Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1150

At this time, Zhuang Dian recorded and pointed out: "I understand. Basically, we can sum up the following points: first, when you make a wedding dress for someone else, they have to do something else. 2、 You use us as cannon fodder, and you don't want to take any responsibility. "

Smile, "am I right?"

There was no color of guilt on church's face. He was very generous and said, "this is the world of the jungle. Even without me, those regiments will come to you sooner or later. Don't forget, compared with me, they are cruel. So I don't have to be responsible for who I want. "

Zhuang Diandian and Yu Xin said with one voice: "dregs!"

Church pulled the corners of his mouth, showing a not beautiful smile: "thank you for your praise."

Zhuang Diandian ignored him, and went to see Xi Yun: "what should I do?"

He took a look at the end of the long corridor and said, "take him first."


Zhuang Diandian took out the rope hanging on his waist and put it on church. He immediately protested: "don't forget, we are cooperative! Besides, I am also the king here. Can't you respect me? "

Zhuang Diandian blinked his eyes and said sincerely, "if I don't respect you, I'll pack you as luggage."

Church grabbed the rope in her hand, took a deep breath, and said, "you've stripped my bottom. Don't worry. I really won't run. I swear by the beauty of my golden age

Zhuang Diandian's mouth twitched two times. Looking at the face that had been twisted to the extreme, he said the four words "prosperous beauty". It was really bitter.

She dropped her eyes and took in the rope. "Forget it, anyway, there's no sense of achievement."

Church's cheek twisted even more seriously. After a long time, he said, "OK! Good! When I accept these traitors, I'll show you what king really is

"Yes, yes, you are Wang Chan, you are four two!"

The perfunctory attitude of Zhuang Diandian made church very unhappy, but there was no way. The only way to do it today was to cooperate with them.

Then he said, "now it's time for you to play a role. Take us to find Zhong Yao and Mu Lengfeng!"

"That's exactly what I want," chucci said with a smile

When Yu Xin saw this posture, he turned around and said, "OK, then I'm ok."

"Ah! Now that I have come, how can I leave? " Zhuang Diandian seized her and said with a smile, "maybe there are many treasures in Zhong Yao's place! If you don't go, we won't know the goods! "

Yu Xin helplessly looked at her: "although, you are suspected of cheating me, but this reason is tenable."

She was not vague, and followed them.

As he led the way, church said, "I can tell you that when you see them later, you have to teach them a lesson and take revenge on me! You don't know how much I suffer here! If it wasn't for my flowers, grass, fish and shrimps, I would be willing to suffer this injustice? "

"I can see that they are going to make me the son of a useless general forever! Fix me on this man, and then they will be king! "

"Vicious! It's really vicious

Zhuang Diandian stepped forward and strangled his neck. "Believe it or not, I'll poison you now?"

Church clapped her hand hard: "are you a man?"

"Come on, this is a sneak attack in the past, not a negotiation in the past!" Yu Xin squinted at him, "you say so many words all the way, you are not afraid to call who?"

Church broke away from Zhuangdian and said, "this section of the road is not monitored, although you can rest assured!"

Zhuang Diandian glanced at him, then turned his head and said, "can we get rid of him here?"

It's really noisy!

"Strange, isn't that what you used to do? Now how come What about freehand brushwork? "

Church looked at him with a blank face: "this is the real me."

It's the king, not the son of the proud general.

Zhuang Diandian nodded and patted him on the shoulder: "it's the same old church that didn't hate him so much."

Church knew she couldn't hear any good words from her mouth, so he didn't care with her, and still strode forward: "you all follow, and soon you will arrive at their secret base."

Yu Xin was surprised: "Yo, there is a secret base!"

Half sarcastically, church said, "you must know the relationship between the two. What's so strange about the secret base?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhuang Diandian slapped him.

Church is stunned, can't believe of cover head, for a long time didn't open a speech.


"What are you! Can you look like a king? What's wrong with two men? No discrimination! They haven't discriminated against you yet. Find a woman to fall in love with

Church is really depressed to death, but in front of Yun He, and dare not attack, only depressed, do not want to answer this woman.After he stopped, he patted and knocked on the wall. I don't know what he caught. Then the whole wall began to move. Zhuang Diandian said excitedly: "Wow! It can move here

He was not sure what was going on there. So, I can't help tightening my body.

When the door turned to reveal the other side of the wall, church's vision approached.

He knew that it was their usual place, and it took him some effort to find it. However, the two fox like men, who knows if they will be here, or set a trap or something.

Zhuangdian didn't think as much as he did. When she was about to push away, she took the lead and blocked the attack.

Attack moisture Yun slightly Leng, coagulation to her line of sight, like a thousand years of iceberg melting, soft enough to drip.

No matter when and where the woman, like a chicken mother, spread her wings to protect him behind. It's been like this since childhood, and it's still like this.

Just when the door was about to open, a hand of Shi Yun slipped around her shoulder, lowered her head, and kissed her shoulder, "your life is much more important than mine."

Then he dragged her behind him. Zhuang Diandian's face is red. She can do well even if she thinks she doesn't need protection. But the feeling of being cared for by him would still make her heart beat wildly.

Beside, a discordant voice joined.

"Can you two stop showing love here?" Yu Xin rolled his eyes and said, "there's no one inside. You can go in and have a rest. Whatever you two are tired of."

Zhuang Diandian grabs his hair in embarrassment and looks inside again. There is nothing.

Attack moisture Yun side head, "this is how to return a responsibility?"

Church shrugged: "believe me, I've been looking for it for a long time. Maybe they're hiding in a corner, waiting for an opportunity. "