

As long as church doesn't make a tough move, he won't rush forward to help her, and it's OK to let her exercise.

"What is it, you know?" He asked.

Yu Xin shrugged his shoulders, "I only know that he is a very powerful guy, but I can't see what it is. Oh, by the way, you can ask aunt Jin! You can't be angry with such a powerful man

He settled down and asked, "what's in church's body, do you know?"

After a long time, aunt Jin came back to him: "the following things are not in the same system with me."

The following

After hearing this, she went to see Yu Xin again. She already stroked her chin, narrowed her eyes, and murmured, "no wonder No wonder I can't see it, and neither can the fox. That's why I want you to come and have a try... "

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, then he said with a smile: "so, you already know that church is here?"

Yu Xin is very generous nodded: "well, which!"

"Even if we know, let's come here?"


Yu Xin didn't feel guilty. He said, "don't try. How can we see the content? Of course, it's quite unexpected to know what it is. Normal people don't do that. "

"What does aunt Jin say?" he asked

"Don't you understand?" Yu Xin leaned over and whispered in his ear: "below It's under the feet Where people go after they die! "

The brow tip that attacks moisture Yun stirs up, some can't believe.

"This kind of thing can also be attached?"

Yu Xin immediately popularized science: "why not? That's what's powerful! Ordinary animal fairy want to upper body, it also depends on your nature, can't tie the fate of don't think! But below That is, you don't have to worry so much. As long as you want to "please", you can afford to pay the price. That's minute by minute! "

Attack soil moisture Yun Mi Mou, seem to understand.

Then, Yu Xin said: "however, they belong to the undead after all, and they are not with us. Unless they are willing to show up, they are those who have conflicts with us before, otherwise, we can hardly see them attached to people."

After thinking about it, she said, "but there are some powerful ones that can be seen at a glance."

Attack soil moisture Yun to see opposite, church is still there making Zhuang Dian Dian, take her move, easy to avoid, is not under the ruthless hand!

His face was a little ugly, and the lines of his cheek became stiff. "This guy is more annoying than that Zhong Yao!"No matter what, Zhong Yao is half of himself. After a long time, he knows his temperament and temperament! How nice this church is! None of the three sentences is true! It's annoying to watch!

He doesn't want to be idle any more. He's going to get rid of this guy with Zhuang Diandian.

At this time, Yu Xin held him, "wait a minute!"

He looked back at her, his eyes a little impatient: "if you want that thing, you have to beat this guy."

"It's not that!" Yu Xin felt something out of the bag and gave it to him: "take it, aim it at his chest later, and stick it on it!"

He looked at her and nodded: "thank you."

He strode over. As soon as church on the other side saw him coming, he was no longer joking and serious. "Oh, do you want to form a group to bully me? That's very kind of you! Don't you know how to blush when you are so big? "

Zhuang Diandian was so angry and happy by him, "Xiaoqiu, why didn't I find you so What about beating? If I had known earlier, it would have been light to beat you if you couldn't take care of yourself! "

She raised her head and took a deep breath. It was the first time that she appreciated her Kung Fu.

Because, some people you talk to him useless, can use force to solve, don't force!

In the face of two people, church obviously had some difficulty. Moreover, his face began to turn black, which was the kind of black paint, especially the Yintang

Zhuang Diandian was puzzled and frowned. He made a mistake in his heart. It's not that he's beaten or not. On the contrary, he's very angry, right?

That person's mind is too small!

Attack soil moisture Yun to come forward, a bit of leeway all didn't leave, borrow gold big Niang's strength, move move is fatal! Just as church turned around, he slapped what he had given me to stick to him!

"Yo Yu Xin was so happy that he seemed to see more and more babies in his bag