Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 801

My son is so young, so capable and protective.

The Yan family won't move her.

And to avoid her being chased and killed.

"As long as Xuanxuan is safe, my son can do anything." Xiao Bao shed more and more tears.

"My heart aches. Just now, old master Yan praised you for being smart, calm and full of courage. If he knew you would turn your head and cry, wouldn't he have laughed off his teeth? "

"Hum, people are children, crying in front of my mother, who loves to laugh and laugh at him!" Cheng Xiaobao buried his little face in his mother's arms, and said, "Xuanxuan, you are so fragrant."

"Little one." She picked up her son's small body and sat on the sofa. "Who dares to laugh at my son? I'll pull out his teeth." Old master Yan is right. His son is indeed a baby.

However, her son, the reason is rational, smart when smart, lovely invincible to burst ah!

Such a child, she does not want to because of her reasons, affect his future.

No one is a mother and doesn't want the children to be good.

"Cluck, cluck..." Xiaobao was amused by his mother's words, "Xuanxuan, you are so funny. If you pull out a person's tooth, it's not like they're going to let out the air? "

"So, if we don't cry, innocent people won't have to be pulled out by you..."

"Ha ha..." The little guy finally turned his tears into a smile.

Cheng yingxuan pulled a napkin from a tea table and dried the tears on his face. His voice was a little dignified. "Son, my mother doesn't have a good family background, and the Yan family has to marry politically. Do you blame me for holding you back

"How could it be?" Cheng Xiaobao did not think about the ground to stare at big eyes, "Mom, you do not want to think, this is not like you. As I said just now, I don't care at all except you and Yan Family! "

Because of my son's deep love

She wants her son better.

To this day, she is to understand what is called pity for the world's parents.

"I know how my baby loves me." Cheng yingxuan kept kissing Xiaobao's forehead, "everyone's birth is not optional. Even if I was scolded for being wild today, I still feel that Cheng yingxuan is honored to live in the world. As long as you don't feel that your mother's unworthy status shames you... "

"Xuanxuan, what's wrong with you?" Cheng Xiaobao sat on her lap, facing her, "Mom, your identity is a common people, very good, I think it is very noble. What is not worthy of being my mother? Don't listen to the Yan family. In my heart, they are not worthy to be my relatives

"I don't feel like I'm a civilian." As long as you are healthy, everything is fine. What she wants to say is She's an invisible killer.


My son never knew about it.

Staring at the little guy's face, he is too sensible and shrewd, she is considering whether to tell him the past that can't be exposed.

Cheng Xiaobao how clever, "Mom, are you hiding something from me?"

She thought about it for a second, but decided not to say it.

It's not that you don't trust your son.

But I believe too much that my son will not hate her and will protect her at any time.

That's why she can't say. In order to avoid the son's worry, some day there will be enemies to find her.

It's good to let my son worry less, even if he knows about it in the future and worry less about it for a few years or a period of time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!