Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1003

"Ha ha..." Mo Xiaoju couldn't help laughing, "you're really joking! Yes, it's promising. I'll take care of you! "

Looking back, his smile froze and his face became ugly. He opened his eyes to Zhuang Diandian, who nodded slowly to confirm again.

Mo Xiaoju took two steps and almost fell down when her leg was soft. Fortunately, Zhuang Diandian helped her quickly.

"He No, it It's really... "

Zhuang Diandian nodded again. As the saying goes, it's never too old to see her. It's estimated that even if someone tells her that the moon is actually square, she will calmly accept it.

Hu San is still calm and indifferent. He doesn't pay attention to the eyes of other ignorant human beings.

But Qing and others see Mo Xiaoju's face, basically also guessed the reason, one by one honestly stood there waiting, waiting for you cos immortals to accept the magic power.

When they were over there, they were all exhausted.

Zhuang Diandian glanced at Mo Xiaoju and others. All of them were in high spirits and immediately bent over and trotted over. Mo Xiaoju came to the more pleasant civet cat and bowed to it, "this Elder cat, are you tired? Would you like two small salted fish? "

Civet cat looked at her and said with satisfaction, "I don't like fish very much. I like mice!"

The hairy mouse on one side quit, jumped up and rushed over: "you bastard, I've endured you for a long time!"

Xu shaoting quickly stopped him. His face was stiff, and he had to smile and say, "Mr. grey fairy, please calm down! Your body is delicate and expensive. Don't be angry

The hairy mouse stopped and looked up at him. His moustache trembled and his laughter was sharp. "Oh, it's good!" It kept nodding, praised: "good, good! It's very insightful

In the face of praise, Xu shaoting has long been calm and generous, "you praise me falsely."

Ke Qing came to the big black snake tremblingly, took a deep breath and smile: "snake Uncle snake, ha ha Ha ha If you don't want to make direct contact with the ground, just say a word. There are so many people here that it's nothing to carry you back! "

The big black snake glanced at her coldly, but she didn't dare to say a word.

It moves down and doesn't move again.

Can fine eyes Baba of looking at it, big black snake mouth kisses displeasure, "is not want to carry this fairy?"

"Eh? Ah! Ai Ai But Qing quickly called a few people to come, and hurriedly lifted the big black snake up. Unexpectedly, it was so heavy that everyone tried their best to lift it up.

"Slow down, slow down, don't throw my snake uncle!"

The big black snake lowers its head a little, so comfortable that it wants to hibernate now

Think of hibernation, big black snake horse asked: "there is a man named Ke Qing, where?"

Can be fine a Leng, point to oneself, "is your majesty."

The big black snake's eyes lit up immediately, "it was you!"

Can fine flinch back a step: "uncle, how?"

The big black snake said: "I have a problem of insomnia. Since I paid attention to cultivating immortals, this problem has followed me for many years. It's very painful! Especially when other people of the same kind sleep in the cave, I have to wander outside alone... "

It's a bitter tear to say!

Can fine listen, eyebrow a little bit close up, "so ah! Come on, give me your hand. I'll get a pulse. "

The big black snake looks at her with blank eyes, which means "are you kidding?"

Keqing suddenly responded: "Oh! Sorry, occupational disease

All the people around are petrified, but this person and snake are still communicating seriously. Have you considered their feelings? Are they crazy, or is the world sick?

After that, Zong promise came to ah Chang. Compared with other immortals, ah Chang seemed to be the most normal! It's just a young and beautiful woman!

Her attitude can not help but casual: "this little sister, you go with your sister?"

When Zhuang Diandian heard this, he swallowed his saliva subconsciously and wanted to correct it. However, he saw Ah Chang's enchanting smile and her eyes were so charming that she could wring out water. She quickly turned around and quickened her pace, for fear that she would slow down and burn herself later!

Ah Chang stares at Zong promise and suddenly says, "your constitution is not easy to get pregnant. No matter how many times you try with your man, it's useless."

Hearing this, Zong promise was shocked, and was stunned. He was at a loss.

Zhuang Diandian and others are also surprised to look back. They always think that Zong promise is just not ready to have a baby. Even Ke Qing wants to prescribe some medicine for her, but she politely refuses it! Originally, this is the reason!

Zong promise bit his lip and his face became unnatural. He said in a low voice, "I..."

A Chang didn't give her the chance to find an excuse, and said, "your constitution is cold, and your limbs are cold all the year round. Do you know what the reason is?"Zong promise, a good child who believes in science, will be completely denied.

Just a few eyes, even the problem of her cold constitution can be seen?

Perhaps because of curiosity, she shook her head and murmured, "why?"

Ah Chang laughs. Leng Buding approaches her and suddenly stretches out a long and thin snake letter to lick her lips.

Zong promise's eyes were wide open and stiff.

"That's because Your past life was me, ha ha... "

Ah Chang was so happy with his smile that he twisted his body over her, grabbed Huang xiaopao and put him in his arms. His fingers gently scratched his head, just like touching a little pet. Huang xiaopao half closed his eyes, and his face was loveless.

With a plop, Zong promise fainted It's another flurry. We'll carry her down the mountain.

Zhuang Diandian came to ah Chang helplessly. "I said, madam Chang, these people are so timid. Can you stop scaring them like this?"

Ah Chang said innocently, "what I said is true! She was a snake in her previous life! There are still some cultivation snakes, but... "

"Stop, stop, stop!" Zhuang Diandian really couldn't listen any more, and his whole body was covered with goose bumps, "madam, we really don't like the past life and the present life here..."

"Ha ha, I know, science, atheism!" Ah Chang said, but he didn't think it was because of his shortsightedness

In front of the long hairy mouse ear moved, not happy to turn, sharp voice: "why always mention me? I don't like it. Can't you pay attention to it? I hate it