Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 937

Her heart ached violently.

"You say it again!" he said This dead woman can't bear to resist him and push him to other women.

With a hiss, he tore up her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Her eyes, watery with anger, spurted fire.

The skin on her body is naked because of her torn clothes. Saixue's skin is smoother and softer than clotting fat. It seems that she can be broken by blowing bullets.

The slender willow waist is not full of a grip, and her figure is particularly provocative.

The anger in his eyes mixed with the fire, burning as if to burn her.

She quickly took off the towel from the towel rack and wrapped it around her body, with a cold face. "You go out."

He couldn't help not touching her for so long.

Micro squint ice heavy full of eyes, he is not instantaneous staring at her rigid face, eyes unspeakable complexity.

Cheng yingxuan's heart almost reached her throat.

I'm afraid he'll be tough.

If he really wants her, does he want to fight with him?

If you move your hand, you'll be exposed.

It was hard to hide for so long that she was the identity of the killer.

She didn't want to give up all her work.

Fortunately, he just glared at her for half a minute, and then he wanted to turn and leave discontentedly.

As soon as his tall and upright figure came out of the bathroom, the bathroom space seemed to be much larger, and the atmosphere was no longer so cold and depressing.

She was shaking with her hands on the edge of the sink.

Knowing that his patience was at the limit.

She wants him, too.


Really not.

We can't and can't get deeper and deeper.

She locked the door of the restroom, and threw his torn clothes on the floor.

Barefoot girl, went to the shower room, opened the shower head, let the cold water wash over his face and body.

It's getting cold.

Cold water does not feel cold on the body, perhaps because Her heart is colder.


Next to the bathroom, Yan shiting is also taking a cold shower.

Every day, every night, every moment want her, think hard!

But she was so close that she couldn't eat.

According to his cruel means, it is easy to want her body.

I love her so much that I would rather bear it than hurt her.

Because, what he wants is not only her body, but also her heart.

The cold water didn't seem to cool his body.

Whenever he thought of her, he longed madly.

Simply put a bathtub full of cold water, the whole person soaked in.

Under his neck, he was immersed in the cool cold water, but the heat of his body finally subsided.


Cheng Xiaobao has been sleeping in his room. He is a little thirsty. He wakes up and pours water in the living room.

I saw my mother and father come out of two different bathrooms.

Both of them had just bathed and changed into clean pajamas, and their hair was wet.

The difference is that their faces are covered with ice.

The atmosphere was weird.

"Dad, did you quarrel with mom?" Cheng asked reflexively.

"Hum." Yan shiting snorted coldly, "how can I see women in the same way."

"Good women don't fight men." Cheng yingxuan enters the room in her pajamas and closes the door behind her.

Father and son stare at the closed door.

Cheng Xiaobao scratched his head and melon seeds. "Xuanxuan looks unreasonable."

"Do you know?" Yan shiting agreed with his son.

"It's a woman's patent. You let her go a little bit. " The tender voice is unquestionable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!