Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 802

"Nothing." She pursed the corner of her lip and shook her head.

Cheng Xiaobao looked at his mother's expression of hesitation. After thinking about it, his small face showed trust. "Xuanxuan, I know you have something to hide from me. But, I know you don't tell me, it must be for my good. For example, if you don't tell me that uncle Yan is my father, I think it's better not to know. Now, as soon as my life experience is exposed, I really don't want to see the faces of Yan family elders. Everyone has his own little secret. If you don't want to say it, don't say it. "

"Son..." She hugged Xiaobao and leaned her head against her son's tender shoulder. "You are so kind to me."

"I was born to you, not to you, to whom?" Cheng Xiaobao patted her on the back like a little adult.


In the top floor office of thunderbolt group headquarters, Yan shiting sits behind a big desk and deals with the important business affairs accumulated during this period.

Ordinary documents and affairs can only be handled by the person below. The core planning and decision-making can only be checked and signed by him.

Zheng Wei, the driver and bodyguard, knocked on the door of the office. After getting permission, he walked in, stopped at his desk, bowed and said, "boss, it has been verified that the paternity test report that Wei Ximing sent to your mobile phone last time is false. It is to find two people who are not related by blood temporarily and pull out two hair for identification, which is used to impersonate the real identification results of you and young master. "

"What about the real identification results?" Yan shiting's voice was cold.

"Fax to your mailbox." Zheng Wei said angrily, "Wei Ximing, the king eight cake son, according to his family members, said that someone was willing to give him 50 million yuan to exchange the paternity test report between you and the young master. He also printed out the identification results of you and the young master, deleted the original data and sent it to the mailbox. I found a computer expert to recover it. "

Yan shiting opened the mailbox on his computer desktop and opened one of the documents marked with identification, which showed the identification process and results of Wei Ximing. At the end of the report, the two samples belonged to paternity.

And the two samples were originally given to Wei Ximing.

"It's disgusting that Wei Ximing even dares to cheat you!" Zheng Wei hated and said, "if he had given you this real report, your case would not have been fermented for so many days on the Internet and the major media. You can announce the identification results with Xiaobao as soon as the case comes out. "

"It's because things have been fermenting for too many days, and it's out of control." When Yan shiting thought of Cheng yingxuan's practice, Qisen's eyes were full of tenderness. "Yingxuan knew that no matter how many paternity tests with Xiaobao were presented, there would still be countless suspicions. I made a false identification to cover up the scandal of infertility. She just let me and Xiaobao do a live paternity test live

"Cheng Gong is so smart." Zheng Wei also admired her thoughtfulness.

"As for Wei Ximing..." Yan shiting micro hook cool thin lip corner, smile than do not laugh a bit more ridicule, "he is worth 50 million? I don't think I need to send people to clean him up. The other party does not want the real identification results to be found out, it will certainly kill him. Wei is a dead man now. Fifty million people can only wait for him to be burned. "

Boss's mind can be really terrible, this also can be guessed! , the fastest update of the webnovel!