Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1004

As soon as a Chang raised his eyebrow, he touched something in vain and then threw it out. A stone hit the hairy mouse's head like this

His little paw touched his head and sighed, "why is that necessary? If you have to talk, can I not let you talk? Can't you say it well? Must it be solved in this way? "

Ah Chang clapped his hands and said, "I like it."

"Well, you said you like it. Can I take it away? Therefore, everything is about communication - "

civet cat suddenly turned his head:" it's so noisy! Don't you think that's the end of it? No one's laughing at you! "

Hairy mouse

Seeing the bustle here, Mo Xiaoju and Zhuang Diandian said earnestly: "we were crouching tiger, hidden dragon before hemashan. Now we invite these immortals back. I'm really afraid I'm afraid they'll blow up the mountains! "

Zhuang Diandian also said helplessly: "to be honest, I didn't expect them to wear it! If I had known earlier, I would not have practiced the secret arts. If I didn't practice the secret arts, I would not have been led by Huang xiaopao on this slippery road, and I wouldn't have... "

"Sister Qing, what shall we go back to eat later?"

"I have to eat some meat, so let's fix the chicken."

"In that case, my brother cat needs a few catties of fish."

"Well, that's settled. Let's go by sea, land and air tonight."

"All right!"

Is it really good for Zhuang Diandian to keep his head down in silence and always take things as they please? Why don't you keep some surprises appropriately?

Oh, it's boring, isn't it!

In this way, a group of people and another strange group of six, the mighty down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, you can clearly see the traces of the large troops stationed. In this way, let alone the regiments and battalions, it doesn't work even if the four big regiments come!

Zhuang Diandian nodded from time to time: "yes, according to this scale of development, it's OK to take over all the cracks in the parallel space ~"

Xu shaoting laughed: "the goal is a little far away, as long as the cracks created by those who have different intentions are filled."

Zhuang Dian thought of something and immediately asked, "where's that guy?"

Xu shaoting raised his eyebrow: "Mu Lengfeng?"

"Well." Zhuang Diandian didn't give a good reply.

"His whereabouts are unknown, but I know that it's not only us who are looking for him now. Our former allies will also turn against each other. They are in some trouble, so they have to hide."

"Ha! He has today, too? "

Four words: God opened his eyes!

Xu shaoting said slowly, "it's OK. It can give us time to recuperate."

After all, in the series of events that happened before, the Zong family's vitality was also greatly damaged. If we don't make a good adjustment, we may not be able to retreat if we meet a strong enemy again!

As soon as Zhuang Diandian got on the bus, he suddenly remembered, "where's Xiaohe?"

Xu shaoting said faintly: "after saving him, he got into some trouble again."

"That boy is as timid as a needle. What trouble will he cause?" Zhuang Diandian doesn't believe it at all!

After a moment's silence, Xu shaoting said, "he has enlarged the girl's stomach."


Zhuang Diandian was stunned for a long time. Then he asked in silence, "the person you are talking about is not of the same name and surname, right?"

He shook his head. "That's not true."

Zhuang Diandian asked again, "tell me, which girl is it Can't it be Qiuqiu? "

Xu shaoting shook his head again, "if it was her, I'm afraid there would be no trouble."

"What, not her?" Zhuang Diandian was surprised to death. "Do you mean there are other women besides her?"


Zhuang Diandian really can't believe his ears. After a trip back, let alone the world, even human nature has changed ~

the little boy who had never been close to the girl before would make the girl's stomach bigger! What's more, it's not the childhood before!

She suddenly thought of Xiaohe and Qiuqiu in another world. If she was right, they should have been in favor of each other for a long time, but Xiaohe's current emotional world is not very mature, and Qiuqiu doesn't trust him completely.

But on the whole, there are unlimited possibilities for both of them to develop.

But, in this way, what should these two do? And Qiuqiu, I think it will be very sad!

Zhuang Diandian quickly asked, "who is that woman?"

Xu shaoting looked at her, thought about it, and said, "you'd better go back and find out for yourself."

After all, he's a man and doesn't take the initiative to talk about gossip.

With strong curiosity, Zhuang Diandian nodded: "don't worry, I'll go to the grass-roots level. Once I know that Xiaohe has become a playboy, I'll peel his skin and make a belt for all the men, so that they can fasten their pants firmly!"

Such a solemn warning really worked. The male comrades in the car subconsciously tightened their beltsThe car moved forward slowly. The first few cars were Huang xiaopao and a Chang. Because of the particularity of his identity and status, Hu San was arranged in the same car.

The car is on the move, attack soil moisture Yun slowly look back at him, sneer: "in my opinion, your mood is really strange, obviously not very familiar, why still with her?"

Qin Xiao, who was driving, had a look here and didn't say a word.

Hu San was not the slightest unhappy, chuckled, and his perfect cheek had a feeling that people could not understand.

Instead of answering, he asked, "you heard ah Chang's words just now."

Attack moisture Yun frown, and then slowly point head, "heard."

"Do you believe that woman's past life was a snake?"

In fact, what he should ask is whether he believes in the past and the present. However, he skillfully chose psychological suggestion.

He is not an ordinary person. He grew up on the negotiation table. Would he not know his mind?

He looked at him silently and said, "what do you mean, just say it."

Hu San said with a smile, "if you believe it, you can talk about it. If you don't believe it, no matter how much you talk about it, it's useless."

Zhuang Diandian also said helplessly: "to be honest, I didn't expect them to wear it! If I had known earlier, I would not have practiced the secret arts. If I didn't practice the secret arts, I would not have been led by Huang xiaopao on this slippery road, and I wouldn't have... "

"Sister Qing, what shall we go back to eat later?"

"I have to eat some meat, so let's fix the chicken."

"In that case, my brother cat needs a few catties of fish."

"Well, that's settled. Let's go by sea, land and air tonight."

"All right!" Do you believe it? What she said.

Is it really good for Zhuang Diandian to keep his head down in silence and always take things as they please? Why don't you keep some surprises appropriately?

Oh, it's boring, isn't it!