Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 938

"She's my woman. I won't let her. With her arrogant attitude, I'll throw her into the sea to feed the fish." He wouldn't have looked at it for another woman.

"It's none of your adult business. The adult world is too complicated. " Xiao Bao sighed and went back to his second bed to sleep.

A minute later, the door of the master bedroom was knocked.

Cheng yingxuan opened the door and saw Yan shiting standing outside. She asked with a straight face, "what's the matter?"

He tore her clothes violently, and her anger remained.

Yan shiting gazed at her wet hair and handed her the hair dryer in his hand. "Dry the hair and sleep again."

No angry cold voice, that heavy look, as if to see her more than a look is impatient.

It's about caring about her.

Cheng yingxuan knew that he was very angry.

I didn't expect him to care so much about her.

Cold as if thousands of years of stagnant water, the heart seems to be bit by bit he covered hot.

The curl of movement in her heart slowly accumulated.

Her beautiful face did not show up at all.

See her Leng, he tiny squint eyes, "want me to help you blow dry?"

Even if she didn't touch her, he was still willing to blow her hair and get closer to her.

"No, thank you." She took the hair dryer in his hand and politely expressed her thanks.

"Cheng yingxuan, do you have to be so estranged from me?"

He was discontented and depressed by her estrangement.

The anger that had not subsided was almost provoked again.

No matter what he thought, she closed the door again.

He clenched and loosened his fist, and he resisted the impulse to smash the door.

Tell yourself again and again, don't worry about her, because she is his woman!

In the master bedroom, Cheng yingxuan backs against the door, and Yan shiting is separated by a fan door.

It seems that the gap is not only a fan door, but also across the gap.

For example, she doesn't match his identity.

The Yan family will never accept her.

She doesn't allow herself or Yan shiting to be a sinner of the Yan Family for her sake.

After a long time, she sat in front of the dresser, plugged in the hair dryer, and blew out a wet hair.

Long hair is half dry in the hot air of the hair dryer.

She suddenly remembered that in Yan shiting's villa, he helped her blow her hair patiently. Her hair ran through his long fingers, and his eyes were so gentle and loving.

It turned out that, unconsciously, his every move had already been embedded in her heart.

Yan shiting outside the door is very decadent.

He is very good at business, officialdom and people's mind.

It's the only way to take her.

It's really more difficult to capture her heart than to ascend to heaven.

He wanted to ask Cheng yingxuan countless times why he couldn't love him?

Why can't you trust him?


The next day, Cheng Xiaobao went to school.

Cheng yingxuan didn't get up until ten o'clock in the morning because of insomnia at night.

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong!

The door rings.

She was in her pajamas and slippers on her feet, ready to open the door.

I thought it was muyufeng.

At this time, no one will come.

Only mu Yu Feng that son of a bitch, entangled her all day long.

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong!

It took about half a minute for the doorbell to ring again.

It's still very gentle.

Mu doesn't ring the doorbell like this.

Cheng yingxuan guesses it's not mu.

Glancing at the video surveillance by the wall, I can see that the person outside the door is actually Yang Xi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!