Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 957

Many employees have already begun to think down or start drawing.

Ren Bozhong's eyes fell on the first vacant seat in the second row, "who hasn't come yet?" Raise your watch and take a look at the time. "The game will start in five minutes."

Li Yajing, the director of the design department, did not come

Looking at the first row position, she was jealous.

Thunder group has always liked to rank seats by position.

Sooner or later, she will be able to sit in the front row!

"Cheng yingxuan is afraid of losing. She is too scared to come here!" Yang Xi snorted coldly. I also hate Cheng fox spirit's position in front of him.

Ren Bozhong didn't dare to answer this kind of tune, so he had to say, "OK, quiet drawing. Those who are late will be disqualified according to the rules

Yang Xi hoped Cheng yingxuan was too scared to come. She looked out of the window at the corridor.

I'm afraid to see Cheng yingxuan appear.

In the corridor, CEN Sufen stood there, waiting to watch the game.

"There's a minute left to start the game." Ren Bozhong stared at the second hand on his watch, "Fifty seconds Thirty seconds, twenty-nine seconds Ten seconds Three seconds Two seconds, one second! "

Yang Xi immediately announced happily, "Cheng yingxuan didn't come to the competition. She gave up like a tortoise!"

"I think chief engineer Cheng is afraid and dare not come." Li Yajing also gloated at the interface, "even if she comes now, it's too late. She's not qualified to play again if she's late."

"She must know that she will lose to me. She is afraid to come." Yang Xi said haughtily, "when I play golf, I'm forced to call her grandaunt. I'm really defeated by my strength design. She can't call me grandparents!"

Arrogant words, if usually, may be a few flatter flatter people to agree.

This competition field is full of competitors, which is really not helpful.

"Fool!" Clear two words, from a position in the back corner of the conference room, elegant as the voice of nature, especially clear and pleasant to hear.

"Who are you calling a fool?" Yang Xi turned her head angrily and found that the speaker was Cheng yingxuan. "How can you be here?"

Cheng yingxuan snorted coldly, "you are not stupid. How can you say that you are a tortoise when you don't know the situation clearly! Your aunt and I came early. I came too early. I found a free table in the back to rest. It's funny that you think I dare not come! You want me to be late and give up. Unfortunately, your aunt doesn't like it

Yang Xi was very angry, "you!" After a few seconds, there was no retort.

Cheng yingxuan's cold eyes glanced at Li Yajing, the daughter of Yan's maid, sister-in-law Chen.

It looks cute, but in fact, she has coveted Yan shiting for a long time. Don't think she can't see it.

Cheng yingxuan's eyes are stiff, and she begins to draw.

"Cheng yingxuan, since I'm not late, I'll take your seat." Ren Bozhong said, "we can't affect other people's drawing."

Cheng yingxuan stepped on her high heels and took her drawing tools to the first table in the second row.

Yang Xi glared at her back, her eyes almost spewing with anger, "Cheng yingxuan, what if you come? Lose you

"Yes." Cheng yingxuan refused to comment.

She didn't want to fight because there was no guarantee that she would win.

Because, Yang Xi's works in the early years are still available, which must have been more optimized. Even if the surname Yang is now redrawn, it is not difficult. , the fastest update of the webnovel!