Foxy CEO, Love Me Deeply

Chapter 1002

It's not good for Zhuang Diandian to scream. Is it Does it mean that Hu Cuihua

Sure enough, an increasingly young and handsome voice came in, "are you looking for me?"

Zhuang Diandian turned around silently and sighed when he saw the man who was young and beautiful again. No wonder the gap between the rich and the poor still exists in today's society. Just like Hu San, who can bear to see him young and beautiful again?

"Cuihua, why are you here?" Huang xiaopao Yin Yang strange way: "how, you still want to be domineering here?"

The third master glanced at it and laughed enough to make people angry. "With me, no matter where you are, you don't want to climb on my head!"

Huang xiaopao stares at him, "you think I'm rare!"

Zhuang Diandian quietly went to see Xi Hanyun and comforted him in a low voice: "harmony is the most important thing in a harmonious society! Anyway, we are also guests from afar. Let's not be too impolite. "

Attack soil moisture Yun put away the cold color in the eyes, smile not to smile of, "guest if respect guest's duty, I naturally treat with courtesy, but if he doesn't obey the rules, I also have some methods to kill him!"

Zhuang Dian can't help shivering. Is it really good for Yun Ye to be so insidious?

Hu San naturally heard it and cast a light glance at him. Although it was only casual, Zhuang Dian understood a trace of banter from his plain eyes

It's like saying, you grinding goblin ~

she took a breath of air conditioning. I'll go. Is this painting style so hot!

In order not to cause the imbalance between the two circles, Zhuang Diandian quickly changed the topic, she said: "that I have a little problem here. I'm afraid I'll trouble you a few. "

The hairy mouse and civet cat waved their hands very happily, "if you have something, just say it!"

Zhuang Diandian pointed to the temple in front of him with a smile, "tear this down."

Suddenly, two faces are showing incredible expression, stretched out a small claw pointed to the other side, "are you sure it's here?"

"Well Zhuang Diandian said with a smile, "I have said hello to Buddha."

Two faces looked at each other, all silently shrunk to one side, such a treacherous thing, who dares to do?

Seeing their appearance, ah Chang sneered and got up to go, "I'll come!"

She has never been a regular master, otherwise, she would not have had a bad relationship with Huang xiaopao, trapped in the body for so many years!

Huang xiaopao jumped up and glared at her, "what are you doing? You come! This black sheep knows how to be blind. Get out of my way

Ah Chang was stunned and looked at him.

Huang xiaopao, with a straight face and a small body, leaped to the front of him. The domineering manner of being a man in charge really impressed Zhuang Dian!

A often coy smile, obedient retreat to one side, "good."

So obedient a Chang, let Zhuang Dian is also ruthlessly surprised.

Immediately, she seemed to understand something. A woman like Chang Shiniang, who can commit a crime for a man, must be an indomitable and domineering President

Zhuang Diandian had a cold war when he looked at the one size Teddy version of Huang xiaopao.

The picture was so beautiful that she wept in the wind.

Huang xiaopao took a deep breath. It can be seen that he was also afraid, but he still plucked up his courage, "apprentice! Come here

"Ah Zhuang Diandian trotted all the way and squatted beside him

"I've passed on your secret skills, haven't I?"


"Well, from now on, listen to my command ¥@ *%..."

Then Huang xiaopao gave the instructions in the above language. Zhuang Diandian listened attentively, and then he felt lucky slowly. After feeling a heat wave in his body, his face began to turn red

Attack moisture Yun standing behind, has been staring at Zhuang Diandian, for fear of her accident.

"This girl has good qualifications." Someone approached and said carelessly, "over time, our achievements will not be lower than those of us."

Attack soil moisture Yun face a cold, slant to overdo, "don't hit her idea."

Hu San was stunned. Then he looked at him with great interest, "what do you mean? Why can't I understand? "

Attack soil moisture Yun sneer voice, "you cheat her, but cheat me."

"Ha ha I can't understand it any more. "

Attack soil moisture Yun to turn round, face him, a word a way: "remember, you don't want to touch her!"

After looking at him for a long time, the Third Master of Hu suddenly laughed.

Zhuang Diandian was still there. He was almost distracted when he heard the laughter.

He meow, Hu Cuihua is too thief, right? When she was doing business, she openly seduced her husband Yun?

"Pa" ground a, Huang xiaopao very impolitely jumped up, a paw patted Zhuang Diandian head, "think what! Pay attention to me

Zhuang Diandian turned his lips and had to concentrate instead of going to the adulterers and adulterers behind for the time being!With a bang, the whole temple collapsed.

All eyes are to the front, gradually, with a piece of smoke retreated, all surprised mouth are closed.

