Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 803

Zheng Wei secretly pinched a cold sweat. "I just wanted to report to you that this morning, a headless Male Floating corpse was found by the sea. His body was highly rotten and was shot three times before he died. Through DNA comparison of his relatives, the police confirmed that the deceased was Wei Ximing

Yan shiting buried himself in his official business, and quickly gave instructions and signatures on the stack of documents on his desk

Many important things have accumulated for too many days. He wants to go back to accompany yingxuan and her son after they have been dealt with early.

"What's more..." Zheng Wei also sent a document, "according to your meaning, we found the hospital where Cheng Gong used to make test tubes. As you expected, the hospital was near Jiasheng hospital in San Francisco, USA

Yan shiting took the documents and looked through Cheng yingxuan's cases one by one

What kind of medicine does she use when making test tube, when to inject, take medicine, take egg, transplant It's very clear.

Looking at this case, it was as if the test tube process of her sufferings was vividly displayed in front of him.

His eyes became tender.

When I couldn't find her, I didn't expect that she would take his sperm to make a test tube.

"Boss, I want to ask..." Zheng Wei carefully said, "the world is so big, how do you know that Cheng Gong did the test tube in the hospital in San Francisco?"

At that time, Yan shiting was hospitalized in Jiasheng hospital in San Francisco. Cheng yingxuan "that" him, and asked him to "borrow" sperm. Even if he used a special cover to contain sperm and put it into the toolbox for protection, he must save the sperm as quickly as possible in the nearest test tube hospital. Otherwise, sperm in half an hour may not be used, of course, the fresher the better.

And only in the vicinity, a few minutes, immediately frozen sperm storage, only safe.

Nearby, in addition to the Jiasheng hospital where he lived at that time, it was confirmed that Cheng yingxuan did not do the test tube in Jiasheng hospital. That must have been done by the test tube hospital recently.

Of course, Yan shiting couldn't tell Zheng Wei about these private matters, "you shouldn't ask, don't ask more."

"Yes." Zheng Wei suppressed his curiosity. "Boss, I don't understand why Cheng Gong stole your sperm to test tube, but you don't know?"


"Sperm is not so easy to steal, is it?" Zheng Wei couldn't figure it out.

Yan shiting's eyes were filled with displeasure. "I'm impatient to live. Do you want to jump naked again?"

"I don't ask, I don't ask!" Zheng Wei couldn't understand. Suddenly, he patted the back of his head, "I remember. About six years ago, when you were in Jiasheng hospital in the United States, a woman who pretended to be a nurse entered your room at night. The bodyguard on duty also saw you and your clothes on the bed Is that woman Cheng Gong? "

Yan shiting's face was livid. "Get out of here!"

No denying, that's acquiescence. Zheng Wei figured it out this time. It was estimated that Cheng Gong had stolen the boss's sperm and had him searching for it for nearly six years. "I still have something important to report..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" If Zheng Wei had not been loyal to him, he would have been destroyed.

When you were in the hospital, you were in the hospital Zheng Wei was ashamed. "The people who investigated this matter reported that they couldn't find the person who attacked you..."

"There's no need to look into it." Yan shiting's face was expressionless, and his pen was flying on the document. , the fastest update of the webnovel!