Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 956

Originally, I was secretly happy to be promoted to Deputy Chief Engineer

She's pissed off!

He left with the same pale face.

At the back is the jeering eyes of the personnel department and the staff watching the scene.

At the elevator entrance, Yang Xi complained, "it must be you who destroyed Cheng yingxuan's cheating way in the design competition. She was dissatisfied with you and told brother shiting about your situation. Brother shiting would issue such a ban."

"You say it!" CEN Sufen glared at her angrily, "a cheap woman surnamed Cheng is hateful. You shouldn't have encouraged me to come to the personnel department just now to disgrace me!"

Yang Xi's eyes filled with grievance fog, a look of crying, "aunt Yan, I didn't mean to. I've been with you all the time. I didn't know that brother Shi Ting issued such a ban. "

"Well, I don't blame you." CEN Sufen put the account on Cheng yingxuan's head. "You're right. It must be the black form that Cheng shiting, who is surnamed Cheng, sued me. After a while, you will win the elite competition. In the process of winning, yingxuan will fight for me again

"I'll definitely win!" Yang Xi is full of confidence. "With Cheng yingxuan's level, she can't get any good works. I have investigated the resume of the employees participating in the competition. Although there is no lack of those who have several brushes, no one is really my opponent. You can rest assured that I am sure of victory. "

"That's good." CEN Sufen narrowed her old eyes. "As long as you win the design competition and step Cheng yingxuan under your feet, I promise you that you can't stay in the company with Cheng's surname!"

"Thank you, aunt Yan." Yang Xi compared the elevator. "Do you want to go back now or?"

"It's nothing to go back to." "The elite design competition started soon. I went to watch it," Cen said

"OK, let's go to the 85th floor together." Yang Xi also wants to see herself in the limelight.

Although the competition is still half an hour away, the two people still directly from the elevator to the conference room on the 85th floor.

The conference room was temporarily transformed into a competition field, in which the original tables and chairs were emptied and replaced with rows of tables and chairs arranged in order like the student classroom.

The distance between each table and chair is one meter and five meters.

Thunder group participated in more staff, 851 row, several conference rooms almost all changed into temporary competition ground.

The name, department and seat number of the participants are pasted on the wall at the entrance.

Yang Qian and Cheng yingxuan belong to the chief engineer's office. Naturally, they are arranged in a meeting room with two adjacent seats.

Yang Xi found her seat and sat down in the second row, the second.

The position in front of her is naturally Cheng yingxuan's.

Well, even drawing a design drawing sits behind Cheng. Yang Xi is very unconvinced.

This conference room happens to be the invigilator of vice president Ren Bozhong.

All the employees who came to participate in the design competition were seated.

"The game will start in 10 minutes, everyone in position." Ren Bozhong, vice president, issued a stack of white paper, pencils and erasers to the staff in each row "One piece of white paper for each person, and one for pencils, rulers and other drawing tools. The staff in the first row take their own share and pass on the rest. "

Soon, each student had a drawing tool in their hands.

"If there is monitoring, absolute hand-painted originality is required." Ren Bozhong said, "it is forbidden to make noise and copy other people's drawings There are five minutes to go before the game starts, and you can start drawing now. It takes two hours to hand in the papers. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!