Among the fallen rocks, the Buddha's golden body still stands.

After Zhuang Diandian was stunned, he could not help but feel awe.


With Hu San's Buddha's name, several immortal families knelt down to the ground, "Amitabha!"

Zhuang Diandian is not a Buddhist disciple, but she has always respected the Buddha and put her hands together with her husband. She knows that if she does this, the Buddha will understand.

Hu San looked around and said, "come on, there's work to do."

A Chang and Huang xiaopao are also immediately clear, according to their respective positions, scattered around.

"Chang, you take my place." Hu said.


Ah Chang had great respect for him. He came to his position and became one of the five immortals and the head of the five immortals. Huang xiaopao looked at her, and there was no objection.

Zhuang Diandian and Yi Yun both know that they want to block the entrance and exit of the parallel space and fill the cracks.

At this moment, the army arrived!


"Smelly girl! You are finally willing to come back! "

"Mr. Yun!"

Zhuang Diandian looked back and saw the comer, his eyes suddenly lit up, "little chrysanthemum! Fine! Little court

These people have been stationed at the foot of the mountain for a long time. After receiving the signal of attacking Chen Yun, they rushed here. They finally saw that the two people were safe and sound. They were so excited!

"Dead girl, you want to scare me to death!" Mo Xiaoju pinched Zhuang Diandian's neck and her eyes were red. "Why don't you tell me? If you have a problem, how can I explain it to Xibao? "

"Cough chill! Sister Ju, calm down

"You almost can't come back, I'm still calm?"

Xu shaoting came quickly, "OK, OK, she's not easy to come back. If you pinch her again, you'll really send her away."

Mo Xiaoju was crying and laughing, but Qing slapped her open, pressed Zhuang Diandian and looked around, "did you hurt anything? Are these all original? "

Zhuang Diandian couldn't laugh or cry, "sister Qing, I swear to grandfather Mao that all the parts on him are original!"

Thinking of something, she said, "it's just a few more new skills! For example, my skin seems to be invulnerable, and my vision and hearing also have a qualitative improvement Oh, by the way, I ate a thousand year old wild ginseng, learned the ancient secret arts, and... "

Everyone was as familiar as she was, and his chin almost fell to the ground.

Mo Xiaoju: "that Dianjie, can you take me with you when you travel next time? I don't ask much. I just want to taste the taste of the Millennium wild ginseng

Xu shaoting pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Oh, it sounds like you have gained a lot this time."

Ke Qing is the most direct. Without saying a word, she takes out the dagger and cuts it on her arm

Zhuang could not believe his eyes: "I'll go! Sister Qing, do you really cut it? "

"Ah, I just try Just try... " Can fine carefully observe her skin, such a sharp cut down, even a wound is not!

"It's really invulnerable!" She murmured and then gave a warning: "don't let our two elder martial brothers know about this. I'm afraid they will go crazy."

Zhuang Diandian said with a smile, "don't worry. I've always been rich."

Attack soil moisture Yun and Exhibition wind and Qin Xiao etc. together say what.

Qin Xiao said: "Niuwei mountain is our territory now. Our troops are stationed at the foot of the mountain. The guys dare not come back!"

Xu shaoting said: "in fact, we have already discussed that unless you come back, you will never move this temple."

He looked at it and laughed: "I didn't expect you to move so fast."

Only at this time did they notice that there were a few people in the distance who were doing the dojo Only.

Mo Xiaoju rubbed her eyes hard, "that If I read it right, it's a Giant Teddy

Zhuang Diandian immediately said, "Oh, I forgot to introduce them. They are all distinguished guests from afar. They like cosplay."

"Cos has to "So good?"

"Well, they're all authorities on this."

Everyone swallowed all the questions and nodded silently Authority. "

I've seen the talking stones, not to mention the mermaids and the emperor Zong! Meet again wonderful new things, it is absolutely a smile, promise not to smoke!

"Wow! Who is this beautiful man? " But Qing tugs at Zhuang's Classics and looks at Hu San's eyes.

At a glance, Zhuang Diandian immediately took back his sight. His attitude was not very enthusiastic, "a fox."Third master Hu raised his eyebrows, not smiling.

"Ha ha..." Can fine laugh, "you really can joke!" Pointing at Huang xiaopao and others, he said, "you say they are non-human! This beautiful man is Miao Hong


Zhuang Diandian shakes her head gently. Now women are always blinded by the beautiful illusion and don't believe in telling the truth!

Pathetic, pathetic!

Mo Xiaoju came to Hu San with a light smile and asked: "Hello, handsome man, that crazy woman said you are a fox."

The Third Master said with a smile, "she's right."