Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 936

I don't know what happened in my last life.

The whole Chenxia, like an emperor, was half true.

She said without changing her face, "if you want, you can go whoring."

He immediately black face, "whoring Chang so dirty, how can I do it."

"As long as you want, most of them are willing to give their lives to you. You can go whoring with a clean one. "

"Dead woman!" He angrily pulled her shoulder, lacquer sharp Mou Ren is filled with dangerous light, "you know I don't want anyone but you!"

"Dead man, don't disturb me when I'm working." Without design inspiration, she has been depressed, but he is still on the edge.

He just put away her design. "I'm your boss. I'm ordering you not to work now."

"It's not office hours now. The order is invalid."

He was too lazy to talk to her. He picked her up and went to the bathroom.

She exclaimed, "Yan shiting, what do you want to do?"

"Fuck you!"

"Shit!" She couldn't help swearing.

He said solemnly, "you don't have to work. I'll do it."

"You, you!" She was so angry that she pinched his arm. The meat was so hard that her hand hurt. He didn't frown. "When did you become so obscene?"

"I didn't pass in front of you."

"You, you..." It's rare that she is always eloquent.

Can't entangle with him any more, otherwise, she is really afraid that more and more can't let him go.

"I haven't bathed for four days," she said, thinking of his severe cleanliness habit

He loves clean people so much that he can't take a bath for a day.

He had better let her go at once.

Yan shiting's eyebrows raised. He didn't know what the dead woman was up to. After a few steps, he had already carried her to the bathroom and put her on the sink.

She wanted to jump off the ground. He stretched out his long arm and clasped her waist. He said happily, "if you don't want to sit there, do you want to hang on me?"

She wanted to struggle. She was as strong as a God. If she hurt him, she could run away.

The problem is not willing to hurt him, ah, can only continue to try to disgust him, "I hurt my hand, really four days did not bathe."

Bad to make up a sentence, "do not believe you smell me, all smelly."

He smelled her words, and really sniffed her white neck.

Very fragrant, light body odor.

Don't think he didn't know. Although her left hand was injured before and could not take a bath, she still used her right hand to wipe it.

"It stinks." He deliberately said something against his will.

No woman wants to hear men say she stinks.

Her face suddenly became ugly, "stink still don't let me go?"

"It's because of the smell that I'm going to clean you up." He began to untie her clothes.

She protected her collar and beat her death to death. She said, "don't work, master Yan. You're so proud."

I haven't had that with him for a long time.

He's been hungry for so many days. He's really taken off at this time

Just seeing his wolf eyes, she must be doomed.

"No other woman ever asked me to look at it." His resolute face sank, "you should not be in the blessing do not know."

"Then the blessing will be given to other women."

She said it with a little heartache.

If Yan shiting really touched another woman, she would never be with him again.

Thinking of the future, he might be with Yang Xi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!