Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 930

Fortunately, the cosmetic surgery turned out to be a success.

Even now, close to each other, his left face is still stiffer than his right face.

Fortunately, he has always been expressionless. Generally speaking, there is no difference between his left face and his right face.

His left cheek was so badly damaged that it was not easy to succeed in cosmetic surgery. How could he be damaged just because of her words!

"You're crazy!" Yan shiting glared at her bloody fingers and roared, "who allowed you to hold the blade in your hand? You stupid woman, don't you know the pain?"

He quickly opened her fingers, gently took down the knife and put it aside. He quickly went to the room and took the hemostatic, gauze and disinfectant alcohol, and then went back to the living room.

He carefully sprinkled powder on the wound of her palm. When the blood stopped, he wiped off the blood around the wound with disinfectant alcohol, and wrapped her palm with gauze

Cheng yingxuan looked at him and bandaged himself. She felt that it was worth the hurt.

"It's good to have simple medicine at home at all times. It hurts His dark eyebrows almost had countless dead knots, and his eyes were as deep as ink. He cherished the fruits of red fruits. "Your hands are mine. Your whole body, every skin and every hair are mine. No matter what the reason is!"

She said angrily, "you must not disfigure yourself any more!"

He glanced at her. "You like the disfigurement of my face."

"Then you don't have to poke a knife in your face because of my words!" She was shocked and angry, but she was so shocked that she almost wanted to slap him, "how can you do this?"

He looked indifferent. "A man's charm doesn't depend on his face. After my left face was destroyed, I didn't have cosmetic surgery for several years because I didn't care about my appearance. Later, I went to cosmetic surgery because of you. I don't want to be gossiping when I'm standing by you. " Want to match her more, "since the plastic surgery recovery is because of you, now you don't like it, I can certainly destroy it for you!"

"Madman, I can't say I don't like it!" She punched him on the chest with her uninjured hand.

His voice didn't fluctuate. "You said I was more handsome when I was disfigured."

"That's what I said..."

"I can die for you." His cold face has no expression, but his sharp eyes are full of seriousness.

"You're really crazy, crazy!" She beat a few more punches on his flat, stout chest.

But the heart is full of deep moving, "you can't do this in the future, do you hear me?"

He took her little hand and said, "if I don't, as long as you don't say so."

“……” It's still her fault.

She swore that she would never say that he looked more handsome when he was disfigured.

Yan shiting took out his mobile phone to contact the hospital and asked the hospital to prepare the best doctor to treat her hand injury.

She quickly said, "a little bit of injury, you have helped me bandage, do not need to go to the hospital."

"No, I'm not sure." Yan shiting reached for her injured hand wrapped in bandages, "or take you to the hospital..."

"No, No Such a small injury is nothing to her.

In the past, when she was on a mission, she might not care about such injuries.

Anyway, after the blood stains dry, the wound will close itself.

"Be obedient!" He could not refuse her at all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!