Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 931

She frowned. "I still have to go to work. I don't have time to go to the hospital."

He pulled down his face. "They're all injured. What class are you going to work on?"

"So a little hurt..." She didn't care.

He looked more serious than his life. He beat her up and walked to the security door. "I'm your boss. I want you to take good care of yourself. You don't have to go to work. You're not allowed to go to work."

The domineering attitude has no room for discussion.

Cheng yingxuan was obstinate, but he had to let him go. "You are not going to take me to the hospital, are you? You let me down first. "

"Why not?" He held her, as light as a feather, frowned, "you are too light, you should eat more."

"I walked by myself, but my left hand was hurt, not my leg..."

"Nonsense." He gave a low rebuke, ignored her protest, and in a flash went to the security door.

He held her in his arms, and she wanted to see how he opened the door.

Waiting for him to put himself down, he kicked the burglar door two times in a rhythmic way.

The bodyguard outside actually took out the spare key and opened the door from the outside.

Is it a secret signal that he kicks the door like that?

However, think about it, Xiaobao is his only son in his status, and it's OK for a trusted bodyguard to have a spare key.

Cheng yingxuan was so carried by him to the hospital. Although he got downstairs, Zheng Wei, the driver, drove her to the hospital. He was in the car and kept her in his arms.

She deeply felt the feeling of being cherished and cared by him.

He encircled her, and his arms were strong and stiff, which showed that he was very nervous.

For her, it's just a little hurt.

The wound was treated in a timely manner without even leaving a scar.

He cares so much.

She remembers that he was stabbed on the operating table last time in Jiasheng hospital in the United States. The injury was so serious that he almost lost his life.

He was so badly hurt that he didn't even frown.

It really means that she is more important than his life.

Cheng yingxuan's heart There was a lot of pain because of this cognition.

A word for her, can not hesitate to disfigure the man!

He didn't mean to hurt himself, just because he cared too much about her.

He said he would not do that as long as she didn't think his disfigured face was more handsome.

What can she do with him?

In jiabaolu hospital under the thunderbolt group, Chen Zhenxiang, the president of the hospital, dealt with the wound on her hand again in person, and with a spirit of 120000, he dressed her carefully, "OK, Miss Cheng's injury is OK."

"How long can Cheng yingxuan's hand recover?" Yan shiting's voice sank.

President Chen Zhenxiang respectfully replied, "three days can be good enough."

"So long!" Yan shiting frowned.

Three days? Chen Zhenxiang was shocked in his heart, "general manager Yan, Miss Cheng's injury is healing now, and it's almost recovered in three days."

"Can it be faster?"

"The special medicine has been used." President Chen wiped a cold sweat, Yan always seems to care about Cheng yingxuan. "If the wound is treated in time, it will not leave scar."

In fact, he thought that Cheng yingxuan's injury had been dealt with well before and did not need to come to the hospital.

However, seeing that Yan was so nervous, he didn't dare to say it.

"Well, I think it's all right now." Cheng yingxuan stood up and was ready to leave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!