Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 955

When Cen Sufen saw that the employees respected themselves so much, she looked up and held her chest high. She felt that Beier had face and said, "well, you are all right."

A leadership style of sympathy.

"Thank you for your concern. It's very good." I'll call back one after another.

CEN Sufen directly ordered one of the female employees, "what's your name? What position? "

"My name is Amy, a personnel clerk." Amy replied respectfully.

"Good." CEN Sufen, a deputy leader, "I will inform you now." Compared with Yang Xi beside me, "this Miss Yang Xi beside me has been promoted to deputy chief engineer of the company from now on! Welcome, everyone

And take the lead in clapping.

Yang Xi immediately clapped her hands.

None of the staff in the personnel department moved.

There are also some passing staff of other departments watching the scene at the door.

The staff didn't pay for it. Cen Sufen clapped her hands and stopped awkwardly, "why, as the mother of general manager Yan of your company, what I said is not counted and authoritative enough!" The tone of accountability is, "Whoever dares not accept it will be expelled!"

The personnel staff looked at each other.

Amy whispered, "isn't that right, Ms. Cen? The promotion of deputy chief engineer requires the signature of general manager Yan... "

"I didn't ask shiting to sign the announcement I just made. Didn't I carry it out as usual?" CEN Sufen said with pride, "Shi Ting has always been an obedient child. He was promoted to be a deputy chief engineer. I'll tell him back. You'll release the news about Yang Xi's promotion to deputy chief engineer."

Yan is always an obedient child

The staff in the personnel department are funny in their hearts. Cen Sufen is really lying with his eyes open.

Just now, Ms. Cen ran to the technology department to make a notice of the design competition, but Li tezhu gave the technical department a hard meal.

Yang Xi also helped to speak, "President Yan's words are the imperial edict, and Ms. Cen's words are equivalent to Yizhi. You don't do it yet! "

Everyone looks crazy.

So I want to be a deputy chief engineer

Yang Xi has been in the company for a long time, but she has never done anything. She always shows off her family background.

Many employees are not pleased with her, but they are afraid that she will become the future Mrs. Yan Shao. They dare to be angry and dare not speak.

Amy said, "Ms. Cen and Miss Yang, we also want to do what you want, but President Yan has just issued an order to prohibit the elders of Yan Family from interfering with the company. No one dares to disobey president Yan. "

"How could it be!" CEN Sufen didn't believe it.

"I dare not lie to you." Amy said, "you can call the president's office to verify."

CEN Sufen also knew that people in the personnel department did not dare to lie. She stepped back and said, "well, you can send me the announcement of Yang Xi's promotion first. I will go to the president's office and tell Shi Ting."

"No. We'll be laid off. " Amy turned on the computer and printed out a notice, "look at this document, which is stamped with the special seal of the president. Not only you, but also any elders of Yan family, can't interfere in the affairs of the company. You can take a closer look. "

CEN Sufen glanced, her face was very ugly.

I don't know who said, "Ms. Cen, Mr. Yan is not satisfied with your announcement I'll take care of you. "

CEN Sufen, embarrassed with a hot face, turned and left the personnel department in a gloomy way.

Yang Xi didn't expect Yan shiting to give such an order so quickly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!