Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 934

Yan shiting was very busy at first. He gave up all his work and was only satisfied with her.

Just like now, they have a tacit understanding that as long as she makes a move and a look, he knows what she wants to do.

In fact, Cheng yingxuan doesn't want to hide her mood now, and she is spoiled by him.

Otherwise, with her "cultivation" in the organization, she would have been happy and angry for a long time.

Even if Yan shiting's eyes are sharp as Yan shiting, as long as she doesn't want him to know, he may not be able to see her thoughts.

Twenty days from now, the date of the presidential election is coming.

Even if Yan shiting refuses to marry Yang Xi, the elders of the Yan family are afraid to do something.

Perhaps, soon, she and Yan shiting will be separated from each other.

Before that, let her enjoy the short-term tenderness that he gives with only a few days left.

With a pencil in her hand, she swam on the white A4 paper, and the drafts of the appearance of several buildings were painted, altered and painted

Fortunately, it was her left hand who was injured, which did not affect her drawing with her right hand.

It's just that Yan shiting always lets her rest. She can't waste her time. There are still five days left before the competition date of the elite design competition. Her current architectural appearance design level is very ordinary.

If the requirements are not high, it is only better.

But compared with Yang Xi's design, that is far from enough.

It's not that she has not compared with her, she has raised her ambition and destroyed her prestige. She has actually seen Yang Qian's award-winning works in other places before, and her design is better than her.

Now it's to use other people's strengths to attack her weaknesses

Eggs hurt.

Seeing her frown, Yan shiting said heartily, "you don't have to work so hard. I'll say hello to the judges. No matter how your works are, you will win. In this way, Yang Xi doesn't care about you

"No Cheng yingxuan is very happy that he can help her open the back door.

You know, he has always been quite clear about public and private affairs, "if the work is not as good as Yang Xi and let me win, Yang Xi will certainly not be convinced. Once the works are open to the public, there must be many people in the industry who will appreciate them and let the weak win, which will only damage the reputation of thunder group. And I don't need a back door like this. It's a disgrace to my chief engineer. "

"I heard the company gossip, too." Yan shiting slightly squinted, "if you can't win this competition, the position of chief engineer will be disobeyed. It's all about Yang Xi's choice. I fired her and disqualified her from the company's internal elitist competition. "

"Don't do that." Cheng yingxuan shook her head, "I thank you for your kindness. Firing her now will only give her more opportunities to discredit me and escape without fighting. I'd rather lose, or at least lose with dignity, not cowardly. "

Yan shiting smell speech, will her into the arms, "you this idiot woman, dignity value several money." He was willing to defend her unconditionally and without principle.

She's still holding on.

It must be said that her pride made him appreciate her even more.

Cheng yingxuan just doesn't want his limitless maintenance.

I don't want to make people think that thunder group, the largest company in Asia, will treat fish eyes as pearls.

Because I love him.

She hopes that his company will grow stronger and more respected in the future.

Yan shiting glanced at her works. These architectural design drawings are not brilliant at all. They will not have any advantages in the elite design competition.

Well, he was there.

Even if she didn't agree with his intervention, he would not let her lose. , the fastest update of the webnovel!