Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 935

Cheng yingxuan didn't know Yan shiting's idea, but worried about the design drawings.

I think she hasn't lost in her life. If she goes on like this, it can be predicted that she will lose miserably in five days.

It's not really a question of whether to win a prize or not. It's that once she loses, or to be exact, as long as she can't win Yang Qian, her position as chief engineer is really unstable, and she has no face to continue to sit down.

In the company less than half a year laid-off, according to the contract, she will pay 50 million

Although, it is estimated that Yan shiting will give her free money or compensation when she really wants to pay.

His private money is the same thing. The contract, which she should pay for, is another matter.

What a loss of 50 million The thought made her flesh ache.

This game, she can't lose!

"You've been sitting at your desk for so long. Get up and move." Yan shiting gazed at her painfully.

"In a hurry." She did not lift her head, still immersed in writing and painting on A4 paper.

"Do you have inspiration?" The deep male voice is magnetic.


"Design, not only needs time to ponder, but also needs inspiration." He frowned. "When you're upset, the more you work, the less efficient you are."

"You're right." She still cares for me. Because she doesn't know what to do except work hard.

He just gave advice, and she didn't listen, and she couldn't help it.

Stretch out a big palm, put her left hand wrapped with gauze in the palm, hold the knot, and untie the gauze wrapped in her hand in a circle.

The wound on her tender palm, which she had been holding the blade a few days ago, has healed. Because of the special medicine, the scab has begun to fall off.

Although the wound on her hand was almost healed, he was moved to think that she would not hesitate to hold the blade with her bare hands for him.

"Cheng yingxuan, will you not hurt?" His low, cold male voice was filled with heartache.

She was focusing on drawing, but she didn't hear, "what do you say?"

"I say your hand doesn't hurt?"

She just distracted and looked at her own healing left palm. "It's all right. It hurts a fart."

"I mean, who told you to grab the blade?" He was in great pain.

"If I don't rob you, you're so disfigured." She wrinkled her delicate brows in anger.

"There are so many people in the world who dare to swear in front of me."

"I dare to bite you. Don't say a few bad words. " She is generally a gentle person. She is inferior to animals.

He was slightly stunned.

Is she tempting him?

The deep male voice was full of emotion. "Come on."

"Well?" She didn't understand.

"Didn't you say you were going to bite me?" He has a generous look, "I will do good and let you bite."

He added, bewitchingly, "and Whatever part you bite

Seeing the burning desire hidden in his deep eyes, she rolled her eyes. "Yan shiting, if you want FA Chun, you have to choose a time. This palace is working now."

House of restitution Isn't this the name of the emperor's concubine in the ancient costume TV series with dog's blood and brain disability?

However, she claims that the palace is still a bit playful and lovely.

"I want it." He was happy to cooperate with her.

She looked at him suspiciously, "you emperor."

"It must have been in my last life." His tone was domineering Hansen.

She felt that even the emperor in ancient times might not have his courage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!