Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 929

"Xiao Bao's breakfast is in the kitchen, and Xiao Bao is still sleeping. When he wakes up, his breakfast can be microwave heated at any time He blocked her escape without changing his face.

She had to sit down.

Breakfast is a delicious color of steak, Yan shiting one by one to help her cut well.

Cheng yingxuan's heart is full of five flavors.

The more he was like this, the more she couldn't let him go.

Yan shiting glanced at her complicated eyes, and did not miss a nostalgia in her eyes.

It seems that she is entangled in the fact that her identity does not match the family name of Yan family, and she still cares about him.

As long as she cares about him, he feels happy.

The mood of haze suddenly relaxed a lot.

He would always let her understand that the Yan Family's lintel would not be an obstacle between him and her, because he could have nothing but her!

Of course, she gave Cheng Xiaobao that stinky boy to him, so he didn't grudgingly accept it.

Yan shiting picks up a cut steak with a fork and feeds it to her lips. She wants to take the fork, "I can do it myself..."

"Open your mouth!" The firm and resolute face suddenly sank.

She didn't want to eat breakfast, but she could only open her mouth and feed him one piece at a time.

Gazing at his icy face, the tenderness hidden from time to time.

No man in the world is so young that he can start a business with his own skills and grow the company to become the richest man in Asia.

What's more, he is not only the only son of the Yan Family with great influence. As far as she knows, he himself has the ability to dominate the political arena.

Many Gao Guan followed his lead.

Such a unique, excellent and unusual man with deep background, I'm afraid no woman is worthy of him.

Before, his left face was severely disfigured, and she knew that he was a little inferior to his appearance.

But after the success of cosmetic surgery, he was restored to his original appearance. He was handsome, with a height of 1.88 meters, and his figure was even better than that of Western European models.

She was farther away from him.

Staring at his handsome face was a bit lost.

I don't know if I'm not used to him

Or subconsciously afraid to be further away from him She even missed his left face before cosmetic surgery.

"What's the matter?" Yan shiting followed her line of sight, raised his hand and touched his left cheek, "is there something on my left face?"

"No She was a little disappointed and said, "I just miss your left face a little bit."

He picked a thick black eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I think you ruined Rongshi's left face." She smiles. "I think you look cooler and more handsome when you're disfigured."

"Really?" she said

"Well." She nodded.

"That's what you want." He did not know where to turn out a small folding saber, shook off the blade, without hesitation to the left side of his face

Seeing that the sharp blade was about to scratch the flesh on her left cheek, Cheng yingxuan got up from her seat, leaned over the table top, and quickly grasped the blade in his hand. The sharp blade cut her finger, and blood ran down her fingers.

Cheng yingxuan exclaimed, "you are crazy! You've had three plastic surgeries, and it's hard to get your left cheek back to its original shape. Now it's so easy to get rid of it! "

It really made her angry.

He had to have five operations. She was in China at that time. He went to San Francisco to have plastic surgery. In order to see her earlier, he forced the experts from five operations to three, and the risk of failure was much greater. , the fastest update of the webnovel!